
HLTENN011 - Implement and monitor care for a person with acute health problems


Added on  2020-10-22

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Disease and DisordersHealthcare and Research
Assessment Guide Unit of competency: HLTENN011 - Implement and monitor care for a person with acute health problems
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Website reference: Healthline. (n.d.). Health Topics. Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/directory/topics?ref=globalJohns Hopkins Medicine. (n.d.). Health Library. Retrieved from https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/healthlibrary/conditions/adultMayo Clinic. (n.d.). Tests and Procedures. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-proceduresWeb MD. (n.d.). Common Topics. Retrieved from https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/common-topicsEtcetera.INFORMIT databaseEvidence submission:The knowledge questions are required to be answered on Moodle. Ensure you log in to the Moodle platform using the user credential provided to you.Answers must be entered in the space provided for each question. Competency assessment:To be deemed Satisfactory for this assessment, you must provide satisfactory answers to all knowledge questions. To authenticate the veracity of your work, the assessor will query you on the answers provided. Any student not achieving a Satisfactory outcome for any question, will be allowed to repeat the question and resubmit the assessment tool through Moodle (second attempt).If the assessment outcome is Not Yet Satisfactory after the second attempt, any further intervention strategies will be planned in accordance with EQUALS’ Assessment Policy.You must use Harvard referencing style where required, e.g. when using direct quotes, although you are encouraged to keep these to a minimum. For more information, refer to EQUALS’ Style Guide available from the Student Centre in Moodle.You must answer questions fully and accurately while keeping within the requirements of word limits.
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Knowledge questionsPart A – Short-answer questions:11The following table identifies examples of acute disease states and illnesses requiring complex nursing interventions. Complete the table defining each of these acute health problems and provide three (3) specific clinical manifestations of each of these conditions.Acute health problemsDefinition/what is it?Three (3) specific clinical manifestationsa.Acute kidney failureIt is an acute medical disease in which the renal tract and kidneys failto perform, leading to adverse impact on other organs and bodily functions.VomitingWeight lossAnemiab.Acute glomerulonephritisIt is a kidney disease that causes the swelling in glomeruli in kidneys causing excess pain and kidney damage.Pink or cola colored urine with red blood cellsFoamy urineHigh blood pressurec.GastroenteritisIt is a microbial disease caused by viruses and leads to excess pain and swelling in gastro intestinal tract.Lack of energy and apatiteAbdominal painDiarrhead.Acute pancreatitisIt is a sudden inflammation in pancreas caused due to heavy alcohol or drugs use.High level of fat in bloodInternal Bleeding Diarrheae.SeizureIt is a momentary loss of awarenessthat causes the uncontrollable jerking movements caused due to high body temperature, low blood sugar and over consumption of alcohol, reducing brain activity.Jerking of limbsSmacking of lipsImpaired breathingf.Transient ischemic attackIt is a neural dysfunction caused due to loss of blood flow in brain and causes severe tissue death. It may also lead to strokes.Numbness in body organsParalysisWeakness and inabilityto speakg.AnginaIt is a condition of severe chest painor pressure, caused due to lack of proper blood supply to heart muscles.Deprivation of oxygenAbnormal heart rhythms Heart failureh.Myocardial infarctionAlso known as heart attack, caused due to decrease or loss of blood Abnormal breathing and heart activity
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Acute health problemsDefinition/what is it?Three (3) specific clinical manifestationsflow in heart region, causing failure of heart muscles. In chronic cases, it can lead to paralysis or death.TirednessNauseai.Vasovagal syncopeIt is the loss of consciousness caused due to vision of blood, pain, emotional stress or prolong standingunder stressful condition.LightheadednessRinging in earsInability to speakj.Allergic rhinitisIt is an allergic condition which causes the inflammation in the nasal cavity, caused due to exposure to allergens.Frontal headachesExcessive sneezing Nasal congestionk.Acute bronchitis It is a respiratory tract disease caused in lungs, caused due to viralinfection and exposure to other pollutants or direct contact with infected person.Shortness of breathExcess coughing with mucusChest pain and discomfortl.First degree burns on skinIt is a type of burns that is caused on the top layer of skin. It is the mildest form of burns that causes redness in skin and pain.Swelling around affected areaRedness in skinSensation of painm.Airway burnsIt is the condition of burning in air tact caused due to exposure to fire smoke or hot body in vicinity, or corrosive gases and fumes.Harsh coughBurns of face and nasal liningSoot in saliva, nose and mouthn.CellulitisIt is a bacterial infection that causes the redness and increase in fat tissue size for few days. In severe cases, blood vessels may be impacted.Swelling in limbsBreaks in skinHigh fevero.DehydrationIt is a medical condition that is caused due to excessive loss of body fluids and causes the decrease in physical water level. Severe diarrheaLower water volume inbodyImpact on lungs and bladdersp.Epistaxis Also, known as nosebleed, it is a condition caused due to rupturing ofblood vessel in nostrils and flowing of blood. It is caused due to high body temperature or impact on nose.Bleeding from nostrilsBleeding from eyes and ears in severe casesNausea and vomitingq.CerebralhaemorrhageIt is the form of internal bleeding caused in brain tissues that impact the neural system of body.HeadachesLoss of consciousnessStiffness in neck and
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