
Anthropology and Globalisation's Impact


Added on  2020-02-19

9 Pages3422 Words224 Views
Running head: Anthropology and Development: Critical Perspectives on Globalisation and
Inequality 1
Anthropology and
Development: Critical
Perspectives on Globalisation
and Inequality
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Anthropology and Development: Critical Perspectives on Globalisation and Inequality 2
Globalisation and the diverse phenomenon associated with it have resulted in several curious
issues for the social scientific researchers and the observers. From the last literature, it cannot be
said that what actually Globalisation means or whether it is happening or not. But there has been
continuous discussions related to Globalisation and its impact on the societies and the regions
from last few decades. The aspect of Globalisation is completely unavoidable and has a direct
impact upon the factors related to ethical regimes, political governance, social regulations and
the economic regimes. All these aspects have resulted in several negative, contradictory and
confusing implications upon human life. The emergence of the global cities and a developing a
strong network based society has resulted in occurrence of numerous challenges which are the
part of the Globalisation process (Matei, 2014). Globalisation is related with the primary areas of
change that has resulted in extended market transformation across the globe. The concept of
Globalisation can be explained as integration of a region’s economy with that of the world
economy. And such integration has widely resulted in occurrence of several issues and
challenges which the paper will highlight in respect with the impact of Globalisation. The paper
will also throw lights upon the most crucial issues which are the result of continuous
developments and Globalisation and has been broadened by the anthropological approaches such
as inequality among the masses.
Understanding the issues of Anthropology, Development, Globalisation and Inequality
The continuous practice of Globalisation and developments across the world has led to a series
of issues and challenges which is weakening the roots of the culture and environment of various
nations. Starting with the assessment of the negative social and cultural impacts of policies and
processes associated with Globalisation and natural resource development, it can be analyzed
that with increased interaction of individuals from diverse nations, unprecedented mobility,
enhanced recognition of the human rights and better economic conditions have dented the
individuals’ or nations’ local culture. The increased number of immigrants and transnational
workforce, an outcome of Globalisation, are scattering the diverse cultures in several nations
resulting in a unified global culture which comprises of a mixture of several different regional
cultures (Thomas and Kamari Clarke, 2013). The international populations have started sharing
identical life styles, attitudes, aspirations and social values. There has been given a new meaning
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Anthropology and Development: Critical Perspectives on Globalisation and Inequality 3
to the human life as the core social values, the spiritual practices and the local culture are getting
reframed as a result of increased Globalisation practices. It is the Globalisation which can be
mark responsible for the change and modification of the life style and outlook of the individuals
across the globe (Baylis, Owens and Smith, 2017). The change or the negative social and cultural
impacts can be analyzed by taking examples of several Asian countries where earlier there were
used to be a completely male dominated societies. The key earners and the sole face of the
families were the male members and the female members of the society were only responsible
for managing the in-house activities. But the practices of Globalisation have resulted in a fatal
blow of such kind of socio-cultural practices of those nations. Today women have a participation
and involvement in almost all the spheres of the economy of these Asian countries and it has
given a massive challenge to male dominant societies (De Beukelaer, Pyykkonen and Singh,
Other social and cultural impact can be identified as the involvement of the western culture in the
domestic culture of various nations. The joint family systems were one of the most recognized
socio-cultural practices of some of the nations which has been challenged and dissolved due to
the continuous Globalisation. Now the individuals prefer leading an independent life and have
become extremely blunt in breaking the social norms of having improved relations with the
family and elder ones (O'Bannon, et al., 2014). Mixing of western culture with the regional
cultural practices has resulted incomplete deterioration of the socio-cultural norms and practices
of unified family systems. Other impacts upon the social and cultural practices can be realized
as, earlier in various countries there were used to follow a number of religious practices as per
the respective cultures if the nations. But rise of Globalisation, has developed a sense of
reasoning among the individuals which have weakened the roots of these well-established
practices (Knox, Marston and Imort, 2016). As well as the workplace integration of diverse
cultures has resulted in integration of the religious and socio-cultural practices too and as a
negative outcome, it has blurred the old established religious practices which were primarily the
foundation of differentiating individuals on the basis of their diverse religions. Thus, from the
overall analysis, it can clearly and critically analyze that Globalisation has extremely affected the
socio-cultural fabric of various nations. The shared practices and experiences have offered a new
meaning to the lives of individuals and have led to a sudden and big change in the social and
cultural practices of the nations (Jindal, 2013).
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