
Critical Review of Green Networks and People: A Review of Research and Practice in the Analysis and Planning of Multi-functional Green Networks


Added on  2023-02-01

8 Pages3888 Words87 Views
Article review
Critical Review of Green Networks and People: A Review of Research and Practice in the Analysis and Planning of Multi-functional Green Networks_1

Abstract— this assignment consists of article review of five
articles on the topic of green networks. Three of them have
been provided already and two of them have been selected
external sources.
Keywords—green network, performance, cloud radio access,
energy harvesting, deployment, feasibility
The topic chosen for this assignment includes Green
Networks; Green networking can be defined as a specific
practice of choosing various networking technologies as
well as products that are energy efficient in nature. This
helps in minimizing the utilization of resources whenever
possible [1]. The practice of Green networking includes
Implementing visualization, practice of server consolidation,
upgrading he older equipments for new products that are
more energy efficient in nature, employing the systems
management for the purpose of increasing efficiency,
substituting the telecommuting, videoconferencing for
travelling and remote administration [2]. Investigation in
green networking might need an initial investment, the
practices and the products that are involved help in saving
money once the system has been implemented. Green
network is usually a broad term that aims at undertaking
various processes used for the optimization of network or
make it efficient [3]. This practice extends and covers
processes that aim at reducing the consumption of energy
along with processes that conserve bandwidth or other
processes which will reduce the energy usage and hence
reduce the cost incurred.
This assignment presents the critical review of five articles,
three of them were chosen articles and two had been chosen
from external sources [4]. The articles that have been
already chosen include Energy harvesting small cell
networks, Green-oriented Traffic Offloading through dual
connectivity in future heterogeneous small cell networks
and Green heterogeneous cloud radio access networks. The
articles that have been chosen from external sources include
Green communications and networking and Green Networks
and people.
A. Critical review of Eenergy harvesting small
cell networks: feasibility, deployment and
This particular article describes regarding the
concept of energy harvesting of small cell
networks [14]. It describes that small cell
networks had attracted a good amount of attention
in few years because of their potential for meeting
the growth of data traffic as well as the increasing
demand for good quality of service and the
experience of users in various mobile applications
[5]. This article further discusses about the fact
that wide level of deployment of the small cell
networks did not take place because there has
been a huge amount of complexity in network
planning as well as optimization along with the
high amount of expenditure that is involved in
operation and deployment [6]. It has been very
tough providing grid power supply to various
small cell base stations in the form that would be
cost effective nature. Besides this, a dense
deployment of the small base stations, that is
required to meet the overall coverage as well as
capacity of the wireless networks that are from
next generation [7]. This would increase the
electricity bills of the operators and result in
significant amount of emission of carbon. Hence it
is very complex to exploit the sources of off grid
as well as green energy in order to power the
small cell networks. For these purposes the
technology of energy harvesting is the most
suitable solution [8]. This article carries out a
comprehensive study regarding the energy
harvesting small networks and then investigates
various important aspects which include
feasibility analysis, issues in network operation
and network deployment. The challenges along
with the benefits provided by the energy
harvesting has been presented in this article, it
further provides suitable solutions as well as
effective methodologies of designing to mitigate
these issues.
Pros and cons of the paper
Paper name pros cons
small cell
and operation
It performs a
study on the
concept of
various small
this article
does not
regarding the
issues in
the vital
including the
discussing the
issues, it also
provides the
solution by
mentioning the
Critical Review of Green Networks and People: A Review of Research and Practice in the Analysis and Planning of Multi-functional Green Networks_2

that can be
B. Critical review of Green-oriented traffic
offloading through dual connectivity in future
heterogeneous small cell networks
This article discusses regarding the traffic
offloading with the help of small cells. The authors
aim in over viewing the green- oriented offloading
of traffic in the future heterogeneous cellular
networks, which exploits recent and advanced
energy technologies that are advanced in nature
[9]. These technologies include local energy
sharing, energy harvesting, and enables with the
help of smart grid, wireless power transport and
many more. This article discusses regarding
various challenges in the resource management
while exploiting ES, WPT and EH for supporting
offloading of traffic as well as provide suitable
solutions [10]. This concept has been considered
as an approach that aims in accommodating huge
growth in traffic in the heterogeneous cellular
networks. Furthermore the article provides a case
study on the concept of optimal DC enabled traffic
that have been offloaded through small cells, these
cells have been powered by EH, along with the
objective of reducing the on-grid power
consumption of small cells along with macro cells.
The presented case study aims in validating
benefits of exploiting DC feature for the
scheduling of traffic as well as the harvested
energy to reduce the overall on-grid consumption
of power. This article shares their author’s views
of various research directions in the traffic
offloading in the aspects of HCN [11]. This article
discusses regarding the fact that the past decades
had witnessed a particular amount of growth on
smart devices as well as popularity of various
mobile internet devices which results in a huge
network traffic on the cellular networks [1]. With
the process of exploiting heterogeneous small
cells that are usually densely laid to the macro
cells, traffic offloading through various cells that
are in nature gives an approach that is cost
effective in nature [12]. This approach aims in
releasing traffic congestion at the microcells.
Examples of these include augmented reality,
internet of things and massive machine type
communications. Due to the advantages that are
provided by traffic offloading, the present
specifications of third generation partnership
project had imposed features of small cell dual
connectivity. This particular factor allows a
specific mobile user to make use of two radio
interfaces that are different from each other [13].
These interfaces are used for the purpose of
communication with a macro cell; besides this it
offloads data with the help of smart cell. These
concepts are discussed in the article in detailed
Paper name pros cons
through dual
connectivity in
small cell
this article
unique issues
that are not
discussed in
other articles
this article
does not
reflect on the
main issues
various fact
C. Critical review of Green heterogeneous cloud
radio access networks: potential techniques,
performance trade-offs, and challenges
This particular article discusses regarding the
green heterogeneous cloud radio access networks.
In the form of a flexible as well as scalable
architecture, the heterogeneous cloud radio access
networks inputs strong along with vigor in the
green evolution of the present networks that are
wireless in nature [14]. The EE can be improved
at the cost of many more indices like the SE,
delay and fairness. The article reflects on the
importance of investigating performance trade-
offs for the purpose of striking balances among
the excellent QoS and energy efficient
transmission within the new architecture [1]. This
article initially proposes various potential
techniques to energy efficiently operating H-
CRANs with the help of exploitation of features
[15]. After that it aborts the previous idea of
modeling the three trade-off that are fundamental,
they are EE-fairness, EE-SE, tradeoffs and EE-
During the application of green techniques there
are various open challenges and issues that take
place and is discusses in the future investigation
carried out in the article [16]. The related
outcomes have been expected to highlight on the
Critical Review of Green Networks and People: A Review of Research and Practice in the Analysis and Planning of Multi-functional Green Networks_3

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