2 Geography The ultisol in the south of the United States is of low quality due to human activities in agriculture. I think that the actions of the United States farmers in using pesticides and fertilizers havegreatlyaffectedthequalityofthesoil.Thechemicalproductsinfluencethesoil composition in terms of the nutrients present in the soil. The chemical qualities of the soil are affected by the fertilizers that are added to it (Gautam, 2019). Overuse of chemical fertilizers poses the danger of excessive acidification of the soil.A decrease in the organic matter of the soil may result due to the use of chemical fertilizers in the soil. The topsoil is damaged over an extended period when nitrogen is overused. The result is a low yield of the crops. The ultisol is naturally suitable for agriculture and forestry. When lime fertilizers are applied to the soil it supports agricultural activities suitably. There are also other chemicals such as pesticides that are used by the farmers in the southern parts of the United States. These chemicals degrade the soil of its properties by creating an imbalance in the composition of the nutrients available. The soil then loses its properties as new compounds and elements are added continuously (Zhu, et.al, 2019). Some of the chemicals are taken by the runoff water to the soil. In conclusion, I think the properties of the ultisol are being degraded by agricultural activities. Overuse of fertilizers and chemicals are degrading the ultisol of its properties and abilities to support forestry. The topsoil is affected significantly by the use of fertilizers and chemicals.
3 References Gautam, A. (2019). Long-Term Impacts of Manure and Inorganic Fertilization on Soil Physical, ChemicalandBiologicalProperties.Retrievedfrom: https://openprairie.sdstate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4682&context=etd Zhu, X., Liu, W., Chen, J., Bruijnzeel, L.A., Mao, Z., Yang, X., Cardinael, R., Meng, F.R., Sidle, R.C., Seitz, S. & Nair, V. D. (2019). Reductions in water, soil and nutrient losses and pesticide pollution in agroforestry practices: a review of evidence and processes.Plant andSoil,1-42.Retrievdfrom: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Remi_Cardinael/publication/337543298_Reductions _in_water_soil_and_nutrient_losses_and_pesticide_pollution_in_agroforestry_practices_ a_review_of_evidence_and_processes/links/5dde90e94585159aa44e2758/Reductions-in- water-soil-and-nutrient-losses-and-pesticide-pollution-in-agroforestry-practices-a-review- of-evidence-and-processes.pdf