
Impact of Prejudice on Healthcare Service Users


Added on  2020-10-05

15 Pages3902 Words109 Views
Patient ProfilePatient Information and history:Raj is 55 year old person, who is currently admitted into hospital in UK, due to alcoholism. He loss his wife, lives in Kensington and working as lawyer. Raj drink alcohol very much that is the 1| P a g e
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reason which make them ill, he recently involved in car accident where Raj lost his two children and wife.Patient details and history:Lucy is another patient, she is 24 years old lady and has been currently admitted in hospital due to overdosed on painkillers. She is single parent and living in very deprived area in Blackpoll within two-bedroom flat with her son, who is only four year old.2| P a g e
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How can sociological and psychological concepts help us to develop a better understanding of the service users in both case studies? Provide an example from your work setting.Psychological and Sociological concept Sociological concept is based three concepts such as functionalism, feminism and interactionism.Feminism, it is the range of political movements, social movements and ideologies that sharesame goal to establish, define and gain political, personal, economic and social equality of activity. It includes needs to establish professional and educational opportunities for women that equal to those for men (Finke, 2018). Feminism concept is based on belief that women and men should have the equal opportunities and rights to grow in their career more. In accent time most of the women were close to domestic sphere and men are reserved for public life, it will affect human behaviour the most.At this movement women are not allowed to take part in any public activities, they need to work or perform under domestic sphere which is one of the biggest barriers in human healthcare functions. Feminist movement have campaigned and proceed to campaign for the rights of women's, in addition right to vote, to work, to hold public office, to earn fair or equal wages or pay, to receive high education, to have same rights within any relationship like marriage, to enter contracts and to have maternity leave. Many years ago women were denied rights to study in which men still had the rights to rule in public life. After the changes in social behaviour or culture women's like to play their role inpublic life and prefer for conducting businesses without male person (Hirsch and Keller, 2015). Feminists movement refers to the range of political campaign which reforms on issues such as domestic violence, women's suffrage etc. they work a lot for the rights of women's, feminists worked to assure access to have maternity leave and legal abortions, they protect girls and women from sexual harassment, domestic violence, rape and other activities that effect their health. Functionalism concept refer functionalists believe that without shared beliefs and values, collective conscience, accomplish social order is impossible. Social order is important for well being of human and society. They trust that value accord forms basic desegregation principles in society. Functionalism is concept of sociological according to which communities and society consists of various but connected parts, each of that serves specific purpose. It is the social sciences' concept based on assumption, that all aspect of society, committee, institutions, norms etc, work together and serve services with the same purpose. Without any interaction and collaboration individual will never grow in their lives as whole (Koss Hartmann, 2014). Individual or group of people in society will need to communicate with another group of members which helps to increase their knowledge and skills. Without any interactions' society will survive for longer term of period which negatively affect human and well being of people. One nation or country does not have all the assets or resources to grow or to become developing country, some extent they need support form another. With the help of good collaboration and interaction one nation will be able to take helps form the other ones which helps to grow more and more.In sociological, interactionism the concept that derive social procedure from human interaction. In is the concept of how people shape society and are shaped by it through meaning that create in interaction. Interactionism defines the whole process of interactions with another via symbols, voice etc (Denzin, 2016). social interaction is face to face procedure that consist of activities, action, mutual adaption and reactions between two or more people's. It also includes humaninteraction and animal interactions such as mating. The process of interaction has been included all languages and mannerisms, the main goal of interaction is to collaborate and communicate with another in society. 3| P a g e
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Psychological concept- Psychological concept is used to provide the best model of understanding human emotions, thoughts and behaviors. All the concepts has been proposed with the common purpose to predict and explain different aspects of human behavior. Development concept is one of the best concept, it provides appropriate frame work for thinking about people growth, learning and human development. This concept defines basic understanding of human development that is essential to grow. Development means growth or improvement in human behavior in society. Development of individual person in society is very important for well being of human (Rayton and Yalabik, 2014). It helps them to survive in their lives and make people capable to perform well. People go through many changes in their lives and learn something new or different which helps to grow professional and personal development. Development concept is based on the growth and development or improvement of human's throughout its lifespan. Individual experience many things which make changes in their behavior, nature, emotions and intelligence. In development process people learn things through observing another person reactions or actions. By learning and understanding the thought or feeling of another, individual's learn unique or different activities in which they can use or adopt as development. For example, some people prefer towatch the activities or actions of other person and then learn, rather than do. The relationship between culture and concepts of health and disease relating to both casestudies.Patients and its families bring culture specific values and ideas that is related to concept of health, reporting symptoms and illness and expectations for how health service can be delivered and beliefs concerning treatments and medication. Families with orthodox culture beliefs that only female Doctors or health care specialist can give treatment to ladies. It defines that culture of people is connected with the concept of health.Diabetes is one of the disease that effect Raj live and make them ill more and more before. On the other hand Lucy is facing Asthma disease which also impact on her live.4| P a g e
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