
Case Study on Mumbai: Tourism Impact and Issues


Added on  2023-03-23

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Visual ArtsLanguages and CulturePolitical Science
Assessment 3: Case study on Mumbai
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Case Study on Mumbai: Tourism Impact and Issues_1

Table of Contents
Tourist visitation....................................................................................................................................3
Destination attractiveness......................................................................................................................4
Impact of tourism..................................................................................................................................5
Issue analysis.........................................................................................................................................7
Policy implication..................................................................................................................................9
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According to Reddy (2008) tourism plays crucial role in national development, it helps in
creating employment, distributing wealth in different economic sector Pablos, et al. (2008). It
is required to plan and coordinate tourism on regional basis to enhance its overall impact.
Tourism is growing industry in India in different aspects such as medical tourism, health
tourism, eco-tourism, accessible tourism etc. Mumbai is heart and financial capital of the
country; it is among most populated city in the country. This paper aims to examine literature
in context of tourism and what actually occurring in Mumbai. It presents analysis on present
tourism scenario in selected region and its implications.
Tourist visitation
Mumbai is considered as city of dreams; it is the capital city of Maharashtra state. It is the
major financial and entertainment head of country. It has wide range of holiday choice for
people of all age groups.
There is tremendous rise in India tourism; in 1981 the figure was only 1.28 million, which
has reached to 10.04 million year 2018. In the year 2017 there was 14 percent rise in tourism
in comparison to year 2016. There were 5507051 non resident Indian arrivals in the country
in year 2017 Ministry of Tourism (2018). Foreign tourism arrival in India is majorly from
South Asia, followed by Western Europe and North America. December is considered as
peak tourism month as it encounter major tourist arrival in country (October to December) as
well as Mumbai.
Analysis states that almost 6 million tourist visit Mumbai every year. Being the largest city
in India and the tenth largest city in the world, it has huge market attractiveness. It is the 30th
most visited city in the World. Annual growth of tourism in India in year 2018 was 9.7
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percent Ministry of Tourism (2018). There are three ways through which tourist enter the
city, it include air, land and sea. Majority of arrival almost 79 percent is though air mode,
followed by land i.e. 19 percent and then sea.
In the year 2017, foreign tourist arrival via port was 1.52 million in Mumbai. Tourist mainly
comes from Bangladesh, UK, US, Canada, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Australia, Germany, China
and France. Further, airport arrivals at Mumbai of foreign tourist was 328936 in year 2017,
which is 19.4 percent total country tourism and 205465 tourist in first six months of year
2018. Gender wise tourist division shows that 59.4 percent of the tourist were male, followed
by 40.59 percent of female and 0.01 percent of transgender tourists (Ministry of Tourism
According to literature, the proportion of female tourist range between 30 t0 50 percent,
however it is substantially low in certain countries such as Iraq, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia
etc. Age wise distributions shows that largest proportion of tourists aged between 35 to 44
years of age (21.1 percent). Followed by 45 to 54 years of age (19.9 Percent), and then 25 to
34 years of age (19.1 Percent), and the lowest id 65 years and above (Ministry of Tourism
Destination attractiveness
Attractiveness of a place plays vital role in motivating or rejecting tourists from a particular
location. There are different models such as Lieper model, motivation of satisfaction theories
that helps in understanding factors to attract tourist to a particular destination (Yusof, et al.
2012). As Rojek stated tourists have the urge to travel to witness the extraordinary object.
MacCannell work focuses on analyzing the semiotic of attractions. According to Leiper,
tourist attraction must have three elements such as human element, central and informative
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