
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act


Added on  2020-04-07

4 Pages740 Words41 Views
Address of SenderPhone:Email:Date: _____________Legislator’s Name AddressDear Honorable Sir,Subject: Explanation of issue relating to older American Act, Health policy regarding health careand profession of nursing.I have written this letter to seek your attention towards Patient Protection and Affordable CareAct of 2010 which is relating to health policy of Old American Act. The policy of PatientProtection and Affordable Care Act came into force on March 23, 2010. It is also written knownby the name of Obamacare because it was signed into law by President Barack Obama. I am infavour of this policy as the prime objective of this policy was to attain the expansion of coveragerelating to health insurance which can be specified as a necessity in present existing conditions.The main objective of policy: The prime objective of this act was to provide health insurance coverage extensively toAmericans in large number in terms of both health insurance exchanges as well as employer-provided plans. This Act mandated individuals as well as employers to get themselves or theiremployees for the minimum health insurance. If the same was not done in order, then penaltieswere charged on them. In views of Viall and et al. (2016), this Act assisted them to cover thenatives of American extensively.Advantages of policy
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Subsidies and tax credits were provided to individual consumers depending upon the level ofincome and dependents and small businesses on the level of insurance offered to employees. Thepolicy is in favour of developing the status of the individual and protecting their future. This Actprovided some exceptions too, i.e. persons on whom penalty would not be levied (Obama,2016). Due to this provision, it has considered the issues of people having lower income andfacing other financial issues. This includes the cases of financial hardship, religious objections,American Indians and people who have been uninsured for less than three months in last year orwhose health plan cost more than 8% of his income or where the individual has income belowthe basic exemption limit of tax. ThisMedicaid increased Up to 138 percent in proportionate tothe federal poverty level, i.e. $15415 in case of an individual and $31809 in case of a family of 4people for individuals under 65 (Mechanic and Olfson, 2016).Essential benefit covered in the planThe main benefits which were covered in this plan comprise emergency services, hospitalization,services relating to maternity and newborn baby care services, services relating to mental healthand substance abuse disorder, laboratory services, pediatric services which comprise vision andoral care services, services relating to rehabilitation, preventive and recovering disease whichcomprises management of chronic diseases (Barbaresco, Courtemanche and Qi, 2015).Overall, the policy has provided benefit to the society in all areas and has provided anopportunity to face incidental issues in an appropriate manner. Further, I wanted to thank you forproviding your concern to a subject like health insurance as it was necessarily required. I expectthat amendments will be made in same if in case any required.Sincerely,SignatureName_____________
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