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Performance Analysis of Air Algerie in 2016


Added on  2023/06/10

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The report analyzes the performance of Air Algerie in 2016, including the drivers of air traffic growth, airport connectivity, financial performance, ASK and RPK analysis, and more. The report also examines the key factors that impact the air-travel growth, such as economic activity, ease of movement, and local market factors.

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2.1 Introduction
Fundamental figures discharged by the air Algrie demonstrated that the aggregate number of
travelers carried on planned administrations achieved 6.3 million out of 2016, Global activity,
communicated as far as aggregate booked income traveler kilometers (RPKs), posted an
expansion of around 6.0%, while (GDP) development in 2016 was relied upon to be at around
Aircraft traveler limit by organize relationship had a total level of 67.5%. The air Algerie
announced that aircrafts travelers limit with regards to residential explorers had a level of
69.75% while for the global travelers the limit rate was 67.14% a reasonable sign that there was
a positive 2.61% for the voyagers who went with the nation when contrasted with the ones who
went outside the nation. ( Maertens, Grimme and Jung, 2014).
For 2016, global area by number of the planes where 38247 while for the residential the
aggregate number by segment was 32618 which is around 17.26% less, this is a reasonable sign
that the year ascribed to increment in economy and trade rates that could had frustrated all the
more going outside the nation were always kept up. From a territorial point of view traveler
development in 2016 quickened in areas, for example, France which had 22,131 number plane
development from Algeria to France and back. In any case, the "drowsy" financial development
and the topical wellbeing and security concerns have added to a log jam of development in
Africa ( Button, Leidi, Martini and Scotti, 2017) with surmised development number of planes
being 1,924.
The reason for the principal segment of this report is to:
Examine the execution of the worldwide and provincial business air travel movement for
the year 2016.
Identify the key drivers of air activity development.

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Summaries the projections for air transport development at a territorial and worldwide
level, and also its suggestions
Analyze the execution of carriers air terminals and.
2.1.1 Drivers of air traffic growth
Different components impact the area's air-travel development which can be assembled into three
classifications: financial action, simplicity of movement, and nearby market factors. These
gatherings clarify both the request and supply effect on air travel.
National/Regional GDP
Exchange Rate and Fuel Pricing
Per capita income
International trade and
population trend
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2.2 Overall performance of Air Algerie
Performance is seen as the degree to which any given social framework satisfies its work,
individuals and hierarchical structure destinations, execution can be assessed as an association's
capacity to use the two its outside and inward condition utilizing restricted assets to achieve its
coveted objectives. With a specific end goal to give an account of an association's execution
level, at that point the genuine outcomes ought to be measured and assessed against the normal
outcomes. In particular, execution administration ought to have the capacity to gauge climate an
association has made an outcome situated culture. This will help raise worker execution,
cultivate their individual improvement and increment general hierarchical adequacy. Hierarchical
execution envelops three distinct results in particular money related, item showcase execution
and partner's profits.
At the point when vital quality management is analyze in terms of performance, four levels or
measurements of firm performances are significant and these are financial performance,
customer satisfaction, organizational effectiveness and employee satisfaction. Different levels of
examining performance identify with decrease of operational cost, enhancing efficiency,
accomplishing higher piece of the overall industry and benefits, and advancement improvement.
( Redondi, Malighetti and Paleari, 2011)
The table below shows performance of travellers to other region from Algeria for the year 2016,
worldwide traveler airplane terminal throughput was 67.9%, with yearly travelers of 4,277,590.
From a local point of view, France had the best travelers' development ( Doganis, 2013) of
around 40.9%. While European activity a level of around 12.5%, which was negative 28.4%
when contrasted with France, this means the Algeria nation economy was very supported by
France air movement development. ( Bettini and Oliveira, 2008)
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Regions Total
number of
% Total
number of
France 2,576,857 40.9258328
Europe 786,366 12.4891228
153,990 2.44568053
M.M.O 667,048 10.5941055
Africa 93,329 1.48225806
Zone 01 1,187,975 18.8675065
Zone 02 354,947 5.63729441
Zone 03 475,895 7.55819946
Total 6,296,407
Long courier
Zone 01
Zone 02
Zone 03
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
% Total number of passangers per
% Total number of
passangers per Regions

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2.2.1 Airport Connectivity
Connectivity has gone from being a specialized word solely related to telecoms and IT, to one
with a far more extravagant importance in the globalized universe of today. Given the
phenomenal office that air transport offers by connecting cities, regions and countries – the word
'connectivity' is a fitting depiction of the value it generates ( Paleari, Redondi and Malighetti,
One of the topics that are drifting over the most recent five years in air transport is the fortifying
of global and residential center air terminals around the globe. This marvel has been for the most
part ascribed to the union in the aircraft business, as being seen in Algerie residential market; it
additionally features the rise of the super connector carrier demonstrate. As Algerie carriers
converge to shape intense gatherings, it can combine its tasks inside its fundamental airplane
terminal center points. This enables it to offer expanded administrations from the individual
center points and increment its gainfulness and its yields while working inside the air terminal
"fortifications". Thus, the criticalness of associating travelers has been developing, as Algerie
carrier and airplane terminals target administrations to travelers picking the center as a stopover.
( Kazemi, Mostafa and ,امیر حسین باقریه مشهدی2014 ).
The solid development of Algerie Airport and center points has changed the movement practices
of moving travelers as of late and furthermore influenced the offer of exchange travelers at
France center airplane terminals(Redondi, Malighetti and Paleari, 2011) . This is because of their
gainful land area amongst France and Africa and eminent legislative help. The tables below
illustrate the travelling capacity of transfer passengers at Air Algerie.
Region PKT SKT
France 3108337125 4242084520
Europe 897416244 1398939654
1100482120 1570253042
M.M.O 1709986614 2723305911
Africa 272596136 623962448
Zone 01 425071757 604318471
Zone 02 201625282 288165311
Zone 03 549428849 793820607
Total 8264944127 12244849964
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Long courier
Zone 01
Zone 02
Zone 03
0 2000000000 4000000000 6000000000 8000000000
The aggregate travelers' ability from Algeria to other locale recorded at PKT segment
8264944127 while at SKT area was 12244849964 a change of 67.5%, with more noteworthy rate
and number of development to France. As appeared on the chart above.
Contrasting activity execution on an area by locale premise, France by and by drove all areas
with high year on year movement development, outpacing monetary development, helped by a
strong residential market execution, while travelers' ability to district of zone 02 was the last.
Transporters in Africa to zone 03 saw slower development in 2016 traveler limit this could be
because of gentler item costs that affected financial execution, and also expanded political
difficulties (Button, Martini, and Scotti, 2017)
With respect to models, ( Burghouwt and Redondi, 2013) it is winding up progressively hard to
recognize between full administration/mainline and minimal effort conveys, in any event on
short pull flights where a large number of the highlights of the ease plan of action have been
imitated by full administration administrators and the other way around. Be that as it may,
utilizing Flight Global groupings a 67.14% of universal traveler limit was recorded in 2016,
while household voyaging traveler's ability was 69.75%.
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2.3 Financial performance
Add up to incomes of Air Algerie on 2016 came to 88,280,044,954, an articulating increment
from the principal professional form a ten months; this outcome was accomplished with lessened
limit (ASK) by around low rate, as arranged, and an expansion in the general load factor from
around half to a rate above it. The diminishment comes about because of system improvement
and the fitting of exercises based on showcase request, halfway counterbalance by some extra
exercises and the dispatch of new courses in the residential market.
Solidified Earnings before premium, assessments, devaluation and amortization in the initial ten
months of 2016 was an expansion contrasted with a negative Earnings before premium,
expenses, deterioration and amortization in the principal genius forma ten months of 2015; the
weakening in execution somewhat mirrored the profoundly negative market viewpoint and the
unfavorable execution of exogenous factors (Dollar/Fuel) and was additionally halfway because
of nonrecurring charges, for example, exchanges and arrangements for prosecution, redesign
costs, charges for early air ship conveyance and different possibilities.
Profit before Interest and Taxes in the initial ten months of 2016 added up to an expansion
contrasted with an Earnings before Interest and Taxes in the main star forma ten months of 2015.
This outcome incorporates the exceptional compose downs of the armada because of the normal
transfer of possessed flying machine as per the New Business Plan and the record of Goodwill
because of the hindrance test (Heinz and O’Connell, 2013).
At 31 October 2016, the Group had a positive combined net value, while the Parent Company
Air Algerie had too a positive value. In such manner, the Board of Directors on 26 February
2017 chose to approve the President of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer,
acting severally, to assemble the remarkable Shareholders' Meeting on 29 April 2017 for the
selection of the measures according to the Algeria Civil Code.
The normal number of FTE representatives of the Group in the initial ten months of 2016
(barring staff under the transitory excess store - CIGS) was 1,475 (994 for the parent Air
Algerie), altogether diminishing from the 2,108 workers in the principal genius forma 10 months
of 2015 because of the huge utilization of the brief repetition subsidize - CIGS.

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2.4 ASK and RPK analysis
Available Seat Kilometers (ASK) is the total flight traveler limit of a carrier in kilometers. It is
acquired by multiplying the aggregate number of seats accessible for scheduled passengers and
the aggregate number of miles in which those seats were flown (Lozano and Gutiérrez, 2014) .
Aircrafts need to attempt to arrange supply with enthusiasm for explorers' leeway. While absence
of seats will consistently achieve higher airfare, abundance limit can prompt diminished edges
because of higher settled expenses. So an expansion in limit is sure just if it's upheld by a
satisfactory ascent sought after for air travel.
ASKs give airline senior administration a reasonable sign of their ability. Larger legacy carriers
normally work limited sorts of air ship with various seating designs. Henceforth, the ASK assist
in qualifying the aggregate number of accessible seats and the sum of each seats will fly.
RPK is each kilometer a paying passenger has flown.
Regions KMS
France 25992545 2553690 6.63769E+13
Europe 9925470 777080 7.71288E+12
6197902 153460 9.5113E+11
M.M.O 11196331 661836 7.41013E+12
Africa 4476755 92658 4.14807E+11
Zone 01 6667718 1160320 7.73669E+12
Zone 02 3266291 347669 1.13559E+12
Zone 03 6779913 463722 3.14399E+12
Total 9.48821E+13
Hence, Air Algerie has 9.5E+13 Revenue Passenger Kilometers per flight leg
Load factor
RPk (Which is the number of revenue passenger kilometer) is expressed as a percentage of
ASMs, either on a specific flight or for the whole framework. Load factor represent the portion
of carrier yield that is really expended. To ascertain this figure, divide RPk by ASMs. Load
factor for a single flight can likewise be computed by partitioning the quantity of travelers by the
quantity of sea
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Passenger’s yields
Yield is the ordinary affirmation per explorer per mile(Smith, Leimkuhler and Darrow, 1992) .
Explorer salary is determined by expanding RPK (or revenue passenger kilometers) with yield.
Yield vacillates in light of intrigue and supply factors. Since enthusiasm for air travel is general,
yield is higher in the midst of best seasons. ( Belobaba, and Wilson, 1997)
Yield furthermore changes for different market segments and various seat classes—top notch,
business class, or economy class ( Belobaba, P.P., 1987). Airplanes grasp esteem division and
thing partition techniques to charge differing sections in light of voyagers' essentials and capacity
to pay. Business pioneers, for example, will pay higher confirmations as a final product of better
organization and settlement appeared differently in relation to the cost cognizant relaxation
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2.5 Productivity
Higher profitability of aircraft industry is the way to quicker financial development of an
economy. In this background, this investigation gauges and looks at normal representative
profitability of Algeria International Airline (Ray and Mukherjee, 1996)
Labour productivity
The labor productivity index in this is figured by separating a file of gross yield by the work
input file, which is a measure of hours worked by the different specialists noticeable all around
transportation industry. ( Brandolini and Cipollone, 2001).
Multifactor productivity
Multifaceted efficiency is characterized as a list of genuine yield partitioned by a file comprising
of the accompanying genuine joined sources of info: capital (K), lobor (L), energy (E), materials
(M), and administrations (S) ( Sveikauskas, 1981).
Multifaceted profitability ( Triplett and Bosworth, 2006) gives a more total bookkeeping of
carrier industry and efficiency development than does either work profitability or some other
single-factor efficiency approach. ( Duke and Torres, 2005)
Domar weights
Utilizing the previous Domar weights and development articulations, and conglomerating all
ventures in the economy, yields economy wide factor commitments to GDP development, from
which industry commitments to national profitability development and to national factor input
development can be effectively decided.

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2.6 Risk management
Cyber threats
One developing region of enthusiasm for some industry purchasers has been assurance against
digital assaults. Digital dangers have turned out to be omnipresent crosswise over most, if not all,
industry verticals, and aeronautics is no special case. It isn't hard to envision the sorts of harm,
and not simply money related, that could be caused by a noteworthy security break at a carrier or
airplane terminal. As the rate and complexity of cybercrimes and the danger of digital fear based
oppression develop, the hazard profiles of carriers and air terminals are changing, and industry
purchasers are altering their hazard administration systems to suit those progressions. Various
organizations in the protection business, including AIG, have reacted by giving various
contributions to help meet this developing needs.4
Notwithstanding digital dangers, chance supervisors in the avionics business are trying to expand
their scope in different regions also. These range from potential liabilities identifying with
contamination from de-icing and fuel stockpiling to circumstances including, for instance, the
loss of GPS satellite interchanges information, which aircrafts depend on for route and territory
One developing region of enthusiasm for some industry purchasers has been assurance against
digital assaults. Digital dangers have turned out to be omnipresent crosswise over most, if not all,
industry verticals, and aeronautics is no special case. It isn't hard to envision the sorts of harm,
and not simply money related, that could be caused by a noteworthy security break at a carrier or
airplane terminal. As the rate and complexity of cybercrimes and the danger of digital fear based
oppression develop, the hazard profiles of carriers and air terminals are changing, and industry
purchasers are altering their hazard administration systems to suit those progressions. Various
organizations in the protection business, including AIG, have reacted by giving various
contributions to help meet these developing needs.
Notwithstanding digital dangers, chance supervisors in the avionics business are trying to expand
their scope in different regions also. These range from potential liabilities identifying with
contamination from de-icing and fuel stockpiling to circumstances including, for instance, the
loss of GPS satellite interchanges information, which aircrafts depend on for route and territory
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Fuel Hedging
The meaning of Hedging in the domain of Finance exhibits a risk organization method which is
used to calm or balanced probability of torment incidents in view of changes in the expenses of
products, money related structures, or securities. (Adams and Gerner, 2012) To achieve the
objective the instrument, which basically credits protection against sudden events, for the most
part incorporates the purchase of securities that move the other path than the advantage being
Supporting techniques are generally utilized via carrier organizations as a benefit security
apparatus to adapt to the rising fuel costs ( Berghöfer and Lucey, 2014). Supporting is most
common among minimal effort transporters. They are very presented to the swings in fuel costs
as every single other cost are lessened to the base level by these bearers.
A standout amongst the most pervasive subordinates to support chance is prospects contracts.
The agreement happens between the purchaser and the dealer and essentially commits the two
gatherings to purchase or offer a benefit at the cost settled upon at the time the exchange.
Conveyance and installment happen at a future determined date. The agreements between the
gatherings, used to alleviate their hazard exposures to possibly rising oil costs, are consulted on a
fates trade. (Turner and Lim, 2015)
Additionally, carrier organizations likewise influence utilization of a fuel to swap to support their
presentation to the vacillations in fuel costs. A stream fuel swap alludes to an assention between
two gatherings which guarantees that a skimming (advertise) cost is traded at a settled cost over a
particular era. In addition, alternatives, costless collars and call choice spreads are other
supporting methodologies used via bearers to shield themselves from unstable fuel costs ( Carter,
Rogers and Simkins, 2006).
2.6.1 Exchange rate volatility
Strong airline pricing and revenue administration methodologies include the analysis and
representation of some basic factors and their long haul conduct. These factors influence the
ideal costs and inventory allocation specifically or by implication, in sometimes complex ways
and considerable amounts
The universal idea of the Air Algerie implies that aircrafts are presented to cash variance chance.
Most transporters bring about the two expenses and incomes in various monetary standards, and
the way that a portion of these money streams require change into an alternate cash frames the
premise of a carrier's remote trade (FX) hazard. In 'ordinary' times, yearly changes in return rates
are normally generally little, and can be either moderated or to a great extent consumed via
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Nevertheless, the solid valuation for the US dollar over the previous year or so has been felt all
the more broadly; for sure, thus, Air Algerie USD-named costs have ascended by 10-15% by and
large in neighborhood money terms.
Consumer Decision
Changes in return rates can affect the synthesis of traveler demand.4 how much this happens will
contrast on a course by-course premise, and will rely upon a scope of interest attributes,
• The adjust of movement on particular courses.
• Degree of substitutability.
2.6.2 Fuel price exposure
A Fuel costs address one of the best expenses for the avionics and flying machine wanders. All
around, fuel costs speak to 29% of each working expense and 27% of the general aircraft
industry wage. Since the fuel costs per gallon declined by 6.4% of each 2016, the reduction
assembles to the transporter business' fundamental concern. In the event that there is finished go
through and every single other factor stay steady, the 6.4% decrease in the cost of fuel enhances
the overall revenue for the carrier business by just about 1.7% in total terms. In any case, the fuel
cost reserve funds as a rule don't accumulate completely and promptly since aircraft bearers
frequently consent to forward buy arrangements that fix the fuel value a couple of years ahead of
For the aircraft business, stream fuel speaks to one of the greatest cost things close by other non-
fuel costs, for instance, air terminal charges, flight group expenses and plane support. Aircraft
bearers’ sign buy contracts with oil refinery administrators, which refine oil into stream fuel. Oil
is the primary segment in the creation of fly fuel, so the cost of oil and the cost of stream fuel are
decidedly related. As the cost of oil decays, so does the cost of fly fuel.
The degree to which the declining fuel cost influences gainfulness in the aircraft business relies
upon the extent of fuel cost in the aggregate carrier industry's incomes ( Blanchard, O.J. and
Gali, J., 2007). In 2016, stream fuel costs represented just about 27% of the carrier business'
income, while the overall revenue was 2.7%. In the event that there is a quick go through of fuel
costs funds to the aircraft business, the 6.4% decrease in stream fuel expenses would bring about
the overall revenue enhancing from 2.7% to right around 4.4% (0.27*0.064 + 0.027).
The fuel cost decay is very improbable to bring about prompt change in the aircraft business'
gainfulness proportion. Aircraft administrators regularly fence their presentation to vacillations
in fly fuel costs a couple of years ahead of time by locking into a specific settled cost. On the off
chance that an aircraft organization locks into a support with a value that ends up being

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significantly higher than the future value, it can't take full favorable position of bringing down
fly fuel costs. Thusly, the go through of declining fuel costs is far beneath 100% and the aircraft
business gathers the advantage of the 6.4% decrease in fuel cost over numerous years in
Rather than supporting plane fuel costs, certain aircraft administrators take exceptional measures
of putting resources into their own particular stream fuel creation. In 2016, Air Algerie put $150
million into an oil refinery, bypassing the fly fuel market and taking full control over its fuel
generation. Thusly, aircrafts can take full favorable position of declining fuel costs, which
enhances their productivity considerably quicker contrasted with long haul supporting. Be that as
it may, such a system does not function admirably when the oil cost increments since it
influences the fly fuel to cost high. For this situation, supporting the stream fuel value works
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