
Construction Experience and Skills


Added on  2020-01-15

17 Pages4997 Words248 Views
Personal and Professional Development
Construction Experience and Skills_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................3TASK 1.................................................................................................................................................3LO 1.1 Approaches to self managed learning and different learning styles...............................3LO 1.2 Identification, recommendation and suggestions for learning and development method...4LO 1.3 Benefits of self managed learning to the individual and to the organisation..................5LO 4.1 Solution to work based problem.....................................................................................6LO 4.2 Communicate at different level with learning styles......................................................6LO 4.3 Strategies of time management.......................................................................................7TASK 2.................................................................................................................................................7LO 2.1 Current skills and competencies against organisational objectives with a new CV .....7LO 2.2 Personal and professional development needs and activities for it................................7LO 2.3 Development opportunities required to meet both the current and future needs............8LO 2.4 Devise a personal development plan to achieve your intended goal..............................9LO 3.1 PDP with short term objectives and long term objectives............................................10LO 3.2 Document your planned activities................................................................................11LO 3.3 Learning against the aims and objectives discussed in PDP.........................................11LO 3.4 Update your PDP based on evaluation and feedback...................................................12CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................13References..........................................................................................................................................14APPENDIX........................................................................................................................................16
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INTRODUCTION Personal and professional development consist of those processes which helps individualand organisations in continuous learning and facing various challenges and opportunities. Thisprovide individuals to self evaluate themselves for finding their strengths and weaknesses. This selfevaluation helps in finding learning needs which enhance the knowledge and skills of individualpersonally as well as professionally (Holliday, 2001) .This research consist of various approaches for self managed learning, their uses in lifelongdevelopment, description of personal and professional development needs and various learningstyles. With these topics, it also contain study of implementation of learning approaches, review ofpersonal and professional plan, description of interpersonal and transferable skills. In the final stage,it is concluded with appropriate findings and measures. TASK 1LO 1.1 Approaches to self managed learning and different learning stylesSelf managed learning is about finding and managing learning needs and their approachesfor self development. The various approaches for self managed learning are described below.Interviews: By facing various interviews individual can know his strengths and weaknesses.It shows individual his real position in market. The more interviews people face the moreconfidence they get (Lovely,2004). Social Networks: By interacting, individual get feedbacks or responses of people whichawares him about his negative and positive points. Social networks also helps in findinglearning needs and updates individual about various kinds of information (Williams, 2012). Various learning styles are as follow.Learning StylesDescriptionBenifitsKolb's learning style (McLeod,2010)It includes concereteexperience,reflectiveobservation,abstractconceptualisation and activeexpermentationImprovesperformance.Effective results on teamlearning and conversationallearning (Strengths andweaknesses of Kolb model.2015). Honey and Mumford's Model It consists of learning cycle i.ehave an exeprience, review it,conclude it and then paln newActivist enjoy free writing,pragmatist complete things ontime, etc.
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steps. It has four learning stylesactivist, reflector, theorist andpragmatist (Moon, 2013).VARK ModelIt is based on sensorymodalities. It has four sensorymodalities visual, auditory,read/write and kinestheticlearning.Quick learning, Individual canretain information without see itonly by hear. Provide facality tolearn as per the preferences(Advantages & disadvantagesof different learning styles.2015.).LO 1.2 Identification, recommendation and suggestions for learning and development method.For identifying my learning and development method I did SWOT Analysis. My SWOTanalysis is as follows.Strengths: I have positive attitude towards life, ambitious, hard worker. I have good learning skills,analytical skills, writing skills, time management skillsWeaknesses: By evaluating my performances and failures I found my weaknesses are leadershipskills, stress management skills, quick decision making,Opportunities: I have a good job for earning money along with I have good social network fortaking feedbacks from them.Threats: Time pressures, stress and conflicts in job works as threats for me. Adjusting into acompany's environment also works as threat for me.Recommendations: For identifying suitable method people need should follow the following points.They can self evaluate themselves for finding their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities andthreats (Abraham and et.al., 2015).People can join coaching centres for increasing knowledge under the guidance ofprofessionals.Seminars and conferences also helps individuals in updating their knowledge in theparticular field (Calderhead, 2012).Feedbacks or responses of people also helps them in finding their learning needs. Suggestions for life long development are as follow.
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