
Applied Research and Development


Added on  2023-01-13

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Applied Research and
Applied Research and Development_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
Background of research project..................................................................................................3
B. S&E 2. Literature Review......................................................................................................3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5
Three ideas that support in selection of appropriate research topic............................................5
Attributes of research topic.........................................................................................................6
Research question and objectives................................................................................................6
Different research stages.............................................................................................................7
Gantt chart...................................................................................................................................8
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
A. K&U 4: Research approach. ..................................................................................................9
B. K&U 5: Research philosophy...............................................................................................10
C. K&U 6: Stating position associated with research paradigm...............................................11
D. A&A 4: Examining the research methods............................................................................11
E. K&U 2: Ethical issues associated with the research.............................................................12
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................13
Data Analysis............................................................................................................................13
TASK 5..........................................................................................................................................21
Reflect on the issues that emanate from this research project..................................................21
B. S&E 3: Implications of research findings on stakeholders..................................................22
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Background of research project
Exercise is an activity carried out by person which required physical efforts in order to
improve and sustain health as well as fitness. In recent time students focus on physical fitness
along with mental well-being, which is quite beneficial for them. Awareness about the
importance of physical activities, drive students towards gym and change their attitudes in same.
They have positive attributes towards gyming for well fair and quality of life.
The present research is based on Lords gym, which is one of the most popular and well-
known gym established in Malta. They offer its best service to those people who work for it,
company is at level top and positioned right across street from beautiful safe Mediterranean sea,
they recommend their members to use sea after gyming session, come back of gym shower and
go on with their day. Trained workers of this gym are able to teach people Thai and Boxing
techniques, kettle bell exercise and Olympic lifting practices.
The purpose of this research is to determine the attributes of students towards exercise
and to market gym in effective manner. With this study it is easy to identify the benefits of
physical activities in gym and its importance in students lives.
B. S&E 2. Literature Review
Literature review is considered to be as the part of scholarly paper which in turn tends to
include substantive findings in order to bridge the gaps on the particular set of the research topic.
Literature review is considered to be a part of secondary source of data collection. This is the
data which is used for further studies. It helps in exploring the data already collected by the
To identify the attitudes of students towards exercise.
Boldov, Gusev and Karpov, (2017) sought to determine the fact that, physical activity
and exercise in turn is considered to be one of the key factor which in turn results in prevention
of the obesity among individuals. It results in various health benefits and leads to living better
quality of life. Students tends to have a positive attitude towards the exercise and physical
activity because it tends to influence the way individual live their life. The key benefit associated
with the physical activity at the gym in turn helps in improving the cardiovascular fitness,
Applied Research and Development_3

controlling weight, building muscles and strong bones. It also helps in reduction of symptoms
associated with depression and anxiety and also reduces risk of developing ill health conditions.
Panza and et.al., (2018) investigated that, with the increased in the use of technology in a
modern era, students tend to get less engaged in physical exercise which in turn results in various
health issues and problems among the individuals at a very young age. Low level of physical
exercise patterns has been observed within students. This in turn eventually results in higher rate
of obesity, poor mental health, cardiovascular disease, etc. students feel less motivated to get
indulged in the physical exercise is because of the lack of knowledge associated with the
physical activity.
To determine strategies for marketing company services to students
Subramaniam and Mercier, (2017) examined that, running several ranges of promotion
on the social media platforms in turn helps in attracting attention of the customers within the set
target market and segment. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. by including data which helps in making people aware about the
benefits of physical exercise at a very young age. Getting insta savvy and creating an effective
marketing story helps in attracting attention of the customers for the gym membership. This in
turn is considered to be one of the effective strategy which in turn helps in motivating students
and young people to get engaged in the physical activity in gym. Hutzler and et.al., (2019)
evaluated that, giving advertisement on newspaper, local networks, radios, etc. in turn is
considered to be an effective marketing strategy in order to promote gym. Offering various
corporate wellness initiatives in turn helps in encouraging young individuals to become the
member of the gym. Writing blogs associated with the benefits of gyms and physical fitness and
exercise in turn helps in seeking attention of the young people. This in turn helps in attracting
young individuals and students to increase the membership of the gym. As per the views of
Roberts, (2017), running the referring a friend programs is also an appropriate marketing
strategy, where the client who is referring tends to receive an appropriate incentive amount.
Offering special discount to the customers in turn is considered to be an effective strategy which
in turn helps in attracting large number of students in order to increase membership at the gym.
Giving training support by hiring the top trainers in turn helps in attracting more students in
order to enrol in the gym membership program. Offering effective machines and gym
environment to the members in turn helps in increasing the number of members at the gym.
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Adding value by offering customized services to the client in turn helps in increasing the
membership at the gym.
To analyse the challenges faced by the gym while determine students attitude in context of
Georgieva, (2017) sought to determine the fact that, students do not have sufficient time
to get indulged in the physical exercise. This in turn is considered to be one of the major
challenge for the gym to influence students to take out time from their busy schedule in order to
get indulged in the physical exercise. One of the key challenge faced by the gym is that, large
number of competitors who in turn is offering same range of services at a relatively competitive
price. This makes students confuse which gym to join. Saleh and Mazlan, (2019) argued that,
lack of self motivation and low self efficacy in turn is considered to be one of the major
challenge faced by the gym in order to influence the attitude of customers towards gym.
Students tend to have fear associated with getting injured while carrying out any set of physical
exercise at the gym. Boldov, Gusev and Karpov, (2017) said that, students facing difficulty in
paying gym membership fees. This in turn also acts a major challenge for the gym to influence
students attitude towards exercise. Hiring of talented trainers and building of the client base in
turn is considered to be one of the biggest challenges for the gym.
The key literature gap of the research study is to analyse the attitude of the students
towards exercise at gym. Another major reason for carrying out this research study is to
effectively evaluate effective marketing strategies which in turn helps in increasing the gym
membership. This study will help in bridging the gaps on the current knowledge of the subject
matter by effectively gaining appropriate conclusive results on the research topic, aim and
Three ideas that support in selection of appropriate research topic
It is the process of collecting data, when conducting survey, researcher pay for
production of survey questionnaires, when they chose large sample of general population,
investigator allot an incentive in kind. On the other side, other data collection methods such as
personal interview and focus group requires to pay more.
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Face to face interviews is the another idea generated by researcher while determining the
research gap. It is one of the most effective types of data collection approach under qualitative
research. Here, researcher will collect information directly from interviews, it is perfect when
investigator need to collect highly personalized data.
Focus groups-
This data collection method is significantly an interview approach, but instead of being
face to face, here researcher conduct group discussion.
Attributes of research topic
Survey is one of the research idea researcher were chosen in order to gathered
information and data in context of above selected topic. By following qualitative type of
methodology, researcher prepared questionnaires to address research questions and to achieve its
objectives as well in effective way. Survey is the best method for gathering info, chose by
researcher. It helps to provide high degree of general abilities in representing a large population,
due to usual range of number of individuals who answers research questions, the data being
collected posses a better description of relative attributes of students towards exercise. As
compared to other approaches of data collecting, surveys allow researcher to extract info that are
near to appropriate attributes of focus groups.
Research question and objectives
To identify the attitudes of students towards exercise.
To determine strategies for marketing company services to students.
To analyse the barriers faced by Lords gym while determine students attitude in context
of exercise.
To recommend how students attitudes can be analysed to market gym services
What is the attribute of students towards exercise?
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