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Impact of Milk Chocolate on Sleep


Added on  2020/11/12

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The assignment discusses a study that investigated the effect of milk chocolate consumption on sleep patterns. The study had 30 participants who were divided into groups based on age, gender, and sleep duration. The results showed that eating milk chocolate adversely affected deep sleep stages, with males being more affected than females. The study suggests a negative relationship between sleep time and milk chocolate consumption.

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Table of Contents
Original experiment.....................................................................................................................1
Management of risks....................................................................................................................2
Identified Variables.....................................................................................................................2
Qualitative data............................................................................................................................2
Quantitative data..........................................................................................................................3
Raw data......................................................................................................................................3
Processing data............................................................................................................................5
Analysing data.............................................................................................................................5
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Title- Milk chocolate can be disruptive to sleep.
Research question
Does eating chocolate before bed have an effect on regular sleep?
The purpose of this report is to determine the effect of milk chocolate on regular sleep
patterns across an average 16 year olds lifestyle. On average a 16-year-old should be aiming to
get around 8-10 hours of sleep. Without sleep the brain struggles to make pathways or
connections that let humans learn new things and make new memorize (Moran, 2016). Sleep is
an important aspect to life for adolescents as there can be major consequences that then can
affect their regular day to day activity. In a study it is said that not fulfilling the required amount
of sleep can results in these outcomes; Excessive Sleepiness, Apnea, Insomnia, Narcolepsy,
Restless Sleep Syndrome (RLS) and Shift work disorder. There are different types of factors that
affect sleep which can result in these outcomes, these include; the environment, jetlag,
technology use, light, medical conditions and medications.
Chocolate affect sleep as it releases glucose in entire body. It affects sensory stimuli that can
either have positive or negative change compared with neutral conditions. So, this directly
affects sleep of individual.
The effect of eating milk chocolate before bed can lead to disruptive sleep patterns. This is
because of the glucose and caffeine that is in chocolate. However, eating chocolate changes brain
There are 4 main stages of sleep including; awake, light sleep, deep sleep and REM
(rapid eye movement). During each cycle, there are 4 cycles within a night’s sleep. Each cycle
will last for 60-90 min. Each of these stages is linked to specific neural pathways. REM stage
earliest starting is 90 minutes after falling asleep (Kratochwill and Levin, 2015). Then, come
light sleep stage where an individual is in condition to sleep. At last in deep sleep person is
completely slept.
The variables identified are controlled that is sleep, pillow, etc. and independent variables
are sleep. It is necessary to look into this topic so that the impact of milk chocolate on sleep can
be identified. Also, it is determined that what are other consequences due to improper sleep.
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Original experiment
The original experiment conducted was the effect music has on regular sleep. The aim of
this experiment was to see if music does or does not affect regular sleep.
To perform this experiment 20 people were selected from a class to test their sleep. The app
sleep alarm clock’ was downloaded to help record sleep. The students recorded their regular
sleep patterns normally for 3 days then recorded their sleep for an additional 3 days but adding
an independent variable of music. The data was recorded each night for 6 nights then placed
into a table for further observations. After the experiment was conducted the 20-people had to
fill out a questionnaire about the original experiment.
Modifications to the original experiment are changing the independent variable, to eating
milk chocolate before bed.
Management of risks
Several risk occurs in doing experiment. So, in order to mitigate risk appropriate measures
has to be taken that are as follows :- (Nédélec and, 2015).
Ambiguity regarding environment – there might occur risk that the environment of room
might not be appropriate. It may lack certain facilities like cleanliness. Also, the room
temperature may not be suitable to sleep.
Uncertainty of respondent’s health condition – the participant may suffer from any health
problem or issue. So, doctors or nurses can be hired during experiment to give care services in
case of emergency.
Identified Variables
Controlled Variable 3 nights of regular sleep, 3 nights of a
variable changed.
Pillow (sleep tracker)
Dependent Variable -
Independent Variable eating milk chocolate
Qualitative data
In a study conducted Woodhead, 2015, there are many food items that may lead to
disruptiveness in sleep. Its consumption before sleep may impact on brain stimuli. Due to this

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sleeping hours are affected. Chocolate also contains theobromine that increases heart rate and
causes sleeplessness. This compound is generally found in dark chocolates. But there are some
benefits as well such as it boosts confidence and person becomes alert during night. They work
in more effective way and attention increases. In 100 grams of milk chocolate there is 20 mg of
caffeine and 52 grams of sugar. Beside this, in normal chocolate it ranges from 50-100 mg. The
caffeine content depends on type and weigh to chocolate. There are many factors that affect sleep
like insomnia, migraine, etc.
As said by Bonnar and Gradisar, 2015, chocolate are source of caffeine and energy for
people. It helps in making brain alert and active. Chocolate contains high amount of caffeine
which can easily affect an individual sleep. Eating of milk chocolate before sleep impact to a
great extent. The content of caffeine ranges from 200 -400 mg results in sleep disrupting. It can
also lead to sleep insomnia. The timing of eating chocolate plays a significant role in sleep. Also,
there is a relationship between caffeine and sleep in adolescents. In several studies conducted it
has been analysed there is no effect of caffeine on sleep problems. Whereas eating milk
chocolate before bed time leads to behavioural problems. High intake of milk chocolate results in
improper sleep.
As elucidated by Richdale and Schreck, 2019, when person eats milk chocolate, the cells
in brain become active. It realises glucose within body that changes stimuli. This generates lactic
acid and enables body to work effectively. Moreover, an individual senses activates which
modifies brain activity. Caffeine is a drug that is known for generating alertness within the body.
When it reaches brain a person feels less tired and awake. Basically, caffeine is consumed to
treat headache, migraine, etc. High consumption can result in death as well. Moreover, when
milk chocolate is consumed it acts in similar way as caffeine.
Quantitative data
By analysing data it can be summarised that in normal 3 nights there is there is very less
impact on four stages of sleep in both male and female. This can be evaluated from data that
average hour of sleep in first female in first day is 9.40, on second day is 8.49 and third is 9.21.
Whereas after eating milk chocolate the average hour of sleep on first day is 8.10, second day is
8.49 and third is 9.03. Now, in males average hour of sleep on normal days ranges between 8 –
8.50. and on eating milk chocolate it reduces between 7- 7.50. Thus, it can be evaluated that as
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compared to female, male average sleep is low on both normal days and after eating milk
Raw data
In this the experiment data that is quantitative data is been used which will help in
identifying effect of milk chocolate on sleep.
Averages of 3
normal nights
Gender Awake
1 Female 12% 27% 6% 55%
2 Female 17% 36% 14% 33%
3 Female 8% 16% 2% 74%
4 Female 7% 32% 24% 37%
5 Female 2% 0% 0% 98%
6 Female 22% 41% 0% 37%
7 Female 11% 4% 7% 78%
8 Female 2% 1% 0% 97%
9 Female 3% 2% 0% 95%
10 Female 12% 3% 4% 81%
11 Male 1% 6% 29% 63%
12 Male 12% 14% 6% 68%
13 Male 2% 4% 37% 57%
14 Male 7% 2% 15% 76%
15 Male 21% 11% 0% 68%
16 Male 9% 12% 6% 73%
17 Male 29% 38% 0% 33%
18 Male 8% 11% 7% 74%
19 Male 4% 6% 19% 71%
20 Male 16% 33% 2% 49%
Averages of 3
chocolate nights Gender Awake
1 Female 31% 18% 0% 51%
2 Female 28% 12% 5% 55%
3 Female 29% 21% 0% 50%
4 Female 39% 16% 2% 43%
5 Female 15% 28% 5% 52%
6 Female 22% 34% 3% 41%
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7 Female 26% 7% 0% 67%
8 Female 22% 4% 7% 67%
9 Female 28% 21% 5% 46%
10 Female 23% 3% 9% 65%
11 Male 31% 18% 4% 47%
12 Male 19% 11% 0% 70%
13 Male 27% 24% 0% 49%
14 Male 23% 31% 2% 44%
15 Male 18% 17% 3% 62%
16 Male 12% 22% 1% 65%
17 Male 9% 6% 16% 69%
18 Male 22% 16% 0% 62%
19 Male 26% 21% 0% 53%
20 Male 21% 24% 1% 54%
Processing data
Gender Normal days
Male 8.377
Female 9.066
Gender Chocolate days

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Male 7.5
Female 8.37
Standard deviation
Gender Normal days
Male 1.022
Female 1.14
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Gender Chocolate days
Male 1.175
Female 1.22
Analysing data
It can be analysed that eating milk chocolate before sleep highly affects on sleep. There is
decrease in average sleeping time as compared to normal days. However, males sleep less as
compare to women on normal days. Similarly, eating chocolate affects adversely on both male
and women. It shows decline in hours of sleep is more in male (Huang and, 2019) Besides
this, by observing data it is concluded that in 3 days of eating milk chocolate the average time
gets reduces with previous one. Thus, the continuous eating of chocolate results in improper
sleep. Furthermore, it is evaluated that sleeping stages is impacted as well in chocolate night. The
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major impact is on deep sleep and awake stage where both male and female does not get enough
The research include certain limitations which are described below :-
Only by gathering data of 6 days is not sufficient to analyse effect of chocolate on sleep.
Hence, data is not reliable.
Moreover, the respondents selected do not belong to any specific age group and are
randomly selected. So, the results obtained may be vague and ambiguous.
There is no instrument or tool used in measuring sleeping hours. So, there may occur
inconsistency in value that affects results.
In order to improve reliability of data there is need to make some changes in outcomes.
This will enable in generating authentic and reliable outcomes. They are as follows :-
Here, the days of experiment can be increased from 6 to 20 -30. This would have been
helpful in gathering enough data so that it is easily analysed.
Here, the participants can be chosen of different age group so that it is easy to identify
effect of milk chocolate on sleep group wise. With this validity of outcomes can be
In order to measure time, digital clock can be used. It will be useful in recording accurate
time and reducing errors.
From study it can be concluded that eating milk chocolate impacts on sleep adversely as
compared to normal days. As chocolate contains caffeine it impacts in similar way. In normal
day average sleep male sleeping hours are less as compared to females. Moreover, after eating
milk chocolate the conclusion is same. Here, also average sleeping hours of men are less. There
are four stages of sleep that are wake, light sleep, deep sleep and REM. From this deep sleep
stage is adversely affected due to eating of milk chocolate. Male sleeping hours is more affected;
it is because their body reacts in negative way.
Also, it can be stated that there is negative relationship between sleep time and milk
chocolate. It is clearly observed that eating milk chocolate effect on regular sleep. The time
reduces with more eating of chocolate. In both male and female sleeping hours reduces with

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proportion to chocolate. There is change in sensory element of brain, which modifies stimuli. In
context to female, male are more alert than them after eating milk chocolate. This enables them
to complete their task with more energy.
Books and Journals
Bonnar, D. and Gradisar, M., 2015. Caffeine and sleep in adolescents: a systematic
review. Journal of Caffeine Research, 5(3), pp.105-114.
Huang, Z. and, 2019. The Sleepy Consumer and Variety Seeking. Journal of Marketing
Research, p.0022243718811334.
Kratochwill, T.R. and Levin, J.R. eds., 2015. Single-case research design and analysis
(psychology revivals): new directions for psychology and education. Routledge.
Moran, A.P., 2016. The psychology of concentration in sport performers: A cognitive analysis.
Psychology Press.
Nédélec, M. and, 2015. Sleep hygiene and recovery strategies in elite soccer players. Sports
Medicine, 45(11), pp.1547-1559.
Richdale, A.L. and Schreck, K.A., 2019. Examining sleep hygiene factors and sleep in young
children with and without autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum
Disorders, 57, pp.154-162.
Woodhead, M., 2015. Psychology and the cultural construction of children’s needs.
In Constructing and reconstructing childhood (pp. 54-73). Routledge.
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