Evaluating Long-term Measures for Refugee Settlement in Australia
Added on 2019-10-01
11 Pages3084 Words393 Views
Australian foreign policyName of the studentName of the universityAuthor note
The aim of the study is to critically analyze the claim that a distinct difference existsbetween the liberal as well as labor governments on asylum and refugee policy. During thecourse of the discussion, the study begins the discussion by articulating the pre and post-coloniallegacies on Australian foreign policies. The discussion further proceeds with evaluating the maindevelopments in the policy while shedding light on their relationship to national identity andpolitics. The additionally identifies the issues of the alliance in the policy along with the analysisin global as well as local place politics with relevant emerging foreign policies. On the whole,the paper mainly critically elaborates on Australian foreign policy in relation to the key conceptsand approaches and theories of Australian foreign policy.A wide range of border security measures has been adopted by both the Coalition as wellas the labor government with maintenance. In addition to the border security measures, anti-people smuggling measures have also been taken by the governments on the verge of theentrance of asylum seekers in groups illegally in Australia through the waterways since the yearof 2001 (Gibney 2018). Both the parties agreed over mutual consent in terms of several keymeasures which have been taken in order to combat with the issues. The key actions areinclusive of the measure of detaining the unauthorized arrival of asylum seekers. This particulardetention measure for the asylum seekers was introduced in the year of 1900s, and the Keatinggovernment (labor government) is credited to have brought the measure into practice whereas thecoalition government Howard government was the first to have introduced the arrangements interms of offshore processing in the Pacific (Masocha 2017). Even though both the governmenthad similar intention there were some differences between the two governments in terms of thepolicies. The major difference lied upon the fact that whether protection should be provided tothe asylum seekers permanently or temporarily and what would the annual size of intake of the
refugees in a formal manner. In addition to the refugees, other humanitarian entrants were alsoone of the major considerations in terms of difference (McLean 2016). A broad scope of outskirtsafety efforts has been received by both the Coalition just as work government with upkeep. Notwithstanding the fringe safety efforts, several other measures in line with detentionhave additionally been received by the administrations nearly passage of refuge searchers ingatherings illicitly In Australia through the conduits since the time of 2001. Both the partiesconcurred over shared assent regarding a few key estimates which have been taken to combatwith the issues (Shepard and Suter 2017). The key measures are comprehensive of the proportionof confining the unapproved entry of refuge searchers. This specific confinement measure for thehaven searchers was presented in the time of 1900s, and the Keating government is credited tohave brought the measure into training while the alliance government Howard government wasthe first to have presented the courses of action as far as seaward handling in the Pacific. Despitethe fact that both the legislature had comparable aim there were a few contrasts between the twogovernments regarding the approaches (Muller 2016). The real distinction lied upon the way thatwhether insurance ought to be given to the haven searchers perpetually or shortly and what mightthe yearly size of admission of the outcasts in a formal way. Notwithstanding the exiles, otherphilanthropic contestants were likewise one of the significant contemplations as far as contrast. The two major parties, Coalition and Labor, disagree over a limited number ofchallenges. To be more specific in manner whether the permanent security should be given to theasylum seekers or they should be offered temporary security (Jakubowicz 2016). Besides,another area is there as to what should be the number of annual intake of refugees by theAustralian government in a formal manner along with the number of other humanitarian entrants.In respect to that it must be noted that over some aspects, a bipartisan agreement was there
regarding both the concerns. In the month of October of 1999, the Howard governmenttentatively introduced the regime of protections for the asylum seekers, those who had enteredillegitimately through waterways and were determined as the refugees (McPhail, Nyamori andTaylor 2016). Earlier, the government would only offer the short term security arrangements forthe distinct individuals in terms of humanitarian crisis. In regard to that, it deserves mention thatentry permits in terms of domestic protection had been initiated during the rule of the Hawkegovernment. The permit was issued mainly for the Chinese nationals eying primarily on the students'visa existing in Australia soon after the incident of the Tiananmen massacre in the year of 1989(Phillips 2014). In the year of 2008, an election commitment was honored by Rudd governmentwhile abolishing the Howard government’s initiative of temporary protection for asylum seekerswith granting of the permanent protection to particularly those who were present in the countryagainst those visas. Subsequently, the continuous urge from the opposition parties kept on beingrejected by the Gillard as well as Rudd government. In this context, it deserves mention that theopposition parties put forward their concerns in order to reintroduce the Temporary ProtectionVisa measure which was brought by the Howard government despite of the fact of increasingnumber of boat arrivals in the shores of Australia. Both the parties differ over a predeterminednumber of difficulties (Borland et al. 2016). While the Coalition government kept on presentingtheir argument that the abolition of Temporary Protection Visa policy was followed by theincreasing number of unauthorized arrival of boats. The coalition government further claimedthat the Temporary Protection Visa policy as a deterrent in an effective way for the boat arrivalsin the country. On the other hand, the labor party continued the argument by stating that incombating the boat arrival issue, the introduction of Temporary Protection Visa policy resulted
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