
Definition: traditional American history


Added on  2022-08-26

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Definition: traditional American history_1

In this piece of study, the focus is on the idea of democracy along with the centrality of
the notion of peace element that is presented by the Woodrow Wilson in both of his speeches,
which are ‘The Fourteen Points’ in the year 1918 on 8th January and ‘Requesting War’ in the
year 1917 on 2nd April. He was appointed as the President of the United States; he was
significantly the central figure of an extremely crucial crusade. In addition, he was also selected
as the candidate of an association named Democratic Party (Wilson 2020). The ideas, which
President Woodrow Wilson delivers is different from the traditional notion of democracy.
Woodrow Wilson the President himself called on to formulate his theories and principles in a
celebrated entitled work as The New Freedom, in which he gave his idea about the new era
(Wilson 2020). The voting bodies or the people who voted and supported Wilson, belong to the
progressive category. In the convention, he has been nominated by and the conservative factor
regarding the old Democracy struggled bitterly and long against the title of the progressive
candidate. Regarding democracy, his only intention was to implement the sense inside the
people’s mind and make them aware regarding the rights and opportunities that they deserve;
war must be stopped in order to stop all negativities and losses and if it is required for all the
valid reasons then the intention or motive of performing the war should be only revolve around
achieving democracy and fighting for the sake of attaining rights along with the purpose of peace
making (Wilson 2020).
According to the study of the war speech, that Woodrow Wilson has delivered, revolves
around the fact that, “The world must be made safe for democracy (line:43)”, his prime intention
was to create the world a secure place for the people and make it safe for democracy. “Its peace
must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty (line:44)”, he believes that peace
can only be planted upon the political liberty tested foundations, where nobody should have
Definition: traditional American history_2

selfish ends to serve, no dominion no quest should be desired. Neither any selfish motive should
be required, nor indemnities are demanded and they should seek no material compensations in
terms of the sacrifices that the people make freely. “We shall be satisfied when those rights have
been made as secure as the faith and the freedom of nations can make them (line:47-48)”, he
wanted to integrate peace for which he said that, the rights of mankind is the most important and
central factor of democracy and all human kinds must be satisfied when those rights are achieved
securely along with the required freedom in the nation (Wilson 2020). It is the most distressful
and oppressive act and duty for the Congress gentlemen to whom Wilson addressed that there are
months of sacrifice and fiery trials which are ahead in order to implement democracy in the
country as well as in terms of discontinuing the war. It is a very fearful potential act in order to
convince the people who are at great peace and drag them into the scenario of war, which is the
most disastrous and immensely terrible of all, but that will also transform the civilisation under
the field of total balance, as right, democracy and freedom is more precious than just merely
staying at peace and we shall keep on fighting and struggling for the things which adds value to
our lives and gives us the right to make our own choices in order to enjoy complete democracy
(Wilson 2020). Considering the fact that fighting without any selfish negative objective and
without any rancour in needing nothing but only democracy and peace (Wilson 2020). Woodrow
Wilson and its peacemakers works for integrating the thought of democracy in everyone, so they
should feel the sense of confidence and the urge for freedom. It is much easier in order to
conduct in oneself belligerents keeping a high spirit of fairness and right in terms of act without
Animus but not intending to desire in bringing any injury to anyone neither any enmity toward a
person and disadvantage among them but only in accordance to the opposition armed force to an
government which is irresponsible as it has no human consideration and thrown aside all values
Definition: traditional American history_3

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