
Cloud Computing: Benefits and Challenges


Added on  2020-05-11

13 Pages2930 Words135 Views
Running head: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES ON CLOUD COMPUTINGAdvantages and Disadvantages on cloud computing for businessName of the Student:Name of the University:Author Note:
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ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES ON CLOUD COMPUTING21.Introduction:The research topic that is selected is “Advantages and Disadvantages of CloudComputing for Business. This study documents the advantages and disadvantages of cloudcomputing for business and establish its relationship to the business world. Aim of cloudcomputing for business is to provide a complete view of how cloud computing is related tobusiness. This particular study is considered to be of utmost importance resulting from thecurrent state of cloud computing and several issues that are faced in adoption of cloud computingby business. However, it is required by business to have a holistic view of the way they aregetting impacted by cloud computing. 2.Project Objective:The aim of this research is to explore the understanding of advantages and disadvantagesof cloud computing with a critical analysis of users and providers. Research is conducted tobridge the gap between providers and users that is business enterprises and therefore, there willbe depiction of more holistic view of cloud computing. Objective of research is to come up withvaluable findings and conclusions about advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing forbusiness. It is fairly a recent trend with lots of research to be done for making the projectworthwhile (Fernández et al. 2014). 3.Project Scope:The scope of study is to provide a clear understanding of cloud computing and itsrelevance in business by discussing advantages and disadvantages. A wide coverage in study
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ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES ON CLOUD COMPUTING3involves the implication of cloud computing for business mainly in developed country such asAustralia. 4.Literature review:In technology, cloud computing is a relatively concept and most of properties of cloudcomputing is related to earlier technologies. Cloud computing is gaining ground in thiscompetitive era and one of the considerable reason associated with this is cutting down ofinformation technology cost (Alzahrani et al. 2014). Cloud computing can be defined as a modelthat enables on demand network and convenient access to a shared pool of organizing computingresources for rapidly releasing and provisioning with least interaction with service provider andminimal effort of management.There are three services layers of cloud computing that involves Saas, Paas and Laas.Software as a Service- Users of cloud computing are able to access the applicationsthrough several devices in Internet as they run on infrastructure of cloud providers. This does notmake it necessary for users to install software on their computer. Users utilize up to date versionsas provider automatically do the updates. A pay per use is applied in this model and there is noneed for business to pay for license. Organization performing specific processes and functionsutilizes Saas applications. However, users does not have the capability to manage and controlcloud infrastructure. Infrastructure as a Service- An entire virtual data center of resources such as bandwith,storage, servers and computing resources are provided by cloud service provider. One of the
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ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES ON CLOUD COMPUTING4evolution of Saas is business process as a Service that helps in outsourcing of entire businessprocess to their party. Platform as a Service- Cloud delivered services are used by customers for deploying,managing and running applications on the infrastructure of providers. Some of the essential characteristics of cloud computing are as follows:Providing broad access to network- Cloud computing models helps in the transmission ofcapabilities as it has vision for ubiquitous computing. Various standardized platformssuch as laptops and mobiles can be used for accessing. Rapid elasticity- There is a rapid elasticity of resources via cloud that is built on utilitymodel. Computing need and requirements of consumers can be scaled up and down dueto unlimited appearance of resources. Resource pooling- Clients are serviced simultaneously as multi-tenancy model areincorporated in cloud model and the requirements of clients are met by poling computingresources of providers. As per the demands of customers, there is a dynamic assignmentand reassignment of resources (Mezgár and Rauschecker 2014). Since the resources areindependent of one another, there is no need to locate them together. Measured service- At different level of abstraction, cloud service has metering capabilityas it incorporates utility model. Resources helps in aiding accountability for consumersand provider as resources are well controlled and monitored. Loose Coupling- The basis of building applications of cloud computing is dependent onthe fact that there is a discourage of dependencies between components. Overallscalability of application is added by sum of parts.
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