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Study Skills for Higher Education


Added on  2023/01/03

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This report provides strategies to improve reading ability and suggestions to enhance writing skills for higher education. It covers the importance of study skills, strategies for effective reading, and suggestions for improving written projects.

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Study Skills for Higher Education

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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY ..................................................................................................................................3
1. Discuss the strategies that students can use to improve their reading ability and evaluate
why these strategies are a important issues. ...............................................................................3
2. Suggestions that help students in improving their written projects and evaluating why these
are a important issues for a student. ...........................................................................................5
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The report is about the topic of study skills for higher education. As now a days students In the
university needs to do lots of reading and writing. So they don't get enough time to read
everything in detail. For this some strategies are there to help them in reading more effectively.
This topic is important because it helps the students in increasing their knowledge and skills
about their reading ability and understanding a topic better than before(Bhopal, K., 2020). The
purpose of this report is to give suggestions to the students that how they can improve their
writing and reading abilities for their assignments. This report covers strategies to improve
reading ability and suggestions that helps students in improving their writing quality and also
evaluating why these strategies and suggestions are an important issue now a days.
1. Discuss the strategies that students can use to improve their reading ability and evaluate why
these strategies are a important issues.
Developing and improving study skills are the most important thing and it is also a long- term
process. So if a student is new to the higher education and not studies anything about how to
tackle the assignments, taking exams. Then here are some strategies that students must do if they
want to improve their reading abilities:
Predicting content: This is the first strategy which a students can use to read. As a name
suggest predicting a image and headings before they start reading. Because direct
reading a text involves complication. Student must first see the pictures and then read the
text so that it becomes easy to grab what is written. This strategy makes students a good
thinker and analyse text or paragraph.
Skimming: Skimming is the another strategy as it involves quick reading of what is
written in the text. In this students usually read a first line of any paragraph to get an idea
of the topic(England, L., 2020). This is the effective way to improve a reading ability.
Scanning: Scanning is the way of searching for numbers, long words or symbols in the
paragraph. This strategy is very useful in exams because searching for numbers ans
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symbols helps the students in learning a particular word from the text. And this can be
used in exams by finding that number in the question.
Intensive reading: This strategy is used when students need to understand every think
from the text. This is used when question is in detail. Students may used this method if
they way to read every detail about a particular topic.
Read smaller sections: If the topic is long and changing, then break it into smaller
sections. So that it becomes easier to learn. For example- if any student reads two
paragraphs at a time, then he needs to take break from what he just read and summarize
the topic in mind. Breaking a paragraph into small sections helps the student in learning
effectively and feeling overwhelmed(Gamble, S.C and, 2020).
Note taking: Note taking is the another method which can improve students reading
ability. As note taking involves writing a brief in a notebook with main heading and
subheadings. This helps the students in learning effectively with point to point answers.
As note taking includes making notes of a topic and writing points of every paragraph. It
is important for a point of exams or assignment as which points should be coverer which
These are the various strategies which helps students in reading there text. As reading is the
fundamental part of individuals everyday life. Reading is very important for every student. So
these are some strategies which help the students in improving there reading abilities. Intensive
reading provides the details about the topic or a paragraph. If students have time to read, then
they can go to intensive reading. But if student don't have much time then he can go to predict
content or skimming. This helps students in learning more quickly and fastly. Sometimes
professors or teachers in universities make a questionnaire for students. That if they have any
doubt regarding any topic they can ask from their respective teachers. This helps them in solving
their issues regarding any topic. Reading is a process by which students can learn new skills and
languages(Jabbar, A and, 2020). These strategies are designed to motivate a student
towards reading habit. Reading strategies helps students in think critically, developing public
confidence, and anal zing text and the very most important makes them think visible and audible.
Also these strategies helps them in performing very well in their exams and assignation and
receiving good marks.

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2. Suggestions that help students in improving their written projects and evaluating why these
are a important issues for a student.
Sometimes there are some students who cannot write very well in their projects or
assignment or in exams. So to improve their writing skills here are some suggestions which will
help students in writing more effectively.
Use sufficient sources: This is the first suggestion which is to be given to the students.
As they must use sufficient sources in the project report. Not more sources and not less
sources should be used. Sources related to the topic or the study which is being asked in
the question is given. Some website should be taken and and mention them in the
paragraph. This looks more attractive and feasible for the professors(Padilla Rodriguez,
B.C., Armellini, A. and Rodriguez Nieto, M.C., 2020).
Listens to feedback: Feedback is the main part to which every student need to respond.
Feedback helps students in understanding what is wrong in the project or assignment. The
feedback should be solved clearly with highlighting the text so that it makes easily visible
to teachers. It should be appropriate and cleared so that teachers will get impressed.
Formatting should be very good. This improves the writing ability of any student.
Time management: Time management is the another way as student need to complete
their projects with the time limit. Time should not be wasted on minimal things instead it
is given on the main topic not on the small lines. Time management helps students in
saving time for other things.
Critical thinking: This is the other way of improving writing skills. Critical thinking
helps students in writing a good or clear information about any topic. As from the above
question reading ability develops critical thinking of a student. Then critical thinking
develops writing skills. It helps student in developing confidence and writing his own
thoughts(Preece, S., 2020). If any problem or issue is their then he can discuss the
problem with teachers or peer members by sending them drafts.
Correct references: This is the most important as references should always be correct
not wrong. They should be related to the topic. And should be only one time of
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referencing. Referencing helps teachers to identify that which topic is taken from which
books or websites. It should be only from books, websites or other referrals. The range of
reference should be between 2015-2020 currently. And then in-texting should be done
properly in the report or a project. This helps the student in making a report more
Correct grammar and spellings: In written projects the most necessary thing is the
grammar and spellings. If spellings and grammatical mistake are their in the projects then
it creates bad impression on the teachers. So students should focus on his spellings and
grammar while writing a project or assignment(Richards, K. and Pilcher, N., 2020). This
will help him in improving grammatical mistakes and spellings.
These are some suggestions which help students in preparing their written projects more
effective and cleared. Writing is one of those skills which can help a person in rising in
his career. As small or improper writing falls a person aside in the audience. So it is
necessary that every student must develop these writing abilities in them. Because they
help them in writing good content and formatting. By writing references and sufficient
sources helps the students in attracting the teachers(Wang, Z., Crawford, I. and Liu, L.,
2020). By using correct grammar and spellings, student develop confidence in them. So
these are the importance why improvisation in writing skills is necessary for students and
tips to guide and support students who are not a good writer. This will be helpful the
students who are in universities and trying to get some support for their assignment or
From the above study it is concluded that students can use various strategies to improve their
reading ability and also various suggestions to write effectively their projects or reassignments.
Strategies which are shown above are quite easy and students can easily use them. This will help
students in developing their thinking and confidence. Writing ability can be improved by some
suggestions mentioned above which saves students time and effort of searching extras. If
students use these references, sources and grammar correctly then it may results in getting very
good marks in his assignment. Also this increase student's knowledge, skills and capabilities of
learning and reading more.
Document Page
Bhopal, K., 2020. Gender, ethnicity and career progression in UK higher education: a case study
analysis. Research Papers in Education. 35(6). pp.706-721.
England, L., 2020. Crafting professionals in UK higher education: Craft work logics and skills
for professional practice (Doctoral dissertation, King's College London).
Gamble, S.C and, 2020. Students as co-authors of an academic development service: A
case study of the Study Skills service at the University of Bristol. New Review of
Academic Librarianship, (just-accepted). pp.1-12.
Jabbar, A and, 2020. Academics’ perspectives of international students in UK higher
education. Journal of Further and Higher Education 44(3). pp.350-364.
Padilla Rodriguez, B.C., Armellini, A. and Rodriguez Nieto, M.C., 2020. Learner engagement,
retention and success: why size matters in massive open online courses (MOOCs). Open
Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning. 35(1). pp.46-62.
Preece, S., 2020. Postgraduate students as plurilingual social actors in UK higher education.
Language, Culture and Curriculum. 33(2). pp.126-141.
Richards, K. and Pilcher, N., 2020. Study Skills: neoliberalism’s perfect Tinkerbell. Teaching in
Higher Education. pp.1-17.
Wang, Z., Crawford, I. and Liu, L., 2020. Higher achievers? Mobility programmes, generic
skills, and academic learning: a UK case study. Intercultural Education. 31(1). pp.68-86.
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