
Public Health Issues and Professional Responsibility


Added on  2020-10-23

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Public Health Issues and Professional Responsibility_1

TABLE OF CONTENTPART 1............................................................................................................................................1PART 2............................................................................................................................................1INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1M1: Factors contributing public health issues in ........................................................................1M2: Reviewing challenges for enabling effective public health intervention ............................1M3: Analysing effectiveness of health protection strategies ......................................................2D1: Contribution of factors leading to development of obesity at national level .......................2D2: Critically analysis..................................................................................................................3D3: Reflective..............................................................................................................................4CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................4REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................5
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PART 1Enclosed in PPTPART 2INTRODUCTION Health inequality is defined as the inequalities or variations in the distribution of healthdeterminants and status among various population groups. Obesity is among major public healthissue in South Yorkshire as well as in entire UK. There are several factors which makes thispublic health issue very critical. This part of the report will analyse the elements whichcontribute for increasing obesity among people. It will also discuss the various challenges andobesity prevention strategies for addressing the health inequalities associated with obesity. M1: Factors contributing public health issues In Sheffield borough of South Yorkshire (England) the child obesity is one of the mostconcerning health issue (Child obesity hits the highest ever level in Sheffield,2018). The keyfactors which contributes to the obesity in the region is lack of education and unhealthy calorieintake. The food consumption pattern outside house is rapidly increasing the obesity in the localregion. Most of the school children are not able to distinguish between the calorie intake, sugarlevels of various foods and nutritional comparison of the food items they consume. It results inthe excessive calorie intake which causes only fat deposition. The education level and theincome level of the families are also major factors responsible for the public health issue in thelocal region. The families which are often living with the poor economic condition fails to afford thenutritional food and thus they tend to consume high calorie junk food. It has been also observedthat the families which are capable to afford the outside food or which do not pay attention to thegrowth and needs of children encourage the instant junk food (Ahern and et.al., 2016). Theschools at South Yorkshire does not pay serious attention to the weight management of schoolchildren and thus the higher percentage of obesity exist among children in the local region. Thuslack of awareness, inefficient health policies and income level of families the prime factorscontributing obesity in South Yorkshire. M2: Reviewing challenges for enabling effective public health intervention For the successful application of intervention related to obesity the foremost challengewhich must be addressed by the UK government is the behavioural interventions. The key factor1
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leading to obesity is that public do not take obesity as a serious matter of concern or disease.Thus, for the health professional and authorities it can be challenging convincing and to createawareness among people so that they can adopt healthy food habits and their physical activitiescan be increased. Many social groups are not able to access the healthy food or healthcareservices in their nearby region. Thus, government must assure that food items have clearinformation regarding calorie and sugar levels so that people can decide at their own regardingharmful effects of junk foods (Ells and et.al., 2018). It can be challenging seeking support from the young generation and school children toshift from fat rich food to nutritional diet. Many students and families are not capable to affordthe proper and healthy diet schedules thus for meeting the obesity control goals, healthcaresystems must assure that people can easily access the weight management counselling andsuggestions. Another critical challenge for addressing health inequalities related to obesity is tocompete with the processed food which is easily available at low cost at every place. Thus, localauthorities must search for the suitable and healthy replacements for junk food which areaccessible to all at reasonable prices. M3: Analysing effectiveness of health protection strategiesSouth Yorkshire has been employing several strategies for the prevention of obesity. Forthis purpose, strategies are being implemented from the school level. In primary schools, weightmanagement systems are implemented and weight of students is regularly monitored so that theirweight can be controlled. Local authorities are engaging with adults so that their physicalactivities can be increased. For ensuring the proper food and calorie intake, there have been strictregulations related to processed food (Viner and et.al., 2018). The integration of schools withhealth care authorities has proven to be a crucial step in creating awareness from childhood. Forprotecting obesity among adults, health care professionals are giving suitable guidance to peopleregarding weight management, diet control and other relevant measurements through which theycan manage their weight. The contribution of health professional in timely identification ofobesity also reduces the critical outcomes of obesity such as diabetes or cancer. D1: Contribution of factors leading to the development of obesity at national level Contrary to South Yorkshire, at the national level along with the child obesity, adultobesity is also quite common and concerning aspects. At national level, effective obesitymanagement strategies and awareness programs are supported by the government for the disease2
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