
Organizational Behavior Research Paper


Added on  2020-01-07

14 Pages4843 Words168 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityLanguages and Culture
Organizational Behaviour
Organizational Behavior Research Paper_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3CONCLUSION:...............................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONA process of interaction to be carried out within an organization for communicating andcarrying out the operational activities and all types of functionalities can be termed as anorganizational behaviour (Alavosius, Newsome and et.al., 2016). The core concept of theorganizational behaviour is that a scientific approach can be applied to the management ofworkers within a business corporation to attain the set and pre-determined goals. Asorganizations continue to diversify, the opportunities for workplace problems intensify. Smallbusiness owners and managers typically face one or more of three potential levels of conflictemployee, team or organization-wide issues. Often the underlying causes of these problems arethe lack of open, flowing communications or using the wrong organizational structure. Manybusinesses compound problems by avoiding communicating a clear chain of command path. Thebelow presented analysis is carried out on Next PLC which is a multinational brand of clothing,footwear and home products and the objectives of the report mainly include the problems andissue associated within the organizational behaviour of the above stated corporation (Anderson,Potočnik and Zhou, 2014). TASK 1In an organization where there can be observed a diversity in the organizationalbehaviours of the employees and team members. Understanding the way that people and groupsinteract in the workplace is important in being able to create positive organizational change. Thebusiness corporation need to be able itself to identify types of organizational behaviour in theworkplace in order to monitor the way in which your company functions. As how employees actas individuals within the company and how they interact as part of work groups. There can bemany problems related to any of the behaviours within the firm such as managerial control whichis a critical part of the organizational behaviour (Ankli and Palliam, 2012), ethics adopted by thecompany that creates and uses the strong ethical policy for the entity and accountability which isto be maintained by a strong organizational structure. The below report is based on the issuesrelated to the management control and the problem associated with this concept is workforcediversity and also detailed analysis is done on the same which is as follows (Barrick, Mount andLi, 2013):-Work force diversity:
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The process ofacknowledging, understanding, accepting and valuing differences amongpeople with respect to age, class, race, ethnicity, gender, disabilities, etc. can be termed asdiversity. One of the most common and important challenges that has been faced and is incontinuous form in Next PLC is dealing with people who are form different economy, diversereligion, caste,creed and culture and this challenge is termed as work force diversity.Organisations are becoming increasingly cosmopolitan (Borkowski, 2015). They are becomingmore heterogeneous in terms of gender, race and ethnicity. Work force diversity, in fact,encompasses anything work force diversity which varies from the so called norms. One can finda Brahmin working encompasses everything that Along with a Muslim or a scheduled caste or aSikh worker. There are many rules and norms which have been imposed for the employees whoare physically handicapped, lesbians, gays, elderly or others who are different in some way or theother. In the past the managers used the traditional methods like melting pot approach todifferences in organisations assuming that people who were different would somehowautomatically want to assimilate (Chiang and Hsieh, 2012). Differences in age, race, ethnic origin, culture, physical abilities, religion and sexualorientation are just some possible contributors to diversity. The members from the diverse groupsare included in minorities and are ignored mostly by most of the organization. Mostly theindividuals from the above stated groups have been discriminated, exploited on the grounds ofcaste, creed , religion, race and ethnicity (De Jong and Den Hartog, 2010).Symptoms of the issue: Workforce is a kind of negative factor which pursue aprobability to effect the employees of a business organisation. There are several symptoms ofworkforce in a business organisation such as while getting or building a workforce employeestarted getting frustrated by which the quality of the work to be done by an employee gettinghampered. it is very important for the organisation to build a happy go luck environment whichcan be ruined by workforce (Daft, 2010).A protagonists is referred to the main characters which have been included in the story.when a workforce has been build in a company, there are some main character who areresponsible for pressuring work on the employee by which a workforce has been created whichis unhealthy for the peaceful environment in the business organisation (Pan , Qin and Gao ,2014).
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