
Functional Group Reactions and Multistep Synthesis


Added on  2019-09-13

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Assignment brief – QCF BTECAssignment front sheetQualificationUnit number and titleBTEC EXTENDED DIPLOMA APPLIED SCIENCEUNIT 28 INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRYLearner nameAssessor nameAmjad IqbalDate issuedHand in deadlineSubmitted onAssignment title28.2 Reactions of Functional Groups and Multistep SynthesisIn this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.Indicate the task numbers where the evidence can be found.Criteria referenceTo achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to:Task no.EvidenceP3Describe the reactions of a range of non-carbonyl functional group compound1LeafletP4Predict the products of a range of commercially important reactions, involving carbonyl compound2Worksheet 1M3Plan multi-step syntheses of organic molecules3Synthesis MapD3Collate and present data on reactions of functional group compounds which allow a comprehensive range of syntheses to be planned3Synthesis MapLearner declarationI certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.Learner signature: Date: Written by Amjad Iqbal 18-7-16 IV’d Fran Hooley 20-7-16
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Assignment briefQualification BTEC EXTENDED DIPLOMA APPLIED SCIENCEUnit number and titleUNIT 28 INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRYAssessor nameAmjad IqbalDate issuedHand in deadline Assignment title28.2 Reactions of Functional Groups and Multistep SynthesisPurpose of this assignmentAllow learners to begin to build up the bigger picture of organic chemistry by studying the reactions ofsimple functional groups and how organic compounds link together by looking at ways in which compounds can be synthesised from others.ScenarioThe petrochemical plant you work for have asked you to produce some information to help employees understand more about the chemistry behind their roles. This must include the reactions of the variety of different functional groups and the ways in which organic molecules can be synthesised from others.Task 1 – Reactions of Non-Carbonyl Functional Groups We have looked in detail at the properties and reactions of haloalkanes, alcohols and amines. Produce a leaflet that provides an overview of the reactions of haloalkanes, alcohols and amines. Your leaflet must include the following :-The conversion of haloalkanes into alcoholsThe reaction between haloalkanes and ammoniaThe reaction between haolalkanes and aminesThe reaction between haloalkanes and hydroxide ions under refluxThe formation of PVCThe oxidation of primary, secondary and tertiary alcoholsThe reaction between ethanol and sodiumthe elimination of water from alcoholsThe reaction of amines with acid.This provides evidence for P3Task 2 – Reactions of Carbonyl Functional Groups Complete worksheet 1 on the reactions of carbonyl functional groups.You will use your knowledge of organic reactions to predict the products for reactions involving the following carbonyl compounds: Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic Acids, Esters, Acyl Chlorides and Amides.This provides evidence for P4Written by Amjad Iqbal 18-7-16 IV’d Fran Hooley 20-7-16
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