
Comparative Analysis of Christianity and Buddhism


Added on  2019-10-01

6 Pages1491 Words287 Views
Comparative Analysis of Christianity and Buddhism_1

Comparative Analysis of Christianity and Buddhism_2

Each religion views the diseases, health and value of the life of an individual in different ways.As an impact, the views of the diseases, health and value of the life also vary among theindividual who believe in these religions. The current research deals with analysis on the viewson the ailments, health and value of the life in two different religions, the Christianity and theBuddhism. The research also deals with discussion on the situation of George, who is sufferingfrom Cancer and bearing with intense pain. Comparative analysis of Christianity and Buddhism:Interpreting George’s malady and suffering in each religion:The concept of prime reality indicates, the God or the Gods or the material cosmos (Wainwright,2017). The concept of prime reality is found in both the religions, the Christianity and theBuddhism. The Christianity concept indicates that the God has the power to heal an individualfrom illness although he is not responsible for the illness. The Christianity also believes that theprayer can improve the physical, mental and spiritual health of a suffering individual. From theperspective of the Christianity, the malady and suffering of George can be reduced with the helpof prayer. George is not only suffering from Cancer but the loneliness is also causing pain forhim. The prayer, as per the Christian faith, can improve the physical, psychological and thespiritual health. The Christian faith also indicates that the pain and suffering can take anindividual closer to the God. However, the Christian faith does not pose any restriction on takingthe medical assistance to reduce additional pain.In case of Buddhism, the sickness is considered as an unavoidable part of the life. Similar to theold age, the sickness can also cause suffering to some extent. Although the illness is consideredas an obvious part of life, as per the Buddhist concept, a suffering person should take theavailable medical assistances to reduce the pain. However, the Buddhist view also indicates if thesuffering remains even after accepting the medical assistances, then it should be accepted.Additionally, the Buddhist view also considers that the illness and the physical pain gives theindividuals with an excellent opportunity to cultivate the desirable and the healthy mental stateswhich give importance on patience and the forbearance. In addition, the Buddhist view givesimportance on using meditation as an effective way to reduce the suffering of a sick person. 3
Comparative Analysis of Christianity and Buddhism_3

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