
The Reign of Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump and its Impact on Mobility of African Americans in the USA


Added on  2023-05-28

22 Pages6740 Words209 Views
RUNNING HEADER: Political science
Political science
The Reign of Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump and its Impact on Mobility of African Americans in the USA_1

RUNNING HEADER: Political science
Generally, mobility is defined as the change or shift that is incurred within a society. The
change or the shift can either from one place to the other or changing attitudes towards
something or someone (Bedford, 2017). If the term social is incorporated with the word
mobility then it means that people(s) occupying a particular class tra1fnsforms to other
position or status. Mobility can either be upward or downward. It may also be
intergenerational. Therefore mobility can be considered from different perspectives (Bertaux
& Thompson,2017). The first approach is a change in occupation whereby there is a consent
change. Second, it is a promotion which is basically found within the same occupational
groups. Thirdly, there is the aspect of advertisement which identifies mobility as the
accumulation of the seniority at a given position and also as a change in occupation
transforming from one generation to the other within the organization.
The reign of Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump 2016 has great influence on the mobility of
African American. The two leaders seemed to have policies that targeted to fight for the
African American but no one can trace what changed their stand to these policies. African
America population is partly excluded from the whites in the United State of America. This
means that whites dominate over the African American in USA (Bertaux & Thompson,2017).
The discussion of this paper which includes the organization of literature review, the
literature review, and the conclusion. The major issue to analyse is how the mobility of the
African American population is excluded from the whites at the reign of Hillary Clinton and
Donald Trump.
The two leaders have indicated a vertical type of mobility in the USA. This means that there
is induced the change in the state starting from the occupational, economic and political
status of the African American group. The vertical mobility in African American is in two
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RUNNING HEADER: Political science
dimensions where there is the aspect of ascending and descending vertical mobility (Bertaux
& Thompson, 2017). The ascending mobility hinders the transformation of blacks from their
lower stratum to higher stratum occupied by the whites. Sometimes the ascending tends to be
both upward and downward depending on the approach taken by different entities.
The topic is of great importance to the entire USA. This means that all the arguments used
will focus to bring change to the USA. The mobility for African American population in the
USA has been hindered in different sections (Choma & Hanoch, 2017). All the leaders have
been promising to induce a change on issues of racial discrimination, issues of unemployment
to African America and other social factors which are vital for humans. Unfortunately, what
leaders do after they have received votes from African America tends to be different. They
forget the rights for blacks and they try as much as possible to uplift the standards of whites
leaving behind the blacks.
The research question of the study.
How the reign of Hillary Clinton vs. the states Donald Trump has affected the mobility of
African American born in either leader’s state to move to the economic ladder in the USA?
Key terms used.
(Mobility, exclusion, outrageous reviewing, antecedents, segments)
Organization for the literature review
The comparison between African Americans born under the reign of either Hillary Clinton or
Donald Trump tries to reveal some aspects which focused to fight for all citizens in USA
(Choma & Hanoch, 2017). The two leaders seem to have similar objectives but sometimes
they differ as compared world leaders. I have decided to analyse the two leaders and then try
The Reign of Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump and its Impact on Mobility of African Americans in the USA_3

RUNNING HEADER: Political science
to reveal the hindrance of mobility of African America to move to the economic ladder
(Choma & Hanoch, 2017).
Literature review.
Political science figures prominently different aspect that determines mobility in African
Americans being born in either trumps or Clinton’s state. The whole of this literature review
tries to describe how Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have survived in hindering mobility
for blacks in America. The analogy is created through diverse attitudes that USA leaders have
towards the Blacks. The focus is on Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton acts as the case study
for the boundary work in the political rhetoric analysed (Choma & Hanoch, 2017). Being
born inn trumps state would be reduction of mobility due to the following issues1.)an
extremely ongoing class of struggle whereby has increased both economic and social
inequality amongst the blacks, there is a downside mobility for the whites who are highly
recognized; 2) there are racism and race resentment after the reign of Barack Obama;3)there
is increased aspect of backlash which is always against the global competition, with the
undocumented African American immigrants who are termed as the scapegoats;4)reassertion
of the roles in the state which has is the bottleneck for the entire state. All these aspects opt
to indicate the boundaries that are found between the whites and other groups such as the
Blacks in America (Immergluck, 2016).
The mobility of Africans Americans born in trumps state to achieve the economic ladder in
America has been influenced through the following ways;
First, Schoenfeld (2018) indicates that there is suppressing civil rights and increased
incarceration in the state. The aspect of incarceration was abolished during the era of Barrack
Obama. Unfortunately, therein of Trump in the USA has reversed the approach came up with
the policies that would lead to the mass incarceration of black people. Policies have been
The Reign of Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump and its Impact on Mobility of African Americans in the USA_4

RUNNING HEADER: Political science
reversed both by Hillary and Trump who are fighting for the rights of blacks. Trump argued
that people should not be jailed because they are poor and therefore sentencing reforms that
have harsh treatments to the Blacks should be abolished. The other aspects which affect the
mobility for groups in America are evident on the civil rights departments. Sanchez (2015)
shows that instead of civil rights bodies to protect the rights for minorities they end up
assaulting them which is unfair.
Marable (2015) indicates the failure to address the economic recession of blacks in America.
Generally, the reign of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton has been faced with the high
unemployment rate. Although the unemployment for African American failed during the
reign of Obama, the two leaders have failed to address it keenly. The issue is that the black
unemployment cases have been twice that of whites. This started for the last 50 years and it is
still being experienced at this time of Donald Trump. It's quite inhuman whereby the
unemployment for blacks is keenly addressed. This is ironical if one tries to consider it
opposite whereby if the unemployment for whites were to be like that of blacks in the USA
no one will be happy at all. The unemployment level being experienced by the blacks today is
as a result of the recession in America (Cooper, 2016). Most of the recessions done by the
leaders in America wholly targeted to reduce economic stimuli for African American
population in the USA. The question the author is asking is how come the whites are
occupying the higher positions in the government and other economic fields but blacks are
there in villages struggling. This is unfair since all the citizens participated in electing leaders
such as Trump and Clinton.Varenne (2018) shows that if all these leaders were to provide
equal job opportunities for both blacks and whites in the USA then the whole state will be
celebrating now.
Also, according to Tatum (2017), there is the issue of taking away money and resources from
the African American population. The author indicates how this aspect has reduced the
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RUNNING HEADER: Political science
mobility for blacks in America. The research has revealed that there is less progress in
combatting the anti-black discrimination in different economic fields. The wage gap for the
black in the USA is growing since 1978.Instead of leaders working against this approach,
some are gearing the issue whereby you find that African American groups are highly
discriminated in America. Different organizations have been formed so as to check the
progress in the labour market. These organizations are required by the federal government to
give reports on the employees from different companies (Du Bois, 2017). The reports should
entail the number of workers employed, the sex of workers, the race of workers and ethnicity.
None of this organizations give information on the companies who employ the blacks. This is
unfair and leaders have no time to address. Some of this organizations even halted collecting
data from the companies which are believed to have employed the blacks. Trump refused to
pass rule for the overtime pay for the blacks in America. This rule was to return more than
1.5 million black workers in different companies but Trump decided not to sign the rule. This
has affected the economic progress for the African American United States of America. In
addition, Trump decided to promote new policies which targeted to harm the African
American in the United States. This in fact affected the black's mobility in America. Sarich
(2018) argues that the rule was to ensure blacks do not earn more in America whereby those
businesses and restaurants owned by the blacks were to thoroughly check to ensure they do
not deviate from the laws. This was ironical in the sense that it's only the business for blacks
which were inspected leaving behind the whites businesses untouched. Through all these
whites in America have got an advantage for the blacks whereby they are stealing wages for
the African American. This has been by the failure to enforce the hour rule and wage laws for
the state. It has been researched that black workers lose a wage of $2100 per year which is a
large amount. Therefore Trump has tried to terminate the presence of blacks in America by
The Reign of Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump and its Impact on Mobility of African Americans in the USA_6

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