1SOCIAL INEQUALITY The present paper has selected an image of gender inequality a form of social inequality existing profoundly in society. Although there have been significant changes over the last half- century, women today are still underrepresented (Hill et al., 2016). Through this picture, the social gap created by society is represented. The paper aims to discuss an image and the message it represents. The image is of two genders holding the ladder of success. While there is an appropriate ladder for the male, the ladder for women does not consist of any steps after the first. This is a plight that women across the world are well aware that create difficult challenges in their career as well as household. It is unfortunate that even in the 21st century in many countries them feminism and gender equality is absent from the vocabulary. The present image is most closely resemble the sociology however it is associated with economic and political science as well when it is discussed in terms of power. The inequality is
2SOCIAL INEQUALITY related to sociology as the society has practised years of discrimination towards a specify gender which leads to the current situation. The gender inequality can be discussed as a conflict between two genders for power. According to conflict theory, the social world is in a continual struggle (Hughes & Sharrock, 2016). From the same perception, males dominate females due to their power and control over society’s key resources such as position, opportunity, economic, political and social powers. Also, according to conflict theory, the main source of gender inequality is the economic inequality between women and men. Therefore, the picture is a resemblance of the social inequality in relation to gender. By understanding it from the conflict theory, it is struggle or tension between two genders for power that has been in existence from centuries.
3SOCIAL INEQUALITY References: Hill, C., Miller, K., Benson, K., & Handley, G. (2016). Barriers and Bias: The Status of Women in Leadership.American Association of University Women. Hughes, J. A., & Sharrock, W. W. (2016).The philosophy of social research. Routledge.