
Assessment 1 Template - Equivalent


Added on  2022-08-23

13 Pages3883 Words15 Views
Assessment 1 Template*Equivalent means that your responses may not equate exactly to the
number of words that you have written. As the format for this assessment
is a template an approximate word count is given that reflects the work
required to complete the template. Suggested word counts may be given
in the template to guide you in how much detail is required in your
response. The template word count is not included in your word count.
The template itself (without the background) equates to approximately
900 words. You will note an elevated similarity percentage when this is
submitted via TurnItIn because of the template. Your lecturers/tutors are
aware of this.
Questions 1-4 (25 marks – 500 word equivalent)
Question 1a. From the background information provided above relating to
immunisation, develop a researchable question. Type the question below:
As current there is an increase in parent’s resistance to vaccination, there is a
need to investigate about the cause behind going against vaccination. The
research question for the task can be as follows:
What are the perception of parents regarding the refusal of vaccinations and its
impact on vaccinaton uptake rate?
Question 1b: Identify the elements of (words relating to) PICO or PICo in the
research question that you have formulated (delete irrelevant table)
P Parents
I Refusal of vaccinations
C Accepting vaccinations
O Vaccination uptake rate
Question 2a. What type of research methodology do you think should be used
to answer the research question that you have formulated?
Mixed methods
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Question 2b. Justify why this methodology was chosen to answer the question
Approx 75 words -
reference/s used to support your response should be written
below your answer and are not included in the word count).
Qualitative research methodology has been chosen to answer the research
question because the research main aims to explore perception of parents
regarding vaccination. Qualitative research is appropriate to answer the
research question as this study gives in-depth information regarding opinion of
participants related to a phenomenon (Hennink, Hutterand Bailey 2020). As it
focus only on collection of data related to a phenomenon instead of numerical
data, this study is most appropriate for investigation on the topic (Silverman
2016). Thus, as factual data is required to address the problem, selection of
this method is suitable.
Question 3a. List 3 places/sources of information that can be used to obtain
reliable evidence to answer the research question that you have formulated:
3. Google Scholar
Question 3b. Using one of the resources listed above, provide the details of a
specific resource/publication that is an example of best available evidence to
assist you in answering your research question. Complete the table below:
Provide the full
reference/title for the
resource/publication Sagor, K.H. and AlAteeq, M.A., 2018.
Beliefs, attitudes and barriers associated
with the uptake of the seasonal influenza
vaccine among patients visiting primary
healthcare clinics.
Saudi medical
39(7), p.690.
Provide the URL https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
Question 3c. Explain why the information source chosen is an example of best
available evidence for answering the research question that you have
formulated. Refer to the Levels of Evidence and Hierarchy of Evidence tables in
Topic 2 (
Approx 75 words - reference/s used to support your response should be
written below your answer and are not included in the word count).
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The chosen resource is the best evidence to answer the research question
because it explores beliefs, attitude as well as barriers experienced by parents
in uptake of seasonal influenza vaccination. The study used cross-sectional
study design to investigated about the research topic and this comes under
level two of evidence according to the reseach hierarchy (Concato, Shah and
Horwitz 2017; Joanna Briggs Institute 2014). Thus, it is considerd good quality
evidence as this research design captures data at a specific point and it is
most useful in appropring or rejecting any assumptions.
Question 4a: List three key words that will assist in finding suitable literature in
a library database to answer the research question that you have formulated.
For each of the search terms, suggest an alternate word for which the Boolean
function “or” could be used and truncations and wildcards.
Keyword Search term/s
for Boolean
‘or’ ‘and’
Truncation/s Wildcards
1Perception of
Perception OR
experience of
Parent* Parent?
2Vaccination uptake Vaccination
uptake AND
parental belief
Parent*, belie* Parent?,
3Refusal of
hesistance AND
Vaccine uptake
Vaccine* Vaccine?
Question 4b: What actions could be taken to extend or limit the number
of articles found or improve the quality/relevance of the articles found
in the search? (
Approx 75 words -
reference/s used to support your response
should be written below your answer and are not included in the word count).
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To improve the relevance of the article founds, it is necessary to develop
exclusion and inclusion criteria based on which article will be selected. This will
involve considering the target research population, outcome, intervention,
publication date and language for selected studies. Such criteria can help to
understand the relevance of the study in accordance with the research
question. According to Patino and Ferreira (2018), establishing inclusion and
exclusion criteria is crucial to design high quality review as it enhances the
external validity of the study.
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