1ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING The main objective of Positive Accounting Theory (PAT) is to make good prediction of the real world events so that they can be translated into accounting predictions. Thus, the overall intention of this theory lies in understanding and predicting the choice of accounting policies for different organizations (Cooper 2015). The following discussion shows the major limitations and critiques of PAT: Limitations The first limitation can be found with of the premises of PAT that says the reliance of economies on the theoretical perfect market. A perfect market depends on prefect information and no transaction cost. As accounting exists due to transaction costs, there is a problem in this point of view (Cooper 2015). In addition, equilibrium of information is also difficult to imagine. As per, Watts and Zimmerman, regulations and political costs have interference with the operations of perfect market. As there is removal of regulations for effective allocation of resources, there is not any existence of perfect market. After that, the lack of development in PAT can be considered as another major limitation of this theory (Omran and El-Galfy 2014). PAT was first developed in the year 1970 based on three major hypothesis; they are debt hypothesis, bonus plan hypothesis and political cost hypothesis. However, after the initial development, there has not been any change in the hypothesis or in the theory. The theory has been remained stagnant with the change in accounting situation and this aspect has led to less popularity of this theory (Omran and El-Galfy 2014). Moreover, limitation is there in the argument that PAT is scientific and empirically based.It can be observed that PAT is more of rhetoric than science. Another limitation of PAT can be seen in the presumption by Watts and Zimmerman that the assumptions of this theory are free from value judgment. However,
2ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING contradiction can be seen in this judgment as the major premise of PAT, the agency theory, is heavily reliant of value judgment (Cooper 2015). These are the major limitations of PAT. Critiques It needs to be mentioned that PAT has been receiving many criticism. The theory has received many critics due to its lack of prescription and it is a justified criticism. It can be observed that PAT does not provide any prescription to the accounting profession as it has not provided any mean to bring improvement in the accounting practices (Avelé 2014). Another major reason to receive criticism is the presence of invalid assumptions. The main assumption of PAT lies on the fact that the main driver of all the actions is wealth maximization. Most of the researchers consider this assumption to much negative and simplistic from the perspective of humankind (Avelé 2014). Another major reason for PAT to receive criticism is stagnation or lack of development. It is a valid point of criticism as there has not been any positive development in PAT after its inception in 1970. Apart from this, while undertaking large-scale empirical research, PAT ignores many organizational-specific relationships (Broadbent and Laughlin 2013). Thus, based on the discussion, it can be observed that all the reasons are valued for PAT to receive criticism.
3ADVANCED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING References A. Omran, M. and M. El-Galfy, A., 2014. Theoretical perspectives on corporate disclosure: a critical evaluation and literature survey.Asian Review of Accounting,22(3), pp.257-286. Avelé, D., 2014. Positive accounting theory: theoretical and critical perspectives.International Journal of Critical Accounting,6(4), pp.396-415. Broadbent,J.andLaughlin,R.,2013.Accountingcontrolandcontrollingaccounting: Interdisciplinary and critical perspectives. Emerald Group Publishing. Cooper, C., 2015. Accountingfor the fictitious:aMarxist contributiontounderstanding accounting's roles in the financial crisis.Critical Perspectives on Accounting,30, pp.63-82.