
Develop Menus for Special Dietary Requirements


Added on  2022-12-20

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Nutrition and Wellness
Assessment Tasks and Instructions
Student Name
Student Number
Course and Code
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster Details
Assessment 1 Assignment
Assessment 2 Project
Assessment 3
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3
Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required
Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:
Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date
2nd Assessor to complete
I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable
Signature Date
Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed – Performance Evidence
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in
the context of the job role, and: develop and cost at least six menus or meal plans that individually or in combination meet at least six different special dietary
requirements as specified in the knowledge evidence two of the above menus or meal plans must reflect one or more cultural or religious dietary requirements as specified in the
knowledge evidence
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two of the above menus or meal plans must address the special dietary requirements of different customer groups as specified
in the knowledge evidence evaluate each of the above menus by obtaining at least two of the following types of feedback:
o customer satisfaction discussions with:
employees during the course of each business day
o customer surveys
o improvements suggested by:
o regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions
o satisfaction discussions with:
allied health professionals
medical specialists
o seeking staff suggestions for menu items develop above menus and menu plans within commercial time constraints, demonstrating:
o methods for responding to feedback and adjusting menus
o basic principles and practices of nutrition.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted and timeframes for completion
RTO to complete
Resource Requirements
Pen, paper, calculator, Computer, MS Excel or similar software,
Recipe selection relevant for this unit to cover all menu types specified in the assessment conditions for “Performance
Futura Recipe Book or Recipes on e-coach for the unit of competency SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special
dietary requirements
All templates provided in the Student Assessment folder “Support Tools”
Customers, supervisors, and health professional to review menu options and obtain feedback
Refer to the Assessment conditions attached to the Future Group Mapping Document located in the teacher support tools
folder or the “Assessment Conditions” for this unit in the SIT 1.0 Training Package.
Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements
The project for assessment 2 consists of 3 parts, Part A, Part B and Part C.
Part A requires the planning and calculation of 6 different menus including 1 cyclic menu or meal plan
Part B requires the evaluation of each menu using at least 2 different evaluation methods overall.
Part C requires the amendment of the menu options and associated costings based on the feedback received in Part B.
You are required to complete each task for this assessment as outlined below in the specific task instructions.
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All documentation used to write, calculate or support the individual tasks must be attached and clearly referenced to this project. You
will be provided with feedback for each task by your trainer as outlined to you.
Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and I understand
these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all
sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: Date: / /201
This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension Date: / /
Part A Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Part B Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Part C Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Feedback to Student:
Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date: / /
Student Signature Date: / /
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Assessment 2
Your Tasks:
The project for assessment 2 consists of 3 parts, Part A, Part B and Part C.
Part A requires the planning and calculation of 6 different menus including 1 cyclic menu or meal plan
Part B requires the evaluation of each menu using at least 2 different evaluation methods overall.
Part C requires the amendment of at least 1 menu based on feedback and 1 menu to meet cost factors.
You are required to complete each task for this assessment as outlined below in the specific task instructions.
The following formulas are relevant for this assessment:
Support Info
Food cost Percentage:
Food Cost : Sales Price x 100 = Food Cost Percentage %
Individual Menu Item (Variable %):
Portion Cost : Priced Menu Item x 100= Food Cost %
Setting the Selling Price:
Portion Cost : Targeted Food Cost Percentage x 100 = Selling Price
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Develop and cost 6 menus or meal plans for the selections you make from the list in the table below as indicated.
Each menu needs to be evaluated. You must choose 2 different evaluation methods overall from the list in the table below.
Menu to be developed Menu type (all required overall) Evaluation of each menu (use at least 2 methods
Menu 1:
Recipe Source: Futura
Group, e-coach recipes
No. of serves: 10 children
15 men
5 women
10 girls
special diets that are part of
contemporary Australian society:
Selected food includes
foods that includes porridge, tea and
any other drinks. It plays a major
role in improving the water quantity
of the body as well as nourishing it.
Water in the body acts as medium
for chemical reaction, as well as a
metabolism for transfer of
food preferences
there some people that have
different preference of food.
The elderly for thus instances
like taking certain amount of
food as compared to others.
They like traditional forms of
foods as compared to modern
foods or those foods arising for
geometrical generation.
Girls for this instance prefer
foods that will add up iron in the
blood. This is because they tend
to lose more iron in their
Men prefer taking energy giving
foods like carbohydrates that
will help them gain more energy
which is important in their daily
Selected food groups from the
group of Australian foods
halal@ $4.5/7.5 *100%=$60%
food cost
Halal is a form of Islamic
religion that involves giving her
offering sacrifices to Allah to
appease the gods.
In most case as results of this
the Muslims tend to avoid
taking meat from animals
customer satisfaction discussions
The customers need to get satisfied on the food being
provided as well as the services they get from the hotels.
This may access to hand washing facility in order to
promote personal hygiene which is very important
Customers also need affordable prices in order access
food at their own cost. Expensive foods tend to send
customers away in such instances they can’t afford
buying the food as well reducing the number of customers
in a hotel.
Customers need to be satisfied in the response of the
service providers of the business areas
Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
Health professionals play a major role in determining the
nutritional value of the people.
They create an area for coming up with good food that
relevant to our diet as well the progress of our life.
Menu 2:
Recipe Source: Futura
Group, e-coach recipes
No. of serves: 15 women
5 girls
15 men
10 elders
seeking staff suggestions for menu items
Seeking staff suggestions for menu items is of great
important in understanding the items needed as well as
the food that is necessary to our health.
Menu items plays major role in providing a wide chance
for customers to choose their favourites, thus
Staff suggestions plays a major role in determining the
importance once of a menu as well it helps in coming up
with good items.
Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
The Health professionals have played a major role in
determining the nutrient’s used by the customers
There suggestions is important in shaping the menu of the
restaurants in according to the taskforce of the client ,time
to take certain food as well as appropriate maintenance
of the diet
Menu 3:
Recipe Source: Futura
Group, e-coach recipes
customer surveys
This include researches that are done by customers in
order to come up with the best meals so far
They also do surveys in order to find if the meals of their
interest is being offered at normal prices
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No. of serves: 20 people
that is 5 women,8 men
and 7 ladies
slathered by Christians, because
of certain believes.
some people like vegetable to be
included in their meals, just
may be because it is sweet,
always available or even of
believes` that it adds values
to the body.
Vegetation is great importance
in the body has it adds
vitamin and minerals to the
body that is essential in
protecting the body from
various disease.
main types of customer groups
that have
special dietary requirements:
2 food items selected from the
group includes the following.
1 selection must be for a 1-week
At breakfast they
Bread @ $0.25*100%=$25% at
Tea @ $0.1 *100=$10%at
Lunch time
Rice @$1.00*100=$10%
Cakes @$1.2*100=$120%
Porridge @$0.2*100=$20%
Lunch time
Rice @$0.5*100=$50%
seeking staff suggestions for menu items
Arranging meetings with staff members to seek their
suggestions on the menu provided. They provide various
means that are helpful in improving menu items.
Menu 4:
Recipe Source: Futura
Group, e-coach recipes
No. of serves: 15 children
12 men
5 women
Customer surveys
Customer surveys plays an important role in
understanding the appearance and behaviour of
Regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions
As well as the progression on hygienic control of food
handlers In the hotel
Menu 5:
Recipe Source: Futura
Group, e-coach recipes
No. of serves: 16 men
customer surveys
This include the availability of the customer in the study
work in order to understand the challenes being addressed
to the problem and possible ways to solve such problem
Regular staff meetings help in identifying various
problems that may arise in the study as, from the
meetings the problems with meals being offered can
easily been identified and solution found to such problem
Menu 6:
Recipe Source: Futura
Group, e-coach recipes
No. of serves: 6 men
10 women
11 men
seeking staff suggestions for menu items
Seeking staff suggestions is of great importance, as will
help to find a sustainable solution to the problem being
addressed and recommend the challenges
Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
When health officers make necessary suggestions on
nutritional requirements, the it is necessary that the food
will be available for all at a quality price and quantity
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rice@ $3.2*100%=$320%
spaghetti @$0.7*100%=470%
Strong tea @$2.3*100=$230%
Chapatti @$ 1.2*100%=$120%
Rice @$4.5*100=$450%
Break fast
Porridge @$1.2*100=$120%
Rice @$3.4*100=$340%
international tourists
Bread @ $0.35*100%=$35%
Tea @ $0.2*100%=$20%
Lunch time
Rice @$1.00*100%=$100%
Chapatti @$3.1*100%=$310%
Cakes @$1.3*100%=$130%
Porridge @$0.3*100%=$30%
Lunch time
Rice @$4.1*100%=$410%
rice@ $0.2*100%=$20%
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spaghetti @$0.7*1005=$70%
Strong tea
Chapatti @$ 0.2*100%=$20%
Rice @$0.5*100%=$50%
Break fast
Porridge @$0.3*100%=$30%
Rice @$0.1*100%=$10%
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