
Article | Motivation issue in Tesco


Added on  2022-10-09

12 Pages4033 Words18 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Article | Motivation issue in Tesco_1

Table of Contents
Introduction to the organization.................................................................................................1
Description and analysis of organization behaviour issue.........................................................1
Motivation issue in Tesco................................................................................................1
Motivational theories in relation to the issue.............................................................................2
Maslow hierarchy of needs theory..................................................................................2
Two - Factor theory........................................................................................................4
Possible alternative solutions required to improve the situation................................................4
Channel of communication.............................................................................................5
Employee engagement.....................................................................................................5
Recommendation of suitable strategies......................................................................................6
Reward and recognition strategy....................................................................................6
Job enrichment strategy..................................................................................................6
Generate opportunities for social interaction.................................................................7
Flexible work arrangement strategy...............................................................................7
Article | Motivation issue in Tesco_2

Introduction to the organization
Tesco is one of the largest retail company and headquarter is situated in Welwyn Garden
City, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. In terms of gross revenue, the company is on the third
position. In 2019, the company net income is £ 1,320 Million. If emphasis is given on the
number of employees, it is examined that presently there are more than 450,000 workers who
are managing the routine operations of the business. Tesco has more than 6.800 shops all
over the world. The Group Chief Executive of Tesco is Dave Lewis, Chief Financial Officer
is Alan Sterwart and senior independent director is Deanna Oppenheimer. Tesco completed
its entire acquisition of food wholesaler booker in 2018 (Tesco, 2019).
In reference to Tesco Company, it is identified that change intervention is required in terms
of organization behaviour related to motivation. In terms of motivation, the company require
the changes as it can assist the employees in giving their best towards the set targets. Tesco
comes under the large retail store that needs to emphasize on boosting the overall motivation
among the workers by emphasizing on different theories.
Description and analysis of organization behaviour issue
Motivation issue in Tesco
It is examined that in Tesco, the major organization behaviour relates with motivation. Tesco
has faced different issues at the time of booting the workers motivational level and it is
important to minimize the issue which is present in the company as it assists to enhance the
performance of the workers. Lorana Bryson focused on Tesco apprenticeship and stated that
workers who come under the age of 17 to 24 are not motivated towards their allocated work.
In Tesco, the major issue relates with motivation as it is important for organization to give
training to the managers to have control on the employees who belong from generation Y as
they requires more attention and care in context to the organizational operations (Personnel
Today, 2019). Hence, it is necessary to enhance employee’s motivation level as it directly
affects the growth of the company. Due to lack of motivation, the employees in Tesco are not
able to perform as per the norms of the company.
In Tesco, presently there are more than 20,000 workers who come under the age of 17 to 24.
To achieve success in the competitive market network, the company has to focus on the
different programs and theories that can assist in boosting motivation. By considering the
concept of motivation, it is easy to provide valuable career path to the generation Y
Article | Motivation issue in Tesco_3

employees as it can assist in boosting the overall productivity of the organization. But in case
of Tesco it is a challenging job to boost motivation of the staff. Therefore, it is said that the
major issue is to enhance motivational level of the generation Y workers as they have more
opportunities in the market and also the employees who come under the age of 17 to 24 have
high expectation from the management (Personnel Today, 2019). So, opportunities and also
expectation is the major cause that relates with the issue of motivation in Tesco.
Motivational theories in relation to the issue
Maslow hierarchy of needs theory
According to Maslow, motivation is one of the important aspects that should be considered
by the management. One of the motivational theories relates with “Maslow hierarchy of
needs”. This is considered as the major theory that assists in satisfying the basic requirement
of the workers. It has been simply stated by Maslow that if requirements of the workers is not
satisfied then it would be difficult to enhance their efficiency towards the assigned job role
(McLeod, 2019).
(Source: McLeod, 2019).
In case of Tesco, it is necessary to focus on Maslow hierarchy of needs theory as it can assist
in fulfilling the basic needs of the employees of all the age groups. If this theory is considered
then it will lead to high level of confidence of the generation Y towards the assigned job role.
Maslow introduced this theory in which the division has been made by considering the five
Article | Motivation issue in Tesco_4

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