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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Service Quality of Hospitality Industry: A Case Study on Hotel Hilton


Added on  2023/06/10

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This presentation discusses the use of artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry to enhance service quality. It includes research questions, objectives, problem, analysis, literature review, conclusion, and research methodology. The case study on Hotel Hilton highlights the benefits, ways of implementation, and importance of artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry.

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Aim: The role of artificial intelligence in improving the service
quality of hospitality industry: A case study on hotel Hilton
The use of digital technology has been increasing
day by day. the use artificial intelligence has become
essentially important different industries in
increasing the efficiency of their staff and operations
within the organization. With the help of artificial
intelligence, many organizations from differing
categories are automating the business processes and
thus, increasing the efficiency of their organizations.
Similarly, the artificial intelligence can be used in the
hospitality industry in order to increase its efficiency
and the quality of service provided to its customers.
The present research aims to determine how artificial
intelligence can be used for the purpose of enhancing
the quality of service provided by the hospitality
sector to its customers.
Research objectives
To understand the concept and uses of artificial
To determine the ways in which artificial
intelligence can be used within the hospitality sector.
To identify the importance of the artificial
intelligence in improving the quality of service
provided by Hotel Hilton to its customers.
To recommend ways in which the use of artificial
intelligence can be implemented within the
hospitality sector.
Bowen, J. and Morosan, C., 2018. Beware
hospitality industry: the robots are
coming. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism
Drexler, N. and Lapré, V.B., 2019. For better or
for worse: Shaping the hospitality industry
through robotics and artificial
intelligence. Research in Hospitality
Management. 9(2). pp.117-120.
The present research will be a research based on the data
that is qualitative in nature. The qualitative data research refers
to a research which makes use of data that in not in the form of
numbers in order to analyse the data and form relevant
conclusions on the basis of the same. Since, the data is
qualitative in nature, the approach of research chosen is the
inductive research approach. It helps in analysing the
qualitative information effectively. For the purpose of
conducting the research, it has been determined that the
research philosophy which is best suited for this research is the
intepretivism research philosophy. The interpretivism
philosophy of research helps in evaluating the data collected
that is not in the numerical format. The data has been collected
from ma wide range of secondary sources which includes the
use of books, journals, websites and other such sources (Lin,
Chi, and Gursoy, 2020). Since, the data is qualitative , the
thematic perception test technique has been used in order
analyse the data gathered from the different kinds of secondary
sources. The thematic perception test technique helps the
research scholars in effectively evaluating the data and form
relevant themes on the basis of the same.
The major limitations that were identified during the
research were restricted resources, unavailability of time, and
restricted amount of funds. Since, there was shortage of time,
the SPSS technique of data analysis has not been used.
However, the thematic perception test is best suit for the
qualitative research. Also, it has considered data only from
those websites which were copyright protected and only that
data has been taken into consideration which was published in
or after the year 2018.
Research questions
Q.1 What do you mean by artificial intelligence? State the
advantages and disadvantages.
Q.2 What are the ways in which the artificial intelligence is used
within the hospitality industry?
Q.3 Determine the importance of artificial intelligence in
enhancing the service quality within the hospitality industry.
Research problem
The research problem has been identified as the lack of use of
artificial intelligence within the hospitality industry (Yang,
Henthorne, and George, 2020). It has been determined that a large
number of hotels do not implement the use of artificial intelligence
within their organizations due to which the customer experience
with respect to their services gets affected. Therefore, the present
research aims to determine the ways in which hotels or other
organizations falling under the category of hospitality industry can
implement the use of artificial intelligence for the purpose of
enhancing the customer experience and service quality within the
Theme 1: Benefits of artificial intelligence
According to Popesku, (2019), it has been determined
that there are various benefits attached with the use of
artificial intelligence within an organization. The humans
are efficient only for 3 to 4 hours in a day, after they
develop tiredness within themselves due to the hectic work
schedule. However, the use of artificial intelligence helps
the organizations in automating and streamlining the
business operations within the organizations and helps the
company in easing their process. The use of artificial
intelligence also eliminates the chances of errors within the
work as when it is carried out by a human there are more
chances of finding errors within the work. The artificial
intelligence also helps a business organization in reducing a
number of risks associated with the functioning and
operations of the business conducted manually. However,
the use of artificial intelligence within the hotels can help
them in eliminating those risks by automating certain
Theme 2: The ways in which the artificial intelligence
can be used within the hospitality industry
As investigated by Naumov, (2019), it has been
determined that the hospitality industry can implement the
use of robots and chat bots which can help them in
communicating and providing the required information to
the customers and help them in enhancing their service
quality. The hotels can also make use of artificial
intelligence for the purpose analysing the consumer data
and draw the relevant conclusions on the basis of the same.
This will help the hospitality sector in increasing
determining the needs of the customers and thus, providing
them with the same. This will help the hospitality sector in
increasing the quality of service provided by the hotels to
the customers. The artificial intelligence can also be used
within the hospitality industry for the purpose of developing
augmented reality which means developing an attractive
environment which helps the hotels in enhancing the service
quality and thus providing them with enhanced experience.
From the above data, it can be stated that the artificial intelligence can
be used within the hospitality industry and can be found helpful in
increasing the quality of services provided by the hotels to the
customers (Jabeen, Al Zaidi, and Al Dhaheri, 2021). The advantages
of implementing the use of artificial intelligence within the hospitality
industry includes a wide range of benefits. The artificial intelligence
can be used within the process of booking, before the booking and
after the booking takes place. The hotels such as hotel Hilton can
make use of artificial intelligence in planning and determining the
capacity of their hotel and showcasing the prices of the services
provided to the customers.
When customers are surfing for a suitable hotel, the hotels have
the opportunity to manage the content that gets presented in front of
the customers and mould the same for the purpose of engaging and
attracting the audience towards the hotel (Drexler, and Lapré, 2019).
The hotels can also make use of artificial intelligence and robots for
the purpose of communicating with the customers in order to ease the
process of booking with the hotel. This will help the hospitality
industry in enhancing the customer engagement with the brand and
also enhancing the customer experience. Using the automating
processes within the hospitality industry can help the hotels in
building a brand image of the hotel within the minds of the customers
and helps them in attracting them towards the same.
From the above research, it can be concluded that, the artificial
intelligence is an useful tool which can change the operations and functioning
of the hospitality industry. The use of artificial intelligence within the
hospitality industry can be found helpful in improving the service quality of
the hospitality industry. The present research discuss and identifies the
benefits od implementing the use artificial intelligence within the hospitality
industry and also discuss about the ways in which its use can be introduced
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