
Employee Retention and Reward Systems


Added on  2020-05-28

15 Pages3843 Words531 Views
Running head: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY-PART 2Annotated Bibliography-Part 2Name of the Student:Name of the University:Author’s Note:
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1ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY-PART 2Annotated Bibliography 1Kumari, N. (2012). A Study of the Recruitment and Selection process: SMCGlobal.Industrial Engineering Letters,2(1), 34-43.Author’s Credential: Neeraj Kumari, Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad, India.Email: neerajnarwat@gmail.comThe above annotation has explored the general practices of recruitment and selection usedby the organizations. The author of the article has also focused on the impact of recruitment andselection practices on organizational outcome. The author has conducted research on theemployees of SMC Global Securities Ltd for collecting specific information about its recruitmentand section practices. As per this article, SMC Global Securities Ltd considers portals as themost effective medium of hiring employees (Kumari, 2012). Apart from that, employeereference has also been highlighted in this article, which is considered as the most importantsource of recruitment. According to the article, effective recruitment and selection processfacilitates the organization in choosing best employees as lowest possible cost. The article has put more stress on the recruitment and selection practices of theorganization. However, the author has not put much focus on impact of recruitment and selectionprocess on organizational outcome. The limited sample size of 30 employees has also to somebiasness in the research outcome of the article. The distinctive feature of the article is itscontroversy upon alternative recruitment and selection practices. The article has used severalauthentic secondary sources about the several and selection practices. Hence, this article may beused in writing a literature review, where this article will be used as an effective secondarysource.
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2ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY-PART 2Annotated Bibliography 2Nabi, G., Wei, S., Husheng, X., Shabbir, M., Altaf, M., & Zhao, S. (2014). EffectiveRecruitment and Selection Procedures: an Analytical Study Based on Public SectorUniversities of Pakistan.Public Policy and Administration Research,4(10), 12-20.Author’s Credential: Ghulam Nabi (Corresponding Author), School of Public Affairs,University of Science & Technology China,Hefei, Anhui (230026)P.R C. E-mail:ghulam@mail.ustc.edu.cnSong Wei, PhD, Professor & Dean, School of Public Affairs,University of Science &Technology China.Xu Husheng Muhammad Shabbir Muhammad Altaf Shuliang Zhao, School of Public Affairs,University of Science & Technology ChinaThe above mentioned annotation is strongly focused on the effectiveness of the fairrecruitment and selection procedures on organization. Unlike the previous studies, this article hasfocused on the ways of bringing effectiveness in the fairness of recruitment and selectionprocess. The author of this article has majorly focused on the organizational politics, which hashigh level of negative impact on the fairness of recruitment and selection process. The article hasrevealed that organizational politics hamper the recruitment and selection effectiveness and leadto poor coordination between staff and line authority. The authors have specifically collectedinformation regarding recruitment and selection from the public sector universities of AzadJammu & Kashmir and Pakistan. The article has also pointed out the critic that line mangershave huge influence on the human resource specialists in regards to recruitment and selectionprocess (Nabi et al., 2014). However, 80 sample respondents are quite less for proving the
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3ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY-PART 2authenticity of the collected information. The distinctive feature of this article is collectionauthentic secondary information regarding the recruitment and selection fairness of large sizeorganizations. Such information can be effectively used in writing literature review. Annotated Bibliography 3Visa, A., Einolander, J., & Vanharanta, H. (2015). New Tools to Help in the RecruitmentProcess.Procedia Manufacturing,3, 653-659.Author’s Credential: Ari Visaa, Jarno Einolander, Hannu Vanharanta, Tampere University OfTechnology, Department of Signal Processing, Korkeakoulunkatu 1, Tampere, FI-33101, FinlandTampere University of Technology, Department of Industrial Management and Engineering,Pohjoisranta 11 A, 28100, Pori, FinlandThis annotation has been focused on best tools to help the recruitment process oforganizations. This article has revealed that interview and various types of psychological testsare quite expensive for the recruitment and selection process of the organizations. The authors ofthis article have introduced new approach Evolute Helix for flexible and effective recruitmentand selection process. However, the article has also argued over the fact that automated processis not much effective for selection process, as this process requires some human analysis forchoosing the right candidate for right position. The authors have revealed that Helix approachprovide authentic information about the candidates, which can facilitate the organizations boththeir recruitment as well as selection process (Visa et al., 2015). The article may seem to besomewhat ineffective to prove the effectiveness of new recruitment and selection tool, as it hasbeen applied on only 55 candidates. The distinctive feature of the article relies on the fact that ithas initiated effective automated tool for effective recruitment and selection process. However,
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