
Level 5 Certificate in Aesthetic Practice Short Answer Questions


Added on  2023-06-14

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Level 5 Certificate in Aesthetic Practice
Short Answer Questions
Completing Short Answer Questions (SAQs)
How to write your SAQs
Your SAQs are short by design, as they are intended to examine your clinical knowledge,
rather than your academic skills.
There are five units covered within the Level 5 SAQs, each has a separate
paper. They must all be completed and submitted for marking.
Unit Title and Number
1 A Unit AP501 Legal and Regulatory Requirements in Aesthetic
1 B Unit AP502 Professional Standards within Aesthetic Practice
1 C Unit AP503 Working Collaboratively with Healthcare Professionals
2 A Unit AP601 Anatomy, Physiology and Morphology of the Ageing Face
2 B Unit AP5701 Skin Micro-needling and Chemical Peels
Keep your writing simple and factual and pay careful attention to the wording of the
questions, which are particularly specific. Check the command verb used and refer to the
attached command verb document to enable you to incorporate the level of information
Remember, your knowledge is being examined rather than your academic skills, so unless
the question asks for it, avoid unnecessary analysis.
Please formulate your answers in your own words, in structured sentences and
paragraphs. Bulleted points can be incorporated to convey key information or
summarise main points but should not make up the bulk of your answer.
Please ensure you proof-read your answers before submission.
All SAQs will be checked for plagiarism.
Command Verb Support Document
Verb Dictionary definition What we would expect to see in the
Analyse To examine carefully and in detail so as
to identify causes, factors, possible
results, etc. of something under
Following research look at the different
influencing factors, identify why?
What are the resulting outcomes or consequences
if you/they didn’t do it?
What are the negatives and positives to your
Examples in your own practice should be given
To involve a skilful judgement as to the
truth or merit of something under
Look at both sides of an argument, does it make
sense? Is it needed? Could it work without it?
Do you agree?
What are the negatives and positives to your
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Examples in your own practice should be given
Define To make clear and state the meaning of
something under discussion
Identify and clearly make check that you have
identified the meaning of the subject in question
Describe To tell or depict in written or spoken
word; give an account of something
under discussion
What does it do?
How do you do it?
Examples should be given
Evaluate To judge or determine the significance,
worth or quality of; assess something
under discussion
What is the value of your answer? Are all the
points that you have raised necessary?
What are the negatives and positives to your
What do you feel about your answer?
What are your opinions?
Identify evidence of research or relevant models.
Do you agree with the researchers?
Explain To make clear the cause or reason of;
account for something under discussion
Give details of the subject to demonstrate your
level of understanding
Interpret To give or provide the meaning of;
something under discussion
Show understanding of the subject matter, by
researching and then showing your understanding
by giving your view of the research of the subject
Outline Identify the essential features or main
aspects of something under discussion
“Pull out” the main points up for discussion in the
Summarise To state or express in a concise form of
something under discussion
Clearly identify the subject being referred to,
identify the key points
Learner Name ............................................................
Submission Date...............
Paper 1 – Section A
Unit AP501 Legal and Regulatory Requirements in Aesthetic
Learner Feedback
Mark Assessor Feedback
1 2.1 /10
2 2.2 /10
3 2.2 /10
4 2.3 /10
5 2.4 /10
6 2.5 /10
7 4.1 /10
8 4.2 /10
Total Mark /80
To gain a pass, learners must gain a minimum of 4 marks for each question.
Minimum pass mark is 52/80 = 65%
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Additional Feedback:
Assessors Signature.............................................................. Date
IQAs Signature..................................................................... Date
Paper 1 – Section A
Unit AP501 Legal and Regulatory Requirements in Aesthetic Practice
Question 1 of 8
Analyse an employer’s legal responsibilities for health and safety in
aesthetic practice, to include infection control.
(expected 300 -500 words)
Under Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and The Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioner
UK work closely with government to control non-surgical aesthetic practice in the country,
employer have certain legal responsibility, these are:
Risk assessment: every employer has responsibility to perform risk assessment which
means scanning of workplace risk and control those risk that might cause harm. employer
have responsibility to submit their risk assessment to Health and Safety Information for
Employer Regulation (HSIER) (Aven, 2016). it is legal responsibility of employer to
perform risk assessment and to analyze certain risk in the workplace which can cause serious
Reporting injuries: it is very important for employer to report each and every crucial things
which occur during practice, legal obligation highlight that it is responsibility of employer to
perform action on any kind of serious activity such as incident and need to keep report for
such incident. in aesthetic practice, employer have to identify and analyze work related
disease and need to report these diseases.
Ensuring safety: employer have responsibility to maintain safe working environment for
both, employee and client. health practice requirement such as specialist training include;
risk assessment, first aid, infection control and manual handling. it is legal responsibility of
employer to ensure safety by preventing use of any harmful equipment, safety can be
ensured by claiming insurance which means employer need to have insurance of every
crucial thing including insurance of workers.
Infection control responsibility: employer have responsibility to prevent infection
spreading from one client to another by maintaining safety in using equipment. other basic
infection control may include hand washing, cleaning of equipment and maintaining
cleanness in the workplace (Fan and Stevenson, 2018). it is legal responsibility of
practitioner to use new equipment after every treatment, this will control spread of any
infection in the client.
Confidential information: employer have legal responsibility to maintain record of
confidential information such as personal details and information of client, address and
phone number of employee as well as client and details and information of medicine and
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Word Count: Assessment
Criteria 2.1
To be completed by the assessor Possible marks:10 Total Marks:
Paper 1 – Section A
Unit AP501 Legal and Regulatory Requirements in Aesthetic Practice
Question 2 of 8
Evaluate the types of health and safety systems that should be in place for
aesthetic practice.
(expected 300-500 words)
Health and safety is backbone of every clinic or organization, this ensure safety of employer,
employee and workplace. every aesthetic clinic has their own system for managing health
and safety, there are different types of systems, these are:
Occupational health and safety system: occupational health and safety system allow
organization to maintain safety of worker in the workplace, an aesthetic practice clinic
should follow this system to manage any uncertainty that may arrive (Adei, Braimah and
Mensah, 2019). ISO 45001 ensure organization should maintain safety of lives while
performing work, in aesthetic practice, occupational health and safety system play vital role.
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Occupational risk assessment system: occupational risk assessment is one the most
effective health and safety system that ensure risk is minimize in the workplace, this system
allow employer to perform risk assessment to analyze those area of workplace where
uncertainty may arrive. in aesthetic practice, worker have to perform risk assessment to
analyze internal risk that may arise during treatment.
Training and induction system: training and induction play vital role in health and safety,
aesthetic practice, organization have to provides effective training to staff member which can
ensure high quality of non-surgical treatment. training unlock certain doors for staff member
allowing them to become professional in aesthetic practice. training system is must require
in aesthetic practice because treatment process cannot be done with lack of knowledge.
Waste management system: waste management is another important part of health and
safety system; this ensure clinic remain safe from any kind of infectious spreading disease.
in aesthetic practice, worker need to manage waste occur after treatment for example; if
facial treatment is done then they have to manage those waste which any occur during
Reporting and recording system: reporting and recording play vital role in health and
safety system as this will ensure management of medical records. in aesthetic practice, clinic
have to ensure every medical record is managed properly.
Word Count: Assessment
Criteria 2.2
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To be completed by the assessor Possible marks: 10 Total Marks:
Paper 1 – Section A
Unit AP501 Legal and Regulatory Requirements in Aesthetic Practice
Question 3 of 8
Evaluate the infection control protocols that should be in place for aesthetic
(expected 300-500 words - you must consider at least ten infection control protocols)
Infection control is one of the most important thing in aesthetic practice because there is
higher chance of catching infection from client or infection from unclean equipment, there
are certain infection control protocols, these are:
Sanitizer: using alcohol based gel for cleaning of hands to prevent infection, sanitizer with
smart using system (Thandar and et.al., 2021).
treatment set: hygienic treatment set that ensure safety of practitioner from infectious
disease that have carried by client.
Sharp handling: sharp handling ensure that employer should keep sharp equipment in safe
place where it cannot hurt an individual. sharp equipment may cause infection if not handled
properly (Ilbahar and et.al., 2018).
Blood and fluid: blood and fluid is one the major reason for spreading infection in aesthetic
practice because in treatment blood may expose to hands, this can be preventing with glove
and other safety equipment.
Clinical waste: managing clinical waste is one of the most important infection control
protocol allowing employer to reduce risk of infection spreading due to clinical waste.
Cleaning spillage: cleaning of spillage is another infection controlling protocol allow
worker to clean infectious spillage with chemical and liquid.
Personal hygiene: personal hygiene of worker and client can reduce spreading of infection,
maintaining personal hygiene is effective protocol.
Disinfection management: disinfection management means aesthetic practitioner have to
use disinfection chemical to control spreading of infection in the workplace.
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Word Count: Assessment
Criteria 2.2
To be completed by the assessor Possible marks: 10 Total Marks:
Paper 1 – Section A
Unit AP501 Legal and Regulatory Requirements in Aesthetic Practice
Question 4 of 8
Evaluate the different types of health and safety records that must be managed
and maintained in aesthetic practice and their effectiveness.
(expected 300-500 words - you must evaluate the effectiveness of at least five
different types of health and safety records)
Health and safety record allow service provider to maintain standard work practice, there are
different type of health and safety records, these are:
COSHH: this is an law that allow employer to keep control on hazardous substance, every
employee have to maintain health record in COSHH allowing them to ensure workplace
safety. from regulation of COSHH, employer have to store, handle and register hazardous
substance in their books and checklist.
risk assessment: risk assessment is safety protocol allow employer to perform risk
assessment to analyze harmful substance or hazardous material in the workplace. aesthetics
practice can use risk assessment checklist as health and safety record, analyzing and
eliminating workplace risk such as accidental activities or risk of exposure (Ash and et.al.,
2020). analyzing risk assessment allow employer to keep health and safety record.
waste management: waste management is another most effective method to manage health
and safety record as this allow employer to manage their aesthetic clinic waste. it is very
clear that clinical waste need to be manage effectively because every equipment used in the
treatment may lead to infection spreading, keeping records of disposal and maintain local
waste management data is beneficial in keeping health and safety record.
training and induction record: training and induction is one of the best way to keep health
and safety record. an aesthetic employer can use date and time of training and other
information such as employee’s training manual. effective training record allow employer to
maintain stability in the workplace, sometimes training checklist become beneficial for
health and safety record in aesthetic practice.
registration: registration record allow employer to keep those transaction record in which
clinic purchase hazardous products or substance, registration of dangerous substance allow
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employer maintain record (Karakhan and Gambatese, 2017). many aesthetic clinics produce
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) to keep record of chemical substance which help them in times of
emergency. employer must maintain checklist as well to increase effectiveness of records.
Word Count: Assessment
Criteria 2.3
To be completed by the assessor Possible marks: 10 Total Marks:
Paper 1 – Section A
Unit AP501 Legal and Regulatory Requirements in Aesthetic Practice
Question 5 of 8
Evaluate the clinical hazards associated with aesthetic practice and the
controls to be implemented.
(expected 200-400 words - you must consider at least ten types of clinical hazards
and controls)
there are different type of clinical hazard and its control, these are:
biological hazard: biological hazard may include bacteria, virus, infection and human
activity. to control these hazard, employer need to maintain cleanness by chemical cleaning
of workplace.
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