
Gender Gap and Taxation Policies


Added on  2020-03-02

11 Pages2099 Words81 Views
Running Head: GENDER GAP IN EARNINGS AND TAXABLE INCOME IN AUSTRALIA:A COMPARISON IN DIFFERENT TERRITORIES AND STATES 1Title: Gender gap and TaxationAssignment Name: Gender gap in earnings and taxable income in Australia: A comparison indifferent Territories and StatesStudent NameCourse Name and NumberProfessor
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GENDER GAP IN EARNINGS AND TAXABLE INCOME IN AUSTRALIA: ACOMPARISON IN DIFFERENT TERRITORIES AND STATES 2ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................3Review of Literature........................................................................................................................4Aim and Objective...........................................................................................................................5Research Questions/Problem...........................................................................................................6Methodology....................................................................................................................................6Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................10References......................................................................................................................................11
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GENDER GAP IN EARNINGS AND TAXABLE INCOME IN AUSTRALIA: ACOMPARISON IN DIFFERENT TERRITORIES AND STATES 3IntroductionGender equality issue is the primary principles and objectives of the nation and is the foundational issue for more reliable and sustainable policies. Dynamic policies are necessary to explore better female capabilities or talent and to strengthen the participation of females in labor market. Generalisations regarding the socioeconomic reality of males and females are difficult toformulate since the gaps in gender and sexual discrimination have a correlation with others parameters such as ethnicity, age, disabilities and any migration background (Matthias, Brys, Heady, Johansson & Vartia, 2011). So, the aim is to formulate and achieve the policies of tax which would be helpful in promoting gender equality to higher organizational level.For the implementation of better tax policies, the higher level of legal framework regarding gender equality has to be explored.There is a big implementation gap between actual legal framework which is working and the framework which has to be formulated to ensure equality in taxable income. To fill this gap, the targets must be defined to achieve gender equality, the gender analyses implementation and compliance is necessary . The introduction part of this research proposal gives a gender gap overview in socioeconomic realities which greatly influence the allocative and distributional gender impact on tax policies.
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GENDER GAP IN EARNINGS AND TAXABLE INCOME IN AUSTRALIA: ACOMPARISON IN DIFFERENT TERRITORIES AND STATES 4Review of LiteratureThe policy on income and retirement savings in Australia has an old history under Income Tax Assesment Act, 1915 (Cth) (ITAA, 1915). According to the previous act i.e Old -age pension Act,1908(Cth), had a provision of pension for Australians with age over 65 years, but later on Income Tax Assesment Act, 1915 provided tax deductibility in contributions by the employer. In Australia, the impact of gender parameters on income tax and other policies did not attribute in the conversations in the 20th century, a study was conducted in 2015 which revealed in details that the gender pension difference favoring men in EU countries and this is an indicator of a major problem(Craig, Mullan & Blaxland, 2010). According to this study, it was found that average pension gap for 27 countries was 39% for the groups of 65 years of age or above. The researchers proposed that the gender issues in budgets and various policies should be transparentand visible in public debates so that the complexities could be identified and accordingly alternative options would be formulated(Austen, Costa, Sharp & Elson, 2013).The gender gap in economic activities in unpaid work paid employment, wealth, and income, savings, and capabilities are the main domains which would take into consideration in order to have understood the effect of government expenditures and taxation on both genders. This is done by gender-responsive budgeting (GRB), which is designed to mainstream a gender issue in budget and policies. It was also found that policies and programs which improve women employment outcomes have great contribution in economic growth(Elson & Sharp, 2010).In 1980, the scrutinizing of annual budgets for the impact on girls and women and gender equality was done by the Australian federal & state governments and published a ‘Women Budget Statement’(WBS). In 2014-15, after the abolishment of WBS, no alternative option has emerged to describe gender impact analyses (GIA) of tax policies and their revenues. Gender
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