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Clinical Manifestations Leading to Diagnosis of Acute Anterior STEMI


Added on  2023/06/04

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This article discusses the clinical manifestations that lead to a diagnosis of acute anterior STEMI. It explains the symptoms, history, and physical exam involved in the evaluation process. The article also provides references for further reading.

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Table of Contents
QUESTION AND ANSWERS........................................................................................................3
1: Explain the clinical manifestations that led to a diagnosis of acute anterior STEMI........3
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1: Explain the clinical manifestations that led to a diagnosis of acute anterior STEMI
The careful history and proper physical exam is work as cornerstone for the appropriate
diagnosis of anterior MI (Buttà and et. al., 2020). As per this, the patient typically presents with
the proper chest pain (Acute Myocardial Infarction (MI), 2022). That is associated with the
symptoms of dyspnoea, palpitation, anxiety and so on. The clinical manifestation is referring as
the approach that body itself taken on order to reduce the comfort where diagnosis and proper
screening is taken place (Acute ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction, 2021). It is also referring as
the heaviness, aching, tightness, throbbing and constriction. In addition, it is also referring as the
careful history and physical exam which is taking for the evaluation of phases that is well
associated with the anterior MI (Low and et. al., 2021). as per the history is well associated with
the various of context that is showing their reference in the some of the plot which include
characteristic and duration of symptoms, aggravating and relieving factor and functional ability
of the individual or patient who is taking under the evaluation and screening process of anterior
MI (Anterior Myocardial Infarction, 2022). patient is usually undergo evaluation for risk factor
such as diabetes, smoking ad so on which is showing the family history and more (Pirozzolo and
et. al., 2020).
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Books and Journals
Buttà, C., Zappia, L., Laterra, G. and Roberto, M., 2020. Diagnostic and prognostic role of
electrocardiogram in acute myocarditis: A comprehensive review. Annals of Noninvasive
Electrocardiology, 25(3), p.e12726.
Thygesen, K., Alpert, J.S., Jaffe, A.S., Chaitman, B.R., Bax, J.J., Morrow, D.A., White, H.D. and
Executive Group on behalf of the Joint European Society of Cardiology (ESC)/American
College of Cardiology (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA)/World Heart Federation
(WHF) Task Force for the Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction, 2018. Fourth
universal definition of myocardial infarction (2018). Journal of the American College of
Cardiology, 72(18), pp.2231-2264.
Low, C.J., Leow, A.S.T., Syn, N.L.X., Tan, B.Y.Q., Yeo, L.L.L., Tay, E.L.W., Yeo, T.C., Chan,
M.Y.Y., Loh, J.P.Y. and Sia, C.H., 2021. Outcomes of left ventricular thrombosis in post-
acute myocardial infarction patients stratified by antithrombotic strategies: A meta-analysis
with meta-regression. International Journal of Cardiology, 329, pp.36-45.
Pirozzolo, G., Seitz, A., Athanasiadis, A., Bekeredjian, R., Sechtem, U. and Ong, P., 2020.
Microvascular spasm in non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction without culprit
lesion (MINOCA). Clinical Research in Cardiology, 109(2), pp.246-254.
Acute Myocardial Infarction (MI), 2022 [Online] Available through:
Acute ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction, 2021 [Online] Available through:
Anterior Myocardial Infarction, 2022 [Online] Available through:
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