
Importance of Corporate Governance in Accounting and Financial Accounting


Added on  2022-11-16

9 Pages1923 Words383 Views
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Importance of Corporate Governance in Accounting and Financial Accounting_1

Table of Content
Brief summary of the theory and progression in the field.........................................................2
Common themes/findings across the four articles.....................................................................2
Importance of corporate governance......................................................................................2
Different themes/findings across four articles...........................................................................4
Managerial implications of four articles....................................................................................5
Limitations and Future research direction proposed in four articles..........................................6
Importance of Corporate Governance in Accounting and Financial Accounting_2

Summary of the theory and progression in the field
It has been identified that corporate governance is highly related to set of rules that
organizations or the businesses apply to run their decisions and back their actions. This
means such set of rules tend to act as the base on the basis of which accountants set and
pursue their objectives within social, legal as well as market environment. Since the basic
function of accounting tasks is to identify and track organization’s financial performance,
these tasks play a crucial role particularly in determining how a firm complies with its
corporate governance policies. Process and practices of accounting are largely effective when
treated as the tool of corporate governance. So, the financial institutions as well as
accountants often make highly effective decisions about how to run and how much money to
invest when accountants have clear set of data. However, accountants must have to comply
with the standards rules set for the corporations. To meet the corporate requirements,
accountants must have certain responsibilities and contributions and those are reviewed in the
Similar themes/findings across the four articles
Importance of corporate governance
Similar themes and findings of four articles is the importance of corporate governance in
accounting and financial accounting. Authors of all of the articles highlighted the fact that
there are certain discrepancies in accounting when following the corporate compliance
standards. For example the article titled as “Behavioural governance, accounting and
corporate governance quality” by Iwu-Egwuonwu (2011) mentions the fact that fraudulent
manipulation of accounts is a significant issue in the present day. According to the authors,
this could usually incorporates the format of inflation of assets or it could omit the liabilities
under the purpose of making the firm appear to be running better than actually it is. So here
Importance of Corporate Governance in Accounting and Financial Accounting_3

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