
Active and Passive Warming in Preventing Postoperative Hypothermia


Added on  2020-10-23

13 Pages3354 Words236 Views
Disease and DisordersHealthcare and ResearchLanguages and Culture
Active and Passive Warming in Preventing Postoperative Hypothermia_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1BACKGROUND.............................................................................................................................1Definitions...................................................................................................................................2Aim..............................................................................................................................................2Postoperative interventions or strategies-...................................................................................3Primary result:.............................................................................................................................4Secondary results:.......................................................................................................................4Results..............................................................................................................................................5Interventions used by nurses ...........................................................................................................5Active warming methods............................................................................................................5Passive Warming methods..........................................................................................................7CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................8
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INTRODUCTIONTemperature control or hypothermia in the post anaesthetic care unit is one of theimportant element in achieving the improved outcome of patient. The literature shows that thelow body temperature of service users is connected with rise in co- morbidities and threat topatients. The following literature will pay a keen emphasis on the relevance themes which arelinked to postoperative hypothermia (Campbell et.al. 2015). Active and passive rewarming willbe analysed and evaluated in every research articles which will be discussed in literature. The review will also focus on rationale and background of the topic which has beenchosen and also the search strategy will also be discussed. The articles would be reviewedproperly, evaluated and synthesis into an argument which will be logical in order to suggest themost valid, specific and innovative methods for best practice. In order to support the discussionevidence based literature will also be used. The main objective of the literature is to create anappropriate clinical-aid in diagnosing postoperative hypothermia and developing a protocolwhich is warming in the PACU of the hospital. In accordance to Belayneh, Gebeyehu & Abdissa 2014 the fall in body's temperaturebelow 36 degree Celsius is termed as Inadvertent postoperative Hypothermia. This can be appearafter when patient has undergone any surgery in which anaesthetic medications were used.Another reason can be that the skin of patient was highly exposed, prolonged or extended duringthe surgery that directly impacts the functions of the regulatory body. It hampers the functioningof the body structure. The PACU nurses have the responsibility to recognise postoperativehypothermia and analyse the condition of patients promptly and accurately which can help themin preventing complications. BACKGROUNDMany studies shows that postoperative hypothermia has vivid outcomes which can befaced by service users such as issue in wound healing, and postoperative surgical site infection,problem in bleeding, heart related complications, or weak immune system form anaestheticmedicines. Postoperative hypothermia can one of the major reason for depression, anxiety, stress,restlessness and weakness. These signs and symptoms can be seen in them after undergoingsurgery. These problems faced by service users can severely impact their well-being and cancause delay in their recovery in PACU. This also results in rise of expenses for patient, whichmay occur as a serious concern for them. It is expected from PACU nurses to have a keen1
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understanding of the disease, should be qualified enough to handle the situation, and managingthe consequences arising from anaesthesia. Nurses should also take care of patients safety andwell-being while imparting comfort and care. They must make sure that the service users arekept in safe and secure conditions (Feldheiser et.al. 2016). Thus, the review of literature will analyse and evaluate the effect of hypothermia in thepostoperative service users and the suggestions in the administration of postoperativehypothermia in the PACU. Moreover, this would help in laying emphasis on implementatingarticulate effective strategies to encourage patient comfort and prevent consequences which arelinked with postoperative hypothermia. DefinitionsFor reviewing the literature these definitions were being used:Normothermia- A body temperature which lies between the temperature of 36 degreeCelsius to 38 degree Celsius.Hypothermia- This is a condition where the body temperature falls below 36 degreeCelsius.Passive warming- It is basically utilizing insulation system to decrease or preventoccurrence of heat loss in body with the help of conduction, convection, vaporization andradiation (Frisch et.al. 2017).Active warming- It can be define as the way which is used to develop and exchangewarmth or heat to a person who is suffering from postoperative hypothermia. It can be trasnferedwith the help of conduction, radiation or convection. AimThe main objective of the review of literature is to critique and develop an overview ofwritten material which is connected with the productivity and efficiency in handling withinadvertent postoperative hypothermia to service users who had undergone surgical process bymaking use of evidence based practice, care and interventions. Determining nursinginterventions for patients suffering from hypothermia and using passive and active warmingmethods to detect, prevent and cure the disease (Giuliano & Hendricks 2017). The critical appraisal skills program tool was used in order to do keen analysing andevaluation of the literature that consists of retroactive and potential cohort researches, systematicreview, randomized controlled trials, single descriptive, retrospective case-control trials, and2
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