
Aboriginal Health & Media Influence


Added on  2020-02-24

12 Pages2840 Words86 Views
Running head: NURSING ASSIGNMENTNursing assignmentName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor note
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1NURSING ASSIGNMENT1.There is a large life expectancy gap between the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders(TSI) and non-indigenous Australian population. Chronic diseases like diabetes, kidneydiseases, cardiovascular diseases, chronic lower respiratory diseases are the majorcontributor to the mortality among the Aboriginals and TSI population [ CITATIONFre16 \l 1033 ]. This health issue is rarely cured and persist over time that can be lifethreatening for the population. The potential years of life lost (PYLL) helps to measurethe number of deaths and age at which the death is occurring. Among the Aboriginals andTSI, there is 80% mortality gap aged 35 to 74 years contributed to chronic diseases[ CITATION Dow15 \l 1033 ]. There is high rate of chronic diseases at younger ages thatcontribute to increased death rates. The age and gender groups are the major contributorsto chronic diseases showing similar pattern. From the age of 35-54 years, men andwomen equally contribute to the mortality gap between the Aboriginals and non-indigenous Australian population. The social determinants of health that is important forthe Aboriginals and TSI population are the connection to the land and the act of beingforced to stay away from their families and traditional lands. The persistence of chronichealth issue is due to high levels of disadvantage. They live in remote locations andinaccessible to healthcare services that are not culturally appropriate to meet their specificneeds and services. Moreover, the healthcare services are too expensive for them toafford. Apart from all these factors, media also plays an important role in contributing tothis large life expectancy gap. About 74% of the media articles portray Aboriginal andTSI in a negative manner by creating pessimistic perceptions and stories about theircommunities [ CITATION Sto14 \l 1033 ]. Media portrays this community negativelyand frame the way people think about their chronic health issues. This also contributes to
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2NURSING ASSIGNMENTthe negative or inaccurate perception among this community regarding chronic healthissue [ CITATION Gon17 \l 1033 ]. 2.The non-profit media article is published by The Conversation, Australia on 2nd April2014 at 6.47am AEDT by Melissa Stoneham, Deputy Director, Public Health AdvocacyInstitute WA, Curtin University, Australia. The article highlighted that media negativelyportray Aboriginals and TSI by framing the way general audience think about thiscommunity (theconversation, 2017). It is true that Aboriginals and TSI experience a largelife expectancy gap as compared to the non-indigenous population and likely to die fourto five times more than the general population by 25 and 54 years [ CITATION Smi14 \l1033 ]. This news portrayal is bad, as media should look for positive stories of thiscommunity regarding their health issue. This overwhelming negative portrayal of articleframe the way general population view Aboriginal and TSI health. When this communityis portrayed as persistent drunkards, violent perpetrators, welfare dependant, it fuels thediscrimination and racial attitude among the wider Australian population [ CITATIONMen16 \l 1033 ]. This portrayal of racism has a major negative impact on the Aboriginaland TSI Australian health. This also gives rise to shame and presentation of barriers tothe mainstream Australian society. This media negative portrayal conveys the message ofdisadvantage among the wider population [ CITATION Can17 \l 1033 ]. Therefore, thesemedia articles tell half story and provide less scope for positive aspects for the Aboriginaland TSI community. Another news media article published by published by Probono, Australia in August2017 highlighted the positive and accurate information regarding the Aboriginal and TSIhealth (probonoaustralia.com.au, 2017). There are indigenous-driven organizations that
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3NURSING ASSIGNMENTare working to improve the chronic health conditions and well-being of the Aboriginalsand TSI people. They published the report released by The Lowitja Institute found thatlocal communities in Australia are taking better in charge of the indigenous populationand better health outcomes that can be achieved. The report showed that government isworking in collaboration with the local communities to provide better healthcare servicesdor the Aboriginals and TSI. They are working in robust partnership that are helping thecommunity to take the driver seat, bringing innovative reform aimed at improving thehealth and wellbeing of indigenous population. The news article highlighted the positivestory of this community providing accurate information about empowerment and nationalcapacity building that provide better health outcomes regarding chronic diseasecontributing to burden of disease. 3.According to Department of Health, Australia, about one third of the health gapexperienced by Aboriginals and TSI are attributed due to differences in cultural andsocial determinants of health. This shows that there are cultural and social factors that arebeyond the reach of health sector. The determinants include forced separation from thetraditional lands, community and family, racism, employment, income, housing, healthchoices and inequality in access to healthcare services [ CITATION Gre15 \l 1033 ]. The first media article negatively portrays Aboriginal and TSI health in the widerpopulation. There is negative stereotyping of the community that portrays them asdisadvantaged population. The media coverage of disadvantaged by the journalists fuelsracism and discrimination among the common population against Aboriginals and TSIpeople. This highlighting of cultural and social determinants by the media portrays apicture of racism and discrimination as Aboriginal and TSI are forced from their
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