
Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis for Desklib


Added on  2022-11-17

11 Pages2256 Words325 Views
Task 1 – Qualitative data analysis: Coding and categorising [5%], Findings [5%], Discussion [30%],
References [5%]
Task 2 – Quantitative data analysis: Moving averages [5%], Descriptive statistics [10%], Discussion
[25%], References [5%]
Presentation and written communication of task 1 and 2 [10%]
Student number
Discipline (CM/PM/PV)
You have been supplied with qualitative data obtained from a survey asking teachers “What major factors lead
you into teaching?”. You will find short responses from 125 teachers. This exercise is based on that from
Your task is to read over the responses and determine the factors that seem to predominate. What reasons
are included in these responses? You may need to look at closely related wordings from several responses
and generate a category name that is not mentioned explicitly. In the process you are defining categories. The
list of categories that you generate should be both mutually exclusive and exhaustive. After you generate your
set of categories, use them to categorize or code the respondents’ reasons. Sometimes respondents will
mention more than one factor. You will need to decide how to handle that. (www.indiana.edu).
Once coded, you will need to decide how to effectively communicate your findings.
In the first response, provide the matrix of the categories (or codes) that you generated during the workshops
Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis for Desklib_1

and include the frequency and index of responses associated with each category (attach it at the end of the
assessment). [PROVIDE 10 Codes/Categories]
The matrix of the categories (or codes) generated, the frequencies and the indices of the responses
associated with each category is attached at the end of the assessment. The reasons that occur
predominantly and hence coded as categories are; to touch lives/help, coaching/vacation, love for
kids/reading, passion/talent/enjoy teaching, supplement babysitting/stay home/other career, motivation,
employment opportunity, education/subject area, good working schedule, and no comments. The indices are
used to show whether an individual was influenced by a factor or not (Evans and Basu, 2013). The indices for
the categories are YES (1) and NO (1)
(ii) FINDINGS [5%]
Communicate your findings or conclusions from the analysis carried out on the data supplied. Use a graph
(attach it at the end of the assessment). Ensure your textual explanation of your findings is complementing the
matrix and graph. [Guide 100 - 150 words (Limit = 800 chars)]
Don’t forget to attach the graph and matrix, they are major part of the grade for this section.
The data was collected from a survey that involved asking 125 teachers the factors that led them into
teaching. The various reasons given by the teachers are analysed are analysed and coded into ten categories
based on the similarity of the reason. A bar graph to show the distribution (Fowler, 2009). From the data and
the graph attached at the appendix, it is evident that majority of individuals got into teaching as a result of their
love for kids, to impact lives and as a result of motivation from parents or other individual in the same expert
area. Only a few got into it for the good schedule it offers or as a good employment opportunity. Some
individuals chose to give no comments.
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(iii) DISCUSSION [30%] You are required to write a paragraph to connect the analysis and results to the
broader literature of the topic. Concentrate on a high-quality review with depth and focus, rather than trying to
cover all areas poorly, and use at least 6 academic references. Try to describe the findings in the context of the
existing literature of the
Topic: The Rise of Teaching Career in Australia [Guide 150 - 300 words (Limit = 1,500 chars)]
In the recent years, Australia has had a significant increase in number of schools; both public and private
(Brennan, 2016). As a result, there has been an increase in the demand of teachers in the country. The
increase in the demand has resulted to individuals of different diversity choosing teaching as their career
(Weldon, 2015). A face-to-face survey was conducted to determine the reason various teachers chose
teaching as career (Shao, 2013). The primary data comprise of responses from a random sample of 125
teachers. The data is coded so that the predominant reasons act as the factors that led teachers to teaching.
An analysis of the data indicates that, a lot of individuals in Australia were attracted to teaching by the passion
they had in teach, their talent, the urge to impact children lives, the love of being around children and as a
result of motivation from parents or other individuals who had engaged in teaching (Jackson, 2016). On the
other hand, the data analysis indicates that only a few teachers were attracted to teaching as a result of
employment opportunity, vacation, and the good schedule the carrier offered.
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(iv) REFERENCES [5%]
List the references used in your literature review in HARVARD format. Ensure that they are fully and correctly
cited. Ideally you should seek to have more than 6 quality references for this assignment. See the rubric for
further details.
Brennan, I. 2016. Australian teacher shortage fears as student numbers soar. Retrieved from
Evans, J. R., and Basu, A. 2013. Statistics, data analysis, and decision modeling.5th ed. Boston: Pearson.
Fowler, F. (2009). Survey research methods. 4th ed. London: Sage Publication.
Jackson, S. L. 2016. Research methods and statistics: A critical thinking approach. 5th ed. Boston, MA:
Cengage Learning.
Shao, J. 2013. Mathematical statistics. 2nd ed. New York: Springer
Weldon, P. R. 2015. The teacher workforce in Australia: Supply, demand, and data issues. Policy Insights,
(2), pp. 22-33. Retrieved from https://research.acer.edu.au/policyinsights/2/
* Presentation and Written Communication 5%
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