
Business Strategies Assignment PDF


Added on  2021-12-28

14 Pages3154 Words26 Views
Analyzing the Strategies that Business are Taking to Meet the Employer Mandate under the
Obamacare Impact of Obamacare on Business Community
Draft Quantitative Prospectus
Destiny Mitchell
Walden University
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The effect of Obamacare on the Performance of Businesses
Impact of Obamacare on Business Community
Problem Statement
The Obamacare, also known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA),
introduces many headaches and complications for business managers, leaders, and owners.
Enacted into law in March 2010, the Affordable imposes taxes and fees on businesses of all
sorts, which raises concerns about the influence that the law will have on employment. The
apprehension, shared by the business community, is the rising costs directly related to the
Affordable Care Act. These include but not limited to the high cost of premiums under the
Insurer Fee and the Reinsurance Fee; increased admissions for employees who work over 29
hours and the likely decrease of full-time employment openings (Cutler, 2015). With such a
liability to meet the necessities of this law, many organizations are assessing where providing
employer-sponsored insurance plans is a sensible business decision (Reinstein & Churyk, 2013).
As such, understanding the impact to businesses will help to explain the implication of these
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costs and changes to employment within businesses The Affordable Care Act is a significant bill
that was ratified into law in March 2010 The goal of this Act was to provide affordable and
accessible healthcare for all Americans following an increase in healthcare costs, unique
numbers of uninsured persons and high insurance premiums. This being the third three years old
since the ratification of Obamacare, there has been scant research on what has transpired to date.
The Affordable Care Act enforces taxes and fees on businesses of all dimensions which raises
questions about the effect that the law has had on employment. The employer directive became
operational January 1, 2015. A major concern for many businesses is the increased costs directly
correlated to the Obama care (Reinstein & Churyk, 2013). These include, but are not limited to:
high premiums charges under the Insurer Fee and Reinsurance Fee; high enrollments rates for
employees who work over 29 hours; and the likelihood of reduction of permanent employment
opportunities (Beronio, Glied, & Frank, 2014). With such a tight burden to meet the provisions
of this law, many companies are weighing out whether providing employer-sponsored insurance
plans is a rational business decision (Buchmueller, Carey, & Levy, 2013). Understanding the
impact of the Act on businesses is thus very critical to explain which strategies employers should
adopt or have adopted after employer mandate became effective..
Purpose Statement
Obamacare is having a significant effect on the business of all sizes across the country. Thus it is
essential to gain an in-depth understanding of the extra costs sustained by organizations and what
effect Obamacare is having on the decisions of staffing and staff benefit changes. This study
will explore the specific charges, including the impact of the Patient-Centered Results Research
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Trust Fund fee and premium surges in line with the several expenses that are passed to
policyholders by insurance providers (Cutler, 2015). Outside of the cost effect, employers are
allegedly adjusting the benefits presented to their employees and, in some instances, jettisoning
the eligibility for dependents or spouses to enroll in their employer-sponsored plan as a strategy
of mitigating the cost. Obamacare has also significantly affected the job market by restraining
the growth of full-time jobs. Employers are not being compelled to reduce employment, and
some cases to hire temporary workforces in preference to full-time workforces, whenever they
find themselves on the cusp of activating the employer 15 mandate necessitating that they offer
insurance to all of their employees. Notwithstanding, employees choosing to waive coverage
under their employer plan and registering in the plans provided through the insurance exchange
are anticipated to be a consequence the law is having on the market (Patel, & West, 2013). The
current study will evaluate changes strategies the Strategies that business are taking to meet the
employer mandate under the Obamacare.
The Affordable Care Act is heavily influencing all organizations across the country irrespective
their sizes. Thus, there is a dire to gain an understanding of the extra costs incurred by big
business and what influence the Obamacare Act is having on the verdicts of staffing and
employee benefit changes. This study will seek to explore the specific overheads, including the
effect of the premium increases and Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund fee based
on the different fees passed by insurance providers to policyholders (Beronio, Glied, & Frank,
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