1ASSESSMENT As I have mentioned before that my life has always been questioned by the economic condition of my family. my parents had worked day and night to supportfour of us.As I am the eldest of them, I have to take responsibility to arrange my expenses by working in a restaurant. in this personal growth I have faced many barriersthat has affected my education also. In order to grow in life, I did not only face the economicorfinancial problems but also for myracialbackground. I have felt that in American society in spite of working fast to bring equality from the time of Abraham Lincoln, a racistmentality keeps on flowing like undercurrent. I have been bullied in my high school for having a black background and could not get chance in the basketball team in school. I have been kept aside in every annual function arranged in schoolorgiven the servant stroll because of my background. these are challenges which had been affecting mymindfrom the very childhood and believe me what a bullet student can do in in class I did the same. the society in disguise of oppressors in the school hadgrabbed me scornfully. Racism which is one of the mosthatedthings on earth had been practiced againstme for long (Cooley, Brown-Iannuzzi & Cottrell, 2019).I was struggling very hard because I had no body to support me or hold my hand to bring me up in the light. My mother is a religious lady and she only wanted me to have patience because she believed that only God can save me from this situation.She wasscared of losing me and prayed when my father used to come home drunk and beat us. In most of the Afro-American ghettos one can find this picture of domestic violence.The women here work like animals and feed their children only to get beaten by their drunk husbandoftenhaving criminal record. All of these situations where against me and I was almostcurbingunder the impression of darkness in my life. I have chosen the psychological impact of racism because I have felt these in every second of my life until I started my I study in college.
2ASSESSMENT This issue has bothered me like poverty andmissed opportunities.The racism factor has become a part of my life and identity because I am having a background where leading a normal life is unthinkable. I have faced discrimination in the workplace both directly and indirectly. I wanted to work hard and earn money for my family along with carrying on my education. in this path there were barriers like open discrimination among the employees in the restaurant where Iworked.I had seen discrimination in terms ofwage, work and other facilitiesinworkplace.Apersonwhohasawhitebackgroundbutlesseducational qualification or skill get more salary than me. I want asked my employer about this discrimination but he had avoided this conflict verydiplomatically.Therefore, I havefelt demotivation even in work. I used to think that there will be nothing that I can do with this issue and leave everything as it is.I had nowhere to go and no dream to pursue because I had drained all my energy in finding my identity and establishing it. I was going to be broken completely with depression but could not avoid my responsibility to arrange money for supporting my family. it was unbearable situation which seems to be a never endingtunnel, darkwith no door to escape. I wasa zero at that point of time becauseI had no friend to share my experience norIcould share this with my family members. It was a critical situation which many of the heroes from historical time have faced. with no resources in my hand but I was full of dream I kept on going in my journeyand trying to find out the solution.However now I think my mother was right because this suffering had ultimately led me to success.Had not I felt so much depressed anddarknessaround me, I never would have found this path of light.
3ASSESSMENT References: Cooley, E., Brown-Iannuzzi, J., & Cottrell, D. (2019). Liberals perceive more racism than conservatives when police shoot black men—But, reading about white privilege increases perceived racism, and shifts attributions of guilt, regardless of political ideology.JournalofExperimentalSocialPsychology,85,103885. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2019.103885