
Influence of Agents of Socialization


Added on  2023-06-10

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Influence of Agents of Socialization_1

When we were children, we were embedded with one thought that we should confirm
to the rules and views of others. As I slowly grew up, I came to realize that there were many
factors in the society which influenced our viewpoints and the way we acted with other
individuals. Not everything that we said or did was based on our thoughts alone and were
impacted by the actions and words of the other individuals around us as well. We can say that
the social environment and heredity are what determines the behaviour that we portray.
Society plays a very important role into making us humans (Bauman, 2013). People become
members of the society by interacting with different individuals of the society and through
many other ways of human contact. We, humans, are not naturally born with the knowledge
about themselves and that of other people. We are able to gain this knowledge slowly with
the help of social interactions, contact and by observing other individuals. Socializing with
people is important not only for the development of our mind but also for the development of
our emotions and the connectedness with the other individuals of the society. We all possess
the same kinds of emotions but we do not express them in the same way because the extent of
emotions is different for every individual (Izard, 2013). Individuals of different social groups,
gender, age, class, region and religion may express the same emotions in different ways and
also in different extents. This is because of the difference that we as individuals possess from
each other. As we grow up, we first and foremost come to realize our gender and we are
taught ways in which we should act in the society depending on our gender. The things that
are taught to us are based on the presumptions of each cultural and social group that we
belong to, and how they set rules for each gender to behave in the society. We, in our adult
years, behave in the same manner in which we are taught in our childhood years. Even
though we go through various changes as we keep growing up by the influence of the various
factors, we still possess the initial knowledge that was taught to us and behave accordingly on
different occasions and situations. I had several questions on the way that the society and the
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individuals whom I grew up with behaved and why did they behave in the particular manner.
As I grew up, I came to understand that they behaved on the influence of different factors
which can also be said the agents of socialization which made them behave the way they did.
These agents of socialization were a great part in the life of every individual, including me, as
I went forward in my life (Giddens et al., 2016). They were important factors which helped
me to stay out of trouble in many instances and were also many time unable to keep me out
of trouble due to various reasons. The agents of socializations are family, mass media, peers,
neighborhood, religion, schools and workplace. These agents of socializations helped me a
lot and played a major role in my life and into shaping it and making me what I am and
continually helping me to evolve. The most important and influential agents in my life were
peers, mass media, neighborhood, family and school (Carter, 2014). These agents at several
point in my life helped me to keep a check on myself but not every agent was as successful.
My family is the most important part if my life and is the reason for my existence in this
world. They are the ones who have always guided me in the right way from my birth and
helped me shape myself into a good human being. They are the ones who have always
worked hard to keep me happy and satisfied in my life and in turn have only wanted me to
become a knowledgeable and good human being who always did well for the others. They
have always helped me out in my time of need, whether it is studies or friends or any other
issues that I faced in my life. They have always made sure that I did nothing that would get
me into trouble or would harm me. Even if I was in trouble due to some reason, they would
first get me out of it and then reprimand me for my mistake so that I would not make the
same mistake the second time. The next influential part of my life was my neighborhood
(Saatcioglu & Ozanne, 2013). My neighborhood consisted of both good and bad people who
influenced me according to their characteristics. There were many people in my
neighborhood who liked me very much and always helped me when I needed or asked for
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