
Continuous Quality Improvement in Nursing Practice


Added on  2019-09-30

2 Pages1120 Words190 Views
ASSIGNMENT 14A.Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is the responsibility of all nursesContinuous quality improvement is a concept which involves and demonstrates quality assurancewith the provision for meeting an appropriate standard. Problem resolution on the other hand, must include all the departments so that the quality improvement can be made a continuous process within the organization who works together for producing better services for health care patients. [ CITATION Lyn91 \l 1033 ]suggested to espouse the total system through reform for achieving quality improvement and he emphasized not just a mere alteration of the existing system, but radical change of it. As [ CITATION Cha05 \l 1033 ], noted, that the staff who are providing the services must be assumed to have been acting in good faith and hence they are not failing due to their deliberate actions. But, the people who are performing direct services are excellently placed and hence they can identify the need for the desired change within the service delivery processes. So, the staff nurse being at the center of the system can assess the status and hence can deploy themselves toward improvement which are provided to clients. Hence, it is desirous of a nurse manager to structure the work setting in such a way that it facilitates the ability of the staff nurse's ability for undertaking constructive action and thereby improving care[ CITATION Kos01 \l 1033 ]. The quality improvement can facilitate and coordinate efforts towards improvement of quality for achieving success in an effective way by assisting the departments to prepare documentation across all departments and aggregating those data for demonstrating the requirements to be met so mandated by the external regulatory agencies, or the insurers, and also through the professional standards [ CITATION Bat89 \l 1033 ]. The nurse manager or the leader are in to providing the vision so that the necessary resources can be secured towards the quality improvement efforts of the organization, in order to make it a success. To inspire and empower the staff towards the improvement, the nurse managers participate towards the reshaping of the health care environment by playing a vital role, but, these improvements requires full and active participation of all the involved individuals [CITATION Lea00 \l 1033 ]. For example, while monitoring the staffing and dependency of the patient must be aligned to create a quality improvement and in so doing the implementation will be further helpful for creating the initiatives towards the long-term care through nursing towards the patient. Again, for aggreging to an appropriate action plan, the postoperative pain for the surgical patients and the discharge ofthem is a plausible example for the responsibility of nurses towards quality improvement. B.The legal issues involved in asking nurses to practice outside their specialtiesThe legal aspects of nursing do have the possible impact in which care gets delivered to patients by nurses. The environment gets shaped by the legal concerns, which becomes the determining factor for the nursing is practice and are judged based on the standard of care for nurses. Written standards of care and guidelines determines how nurses delivers the care. As, the standard of care is never guideline nor a policy fixed by a particular individual or institution, but is the
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