
Business Environment Assignment 2022


Added on  2022-10-11

5 Pages1392 Words16 Views
Business environment
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Business   Environment  Assignment  2022_1

According to me, business is actually an enterprise which is in the form of organization. Its main
objective is to generate value for their product or service by making optimize use of human
capital, financial and other available resources for the success of specific goal (Kienzler, 2018).
In addition, I also believe that business was introduced in the market by entrepreneurs with the
purpose of exploring some new opportunities related to particular projects. I believe that success
behind every business is not completely dependent on the business idea. In fact, it is the right set
of attributes which offers effective shape to the business in the form of organization structure.
Drive related to business is always goal-oriented and is dependent on innovative ideas,
confidence and self-belief.
I have chosen this course because I believe that this course will help me in engaging with the
current business environment by providing me knowledge related to the current business
practices which are going in the present world. I believe that this course will help me in
understanding the real-time business situation which will not be able possible for me in other
type of courses (Joyce & Paquin, 2016). In addition, this course will provide me the important
knowledge which is not only essential for my professional growth but also for my personal
development. This course is completed linked with leadership practices, management principles
and enhance business decisions and therefore it is very useful for my future growth. In addition,
this course will help me in acquiring career-related specific traits which are essential for my
professional development (Singh & Prasad, 2018). In addition, this course will help me in
improving my present skills as per the present requirement of the business environment.
Few years ago, during my summer vacations, I have decided to earn some pocket money on my
own in order to feel independent and little bit experience. So I decided to work in a café which
was few distance away from my apartment. While working in this café, I became aware about
the business-related structure, strategies to attract customer and so on. I was very thankful for my
manager which has offered me an opportunity to feel the taste of this business world which has
encouraged me towards this course.
It was my previous experience which has motivated me to choose this course because this café
experience helped to get an exposure of business-related activities especially those activities
which are connected with business strategies, plan, and attributes. Working in that café, my
Business   Environment  Assignment  2022_2

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