
Information Technology and Asda's Marketing


Added on  2020-01-28

58 Pages18579 Words44 Views
To examine the effects of Information Technology
(IT) on Marketing of organization: A case study of
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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................6
1.1 Background of the study........................................................................................................6
1.2 Research aim and objectives..................................................................................................8
1.3 Research questions.................................................................................................................8
1.4 Significance of the study........................................................................................................9
1.5 Structure of the study.............................................................................................................9
Chapter 2 : Literature review ........................................................................................................11
2.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................11
2.2 Role of information technology in today's competitive world ...........................................11
2.3 Sources of information technology through which marketing can be done........................14
2.4 Role of IT in marketing products of retail organizations.....................................................16
2.5 Impact of information technology on marketing tactics of firm..........................................19
2.6 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................21
Chapter 3: Research methodology.................................................................................................22
3.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................22
3.2 Research philosophy ...........................................................................................................22
3.3 Research approach ..............................................................................................................23
3.4 Research type.......................................................................................................................23
3.5 Data collection ....................................................................................................................24
3. 6 Research design .................................................................................................................25
3. 7 Sampling.............................................................................................................................25
3.8 Data analysis .......................................................................................................................26
3.9 Reliability and validity ........................................................................................................26
3.10 Ethical consideration..........................................................................................................27
3.11 Limitations of the study ....................................................................................................27
Chapter: 4 Findings and results .....................................................................................................28
4.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................28
4.2 Description of sample .........................................................................................................28
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4.3 Results and Analysis............................................................................................................28
Chapter : 5: Conclusion and recommendations.............................................................................47
5.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................47
5.2 Summary of results..............................................................................................................47
5.3 Conclusion ..........................................................................................................................48
5.4 Recommendation.................................................................................................................50
5.6 Contribution of the study ....................................................................................................52
5.5 Limitations ..........................................................................................................................52
5.6 Directions further research...................................................................................................52
Appendix .......................................................................................................................................56
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First of all I owe my gratitude to my mentor who has motivated me and guided me during
the entire study. I am also very thankful to all those people which has supported me in carrying
out this study in the best possible manner. Along with this, I owe my thanks to my friends and
family members for their support which they have provided to me while carrying out this study.
In the end, I would like to thank my team members and colleagues who have assisted me in
collecting data from various sources and analyzing the same.
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The main purpose behind carrying out this study is to assess the effects of Information
Technology (IT) on Marketing of organization. Information technology has been started to play
very important role in success of businesses. In order to analyse the tools of information
technology and its effect on marketing supermarket sectors in retail industry of UK has been
selected. In order to carry out the present study in more appropriate manner Asda which is one of
the leading brands in supermarket sectors has been taken into consideration. Furthermore, with
the help of this study, the organization will become aware about the ways through which it can
improve its overall marketing activities. It has become very important for businesses such as
Asda which are operating in retail industry to carry out effective marketing activities as the
competition among businesses has become very intense.
There are various tools of information technology such as emails and social media which
helps businesses to promote their products and services. Along with this, it also supports
businesses in developing good relations with all its potential customers. In the present study,
both primary and secondary sources of data collection has been used. The primary information
about effects of Information Technology (IT) on Marketing of organization is gathered from
marketing employees of Asda. On the other hand, various books, journals and online sources are
used to collected secondary data. The researcher has used qualitative technique of data analysis
in which various themes are developed to present findings of the study. After carrying out this
study, it can be concluded that information technology has direct and positive impact on the
overall marketing activities of Asda.
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1.1 Background of the study
The role of information technology is imperative in today's scenario because of changing
life style of people and globalization of businesses. For every business it is very important to
make use of upgraded information technology thereby competitive edge can be created. It is the
only technology which facilitates corporation to expand business at global level and increase
customer base (Clow, 2007). With the help of effective communication technologies
management of corporation create positive attitude among buyers. This is because technology
reduces impact of barriers related to distance, integration and collaboration (Barnes and
Scornavacca, 2004). Without making use of upgraded technology it is impossible for retail
industry to survive in competitive market for long run. However, marketing and communication
technology both are related to each other. It is because if company uses effective marking tactic
to attract customers then there will be use of technology. It supports businesses to interact with
number of parties and address issues which are being faced by them. In this regard, technologies
used by current businesses are; social media, mobile phones and internet (Mangold and Faulds,
2009). All these technologies facilitate companies to explore their network through wide areas
and communicate detail related to products and services among large number of buyers. It shows
that in order to formulate effective marketing strategies businesses require active role of
technologies (Duermyer, 2015). At this juncture, IT corporations are developing different kind of
technologies and promoting their offering by using right kind of mode of communication. For
example, website and social media marketing are used by organizations to make customers
aware with regards to product and services (Lin and Huang, 2006).
Present study is based on Asda Stores Limited, a British founded supermarket that
provides Grocery, financial services and general merchandise. The cited organization lays
emphasis on marketing promotion in context of price (ASDA, 2016). It facilitates to attract more
buyers. However, information related to price and other promotional offers are communicated
with use of effective techniques like internet. It is the only way to create competitive edge of the
firm along with increased rate of return as well as high customer base. The division of Asda
Supermarket formed in 2009 and the number of its outlets increased till 26 by 2010. “Asda
Living” is first general merchandise store of Asda which consists of non-food range such as
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electronics, toys, clothing and health as well as beauty products. Along with that, homewares are
also included to meet requirement of different kind of buyers. Thus, company offers it wide
range of products and services with help of effective marketing strategies. It leads to create
competitive edge and meet long as well as short term objectives of firm (Ghazisaeedi, Pitt and
Chaharsooghi, 2007). Company has started its online retailer services in 1998 to avail products to
customers in easy manner. Such kind of innovations increased flow of production and sales
turnover of organization as it addressed time related issues of potential buyers. Furthermore,
there are some competitors of Asda such as Tesco, Marks & Spencer and Sainsbury. However,
Tesco is the major competitor which adopts number of marketing strategies with the use of
effective communication technique. In this regard, Asda also uses appropriate tools and
procedure to target large number of buyers (Pracejus and Olsen, 2004).
The field of marketing requires innovation and creativity in its products and services.
Asda used its 'Asda price' campaign to attract more buyers and influence them to take quick
purchase decision. Similarly, '” That's Asda Price” and 'Jingle' are some of its advertisement
through which marketing scenario was made effectively. It shows that, for promoting such kind
of offers company uses information technology by preparing right advertisement. It reflects that
companies actively form strategies by taking into account effective information technology
(Kim, Choi, Qualls and Han, 2008). Without assistance of upgraded technology creation of
competitive edge becomes quite typical task. This in turn management uses effective
technologies to achieve their goal by putting equal attention on price, cost and growth of
corporation in long run.
Retail sector requires interacting with customers in order to attract them towards products
and services (Lu and Julian, 2007). However, increasing competition is the serious issue through
which company faces problem in retaining customers for longer time span. In current era
technology is becoming the necessity of every business so that they can communicate with their
buyers (Wong, Chan and Leung, 2005). Also, use of upgraded technology aid to provide
additional services and get feedback from customers on right time. At this juncture, management
of corporation need to use appropriate technique for marketing of products and services.
However, the major problem faced by company is related to use of appropriate technology in
formulating marketing strategy. Owing to this, present research is conducted to examine the
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effects of information technology in today's competitive supermarket sector. It lays emphasis on
role of IT department in marketing of selected organization. Therefore, analysis has been been
done to assess the various information technology and selection of the best one in order to
approach large number of buyers on right time. Furthermore, positive and negative aspects of
information technology have been assessed which in turn marketing is done in an effectual
1.2 Research aim and objectives
Research aim and objectives are formulated as follows which assist researcher to conduct
study in right manner-
To examine the effects of Information Technology (IT) on Marketing of organization: A
case study of ASDA.
The objectives of study are made in accordance with aim. It is because a single aim of the
research is broken into small parts to gather relevant information in appropriate manner. These
are formulated as follows-
To identify the role of information technology in today's competitive supermarket sector
To analyze various information technology source through which marketing can be done
To examine the role of IT on marketing of ASDA
To recommend various ways through which ASDA can improve their marketing
1.3 Research questions
Research questions are formulated as per the aim and objectives of study. It enables
scholar to conduct study in right manner and collect large amount of data for the same. For the
current study on examination of effects of information technology on marketing of organization
following research questions are made-
What is the role of information technology in today's competitive supermarket sector?
Analyze sources of information technology through which marketing can be done by
What is the role of IT on marketing of ASDA?
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