
Impact of Therapeutic Alliance on Treatment Outcome in Patients with Dissociative Disorder: A Case Study of RVI Hospitals, England


Added on  2023-04-25

33 Pages6633 Words114 Views
"An investigation of the impact of the therapeutic alliance on treatment outcome in patients
with the dissociative disorder: A case study of RVI Hospitals, England"
Impact of Therapeutic Alliance on Treatment Outcome in Patients with Dissociative Disorder: A Case Study of RVI Hospitals, England_1

Title and Abstract
The title of this research is "An investigation of the impact of the therapeutic alliance on
treatment outcome in patients with the dissociative disorder: A case study of RVI Hospitals,
England". In this report, many chapters have been discussed named introduction, literature
review, chosen methods, findings, and conclusion. The introduction section could be effective to
comprehend the rationale of the study and research questions that could be an imperative part of
the study. It could also be supportive of the attainment of the study task. The literature review
could be another chapter that could critically evaluate the impact of the therapeutic alliance on
treatment outcome in patients with the dissociative disorder in the context of RVI Hospitals,
England. This section could also be effective in getting knowledge about the understanding
regarding dissociation disorder and the therapeutic relationship. It could support to get the
information about different kinds of Difficulties faced by the therapist in diagnosis the
dissociation symptoms. Moreover, it can be stated that the best conceptual knowledge about the
research matter could be effective in effectively operate the study and leads to get a favorable
result. Further, the methodology section could support to gain an understanding of the qualitative
and quantitative method, which leads to getting the factual and non-factual data about the
research matter. It could also be effective in making a reliable conclusion in the context of the
research issue. The findings section is effective to demonstrate the evaluated data by graph and
table. The conclusion section demonstrates the whole assignment in a concise form. It could lead
to comprehending the whole research in the least time and cost.
Impact of Therapeutic Alliance on Treatment Outcome in Patients with Dissociative Disorder: A Case Study of RVI Hospitals, England_2

Table of Contents
Title and Abstract............................................................................................................................2
Research question........................................................................................................................4
Rationale for study.......................................................................................................................5
Literature Review............................................................................................................................5
Chosen method..............................................................................................................................11
Evaluation of potential relevance for practice...............................................................................15
Appendix 1: Survey through questionnaire...............................................................................21
Appendix2: Observation records...............................................................................................23
Impact of Therapeutic Alliance on Treatment Outcome in Patients with Dissociative Disorder: A Case Study of RVI Hospitals, England_3

Research has investigated that therapeutic alliance plays a significant role to improve the
treatment results between individuals with different types of disorders such as posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD). But, the therapeutic alliance and treatment outcome is not investigated in
dissociative disorder (Dorahy, et al., 2017). Although professionals in dissociation are a
supporter to focus on therapeutic association as a significant concept for treating the dissociative
individuals, the treatment alliance is not investigated between a person with dissociation
disorders. Since a strong therapeutic alliance favorably affects the treatment results between
general psychiatric patients such as trauma survivors, the upcoming phase will be used to assess
when the alliance is related to favorable results between dissociation disorders (Myrick, et al.,
The existing investigation aims for assessing the impact of alliance on treatment using a sample
of dissociation disorder therapists who engaged in dissociation disorder investigations. The result
of this researcher will contribute to developing better knowledge regarding the alliance between
dissociation disorder and their therapist. Knowledge associated with how therapeutic alliance
between therapist and dissociation disorder patients associated with treatment results might be
beneficial for enhancing the treatment results for this group.
Research question
RQ1: What are the conceptual understanding regarding dissociation disorder and therapeutic
RQ2: Which kinds of Difficulties faced by the therapist in diagnosis the dissociation symptoms?
RQ3: What are the impacts of therapeutic alliance on treatment outcome in patients with the
dissociative disorder in RVI Hospitals, England?
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RQ4: How to improve the treatment outcome of dissociation disorder through a therapeutic
relationship in RVI Hospitals, England?
The rationale for the study
This research is beneficial for academician for gaining the understanding of the dissociation
disorder and therapeutic relationship. It is also effective for the therapist to comprehend the
impacts of therapeutic alliance on treatment outcome in patients with the dissociative disorder in
RVI Hospitals, England. It is beneficial for the future researcher to increase the knowledge in
order to improve the treatment outcome of dissociation disorder through a therapeutic
relationship in RVI Hospitals, England.
Literature Review
According to Myers Vaidya-Mathur and Lancman (2017) dissociation is illustrated as a
disturbance and discontinuity in normal integration related to memory, emotion, consciousness,
motor control, identity, and behavior and body representation. Dissociative disorders have a
fundamental basis, which involves excessive limbic inhibition as well as transformation entailing
the endogenous opioid system between others.
In contrast to this, Brand et al. (2016) evaluated that therapeutic alliance is illustrated as the
collaborative working liaison amid patients as well as therapists. It is one frequently investigated
common factor that is related to psychotherapy results. The therapeutic impact is entailing to
capturing the attention of patients in a way that continues to be productive and memorable
despite several distractions. The effectiveness of therapy relies on both therapeutic impacts as
well as a working alliance among therapist and patients.
In support of this, Kong et al. (2018) stated that the therapeutic relationship is illustrated as a
relationship among healthcare professional and client. It is mean through which, therapist as well
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as a client expect to engage with each other and demonstrates the beneficial changes to the client.
The APA categorizes the dissociative identity disorder as a severe dissociation disorder, which is
characterized through two or more personality. It demonstrates the discontinuity in the sense of
self as well as alteration in memory, feeling, behavior, cognition, and perception as well as
amnesia with respect to everyday events and traumatic experiences.
As per the view of Ormhaug Shirk and Wentzel-Larsen (2015), Dissociative Disorder Not
Otherwise Specified (DDNOS) can create when a patient experiences the wide range of
dissociative symptoms that do not attain the criteria for any of other dissociation disorder such as
DID symptoms related to no amnesia. Expert consensus instruction recommended that DID
therapy can be trauma-informed, staged treatment, and the key objective is to support the patients
for stabilizing the symptoms associated with dissociation and PTSD, suicidal behavior, create
awareness, cooperation with dissociated self-states, tolerance as well as regulation, process and
resolve the traumatic experience and ultimately creates the wisdom of being more whole as well
as integrated.
In opposed to this, Rienecke Richmond and Lebow (2016) evaluated the importance of
practicing the association between the therapist and client as a vehicle for supporting the client’s
needs and resolves their relational issue that is associated with early trauma as well as attachment
issues. In spite of the availability of developed treatment guidelines, there is still a requirement
for research about the treatment results. The self-destructiveness and chronic suicidality
demonstrated the disorders required for long-term treatment in most DID/DDNOS patients, yet
these treatments are complex for investigation, specifically with the randomized clinical trial
design. The inadequate funding related to long-term treatment has further sluggish the treatment
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Difficulties in diagnosis
According to Ociskova et al. (2016), mental health evaluation does not involve enquires related
to posttraumatic and dissociation symptoms. An individual who has dissociative disorder may
tend to rationalize the hide the symptoms a may eliminate the disclosing intrusive thoughts,
feeling unreal, inner voices, impulses, lost time, as well as flashbacks because of shame or
anxiety of being crazy. In opposed to this, Ayotte Lanctôt and Tourigny (2017) stated that there
are different self-injurious deeds; dysfunctional association, suicide attempts as well as
additional diagnoses are common. Physical health issue may involve the pain, severe headaches
as well as other somatoform symptoms. Hence, some therapists deny acknowledging the validity
related to dissociation identity disorder and may have some dissociation disorder training.
As per the view of...., the hidden and infrequent switching is characteristic of the vast majority of
persons with dissociation disorder may have caused this skepticism. Symptoms may create an
individual from different cultures and in a diverse location such as every continent except
Antarctica because of inadequate clinical information.
Organized and ritual abuse
As per the view of Goldstein and Mellers (2016) ritual and organized abuse typically involves
the sexually horrific and sadistic abuse as well as conviction for these crimes may exist within
the UK nation. An essential minority of individual with dissociation disorder report this kind of
abuse such as being pressurize and abuse others from early childhood. It can cause the complex
type of dissociation disorder with dozens and hundreds of parts as well as initial amnesia related
to ongoing abuse and past abuse. There are different dissociative parts can hold several aspects
related to each memory together with, individual with the dissociative disorder can be allowed
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for assessing the accuracy of memories themselves such as addressing any indoctrination, tricks,
and lies used like sound effects, fake blood, projector, and costumes.
As per the view of Myrick e al. (2017), there are different prognosis that could be differed in
different groups. These are high-function DID, a patient who has complicated dissociative
disorders and patients who are unable to use the therapeutic relationship.
On the other side, Jaeger et al. (2017) evaluated that high functioning dissociation disorder with
little comorbidity related to personality disorders and learning issues. It could be a good
prognosis. Patients who have complicated dissociative disorders, as well as comorbid personality
disorders and learning complexity, can make slower development. They may not attain the full
combination related to identities such as when integration is their goal. Patients who are unable
to practice the therapeutic relationship can attain the self- soothing as well as appraise the
contribution regarding their issue. These patients have poor prognosis related to crisis
management as well as best for symptom stabilization.
The factor responsible for poor diagnosis in dissociation disorder:
According to Wosket (2016) lack of motivation such as strong investment in secondary
expansion from having dissociation order, and lack of motivation can navigate for a normal life.
Moreover, serious Axis I is related to comorbidity contains different factors such as organic
mental disorder, schizophrenia as well as psychotic disorder. It is assessed that serious Axis II
associated with comorbidity contains personality disorder, particularly paranoid and antisocial
personality disorder.
In opposed to this, Heggdal Fosse and Hammer (2016) illustrated that inadequate healthy
relationship such as current abuse, mental health care employees, barriers in therapy and suicide
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