
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia - PDF


Added on  2021-04-21

9 Pages2143 Words85 Views
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia - PDF_1

1A THOROUGH REVIEW ON LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIALymphoblastic LeukemiaComprehensive viewReferredmedicalunitDiagnosis Detection of disease Lymphoblastic Leukemia is acritical disease that increasesthe quantity of white bloodcells count in the body. Itgenerally affects the bonemarrow and blood in the body.The disease causes a depletionin the blood cell productionand leads to anaemia andneutropenia. A bone marrowthat produces lymphocytesfaces a malignant modificationin this disease (DeSantis etal 2014). Department ofOncology has tobereferred Indications:Exhaustion and tirednessReduction in weightLack of appetiteMuscles become unduly sensitiveand responsiveFluctuation in moodAches inthe joints of the bodyThe skintone lacks the natural colour and becomes pale PhysicalChanges The patient pulse is often fluctuating and aDiagnosis of total Bloodcount: the completeblood count will verifythe various types ofblood cells present in thebody. In the mentioneddisease, the productionof white blood cellsincrease in a hugequantity and theproduction of red bloodcell in reduced.Detection of white bloodcells production: thewhite blood cell countwill help to detect thepresence of leukemia inthe body. A high rate ofwhite blood cell willdetermine that thepatient is suffering fromthe disease (Brentjens etal. 2013).The patient will suffer ahigh uric acid in thebody. The uric acid testalso determines theexistence of the disease.The patient undergoes x-ray tests to detect ifthere is any nodes orhumor is present in thepatient.The bone marrow biopsyis done to detect themature and immaturecells in the patient’sbody (O'Brien etal.2014).
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia - PDF_2

2A THOROUGH REVIEW ON LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIAquivering is seen in the patient -the skintone loses its natural colour and becomes pale and whitish. Chances of Infection Related to: steps taken that might make a behavioural change in thewbc count in the bodyExpected outcome: precaution from infection and healing of thepatient.Necessary steps:Reason:The visitors must maintain a properhygiene before and after visitingthe patient. Using of hand sanitizerand hand wash by the visitors andthe patient is must. The chances of infection andcontamination becomes less.The patient’s temperature must beobserved regularly and any changein blood pressure, temperature orcardiac unrest detected must beconsulted to the doctor. Temperature fluctuation is a commonpost effect of chemotherapy but cardiacunrest or hyperthermia is directly relatedto infection. Offensive or unhealthy work orlifestyle should be avoided.Irregular lifestyle or unhealthysurroundings might enhance the growthof deadly germs and bacteria’s causinginfection. Proper hygiene should bemaintained to avoid such situation.The patient must undergo regular x-ray test Regular monitoring will help to identifythe chances of respiratory problem inthe patient.Medicines like ofloxacin andrifampin can be provided. Given to the patient for prevention ortreatment of the disease.The basic treatment for suchThese treatments are the basic
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia - PDF_3

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