
Assignment on International Security


Added on  2020-05-04

13 Pages3663 Words74 Views
HistoryPolitical Science
Running head: INTERNATIONAL SECURITYWar and ConflictName of the Student:Name of the University:Author note:
Assignment on International Security_1

1INTERNATIONAL SECURITYIntroductionThe war is a state of an armed conflict that is found normally between societies. This isgenerally characterized by destruction, aggression and mortality that have been used in irregularand regular forces of military. There is also a basic difference between the conflict and war as theformer is the fight is between the armed troops and the latter is a state of hostility between thedifferent parties by official means of a Government. The conflict is generally in a smaller scalewhereas the war is in a large scale that involves nations and not necessarily all conflicts areconnected to wars. In this essay, the topic that has been chosen is the war and conflict and theessay question that will be answered is whether the war a major obsolete. This question comes tomind whenever there is a revisiting of the WWI and WWII. It has been argued by manyresearchers that any major war today is just a bad policy option due to the sharp growth in thecosts and the poor recompenses for victory. It has been observed that the appropriate angles ofhuman nature are making them turn away from violence. War being obsoleteThere are major arguments on war that deals with the nuclear weapons that has becomelargely irrelevant ever since the World War II. There is also a need for speculation about thefuture of the war especially in the era of the post cold war1. There is also a wrong notion that thewar is somehow of a natural fate in the human race. There is also a suggestion that Hitler had anecessary condition for the world war in Europe. After the end of the cold war it was suggestedthat the polarity concept was about forms like neo realism and realism2. Specific terms like1Lieber, Keir A., and Daryl G. Press. "The New Era of Counterforce: Technological Change andthe Future of Nuclear Deterrence."International Security(2017).2Baylis, John, Patricia Owens, and Steve Smith, eds.The globalization of world politics: Anintroduction to international relations. Oxford University Press, 2017.
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2INTERNATIONAL SECURITYanarchy and power have become unhelpful in matters like international affairs that stress onnotions which have functional importance of variables. There is a need for ideas that are like waraversions and has set in notions about how the ideas can be marked. There is also an argumentbetween the war and the democracy aversion that may be spurious historically3.Major war has been waged by some of the most powerful countries when they havedrawn their resources while using their weapons for a long period of time that has some of therevolutionary political consequences can be considered obsolete. In the late 20th century, thefighting costs have eventually soared up while perceiving the benefits of the winning one thathas been shriveled. War being out of fashion is something that is not possible ever4. Consideringthe two powerful nations China and Russia, there is no scope for these two powerful nationsbeing affected by the social forces that has once reduced the incentives of war that once begun it.Europe at one point was viewed as a warfare that has something very natural and normal assuggested by Dannreuther (2014). He also stated that the war was universally considered as aninevitable one that had desirable ways to set in the international differences. Fierke (2015)contradicted it and said that the message of the war is divine and the foundation had highervirtues and faculties for the men. Baylis et al. (2017) concluded saying that the war alwaysenlarges the mind of the people and eventually raises its character. Atkinson (2017) consideredthe war as the life itself and also believed that the war was a necessarily for the progress of thehumans5. 3Louie, Ryan K. "The Psychiatry of Entrepreneurship as a Pathway to International Security."(2017).4Michael, E. Smith.International Security. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.5Atkinson, Colin. "Western foreign fighters: the threat to homeland and international security."(2017): 1-2.
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3INTERNATIONAL SECURITYFrom a partial consequence it can be suggested that Europe is a cauldron of both the civiland the international conflicts and the continent was more warlike. Hughes (2015) with a mixtureof disgust and amazement called it the arena of the gladiators where the war is seen as the naturalstate of man. Attitude towards war have changed in a profound way in the twentieth century in Europe.In no way can it quantify that the change that could be accepted through a rough sort of contentanalysis as it might find it easy to find some of the serious writers, politicians and analysts in USand Europe. As per Janowitz (2017) England hailed war that is not merely an unpleasantnecessity but has been suggested to observe the spiritual salvation and the hope of theirgeneration. These views have eventually become much rare. It may not be quite evident but hasto be a systematic evident way that demonstrates the belief that the war is obsolete as per theEuropeans. This also suggests that the appeal of the war has both desirable exercise and asensible method that needs to be resolved in the sectors of the international disagreements thathas been diminished remarkably on the war racked continent6. What happens when there is no war?The death and the suffering that is caused due to war do not end here but when the lastbullet whizzes by. Culmination ofc the war takes more than stopping the active hostility. Peacecan be considered as the lack of conflicting behavior or violence or the threats of the violence.Returning to the state of peace actually takes more time like decades. Jarvis et al., (2017) viewedit as the freedom from the disturbances that is present on the social economic prosperity and thepolitical orders that needs to serve on true interests of the people. The faces of peace sprung from6Michalos, Alex C. "The impact of trust on business, international security and the quality oflife."How Good Policies and Business Ethics Enhance Good Quality of Life. SpringerInternational Publishing, 2017. 127-153.
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