
Sugar Tax Singapore Assessment 2022


Added on  2022-09-09

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Nutrition and Wellness
Sugar Tax
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Sugar Tax Singapore Assessment 2022_1

Lessons from the implementation of sugar tax policy in Mexico
The main purpose of presenting this briefing note is the implementation initiative undertaken
by Mexico for the sugar tax and thereby, reducing the consumption of sugar for people. The policies
that have been implemented by them are one form of a learning experience and are required to be
implemented in Singapore such that the prevalence rate of obesity is reduced among the people. For
the appropriate implementation, health care services in middle and low-income countries are a huge
challenge; less appreciation is given to the threat of politics in the process of policymaking.
Current situation:
The extent of children in Singapore who are obese or overweight rose from 11 per cent in
2011 to 13 per cent in 2017i. Like most nations in the Asia-Pacific locale, a quick-paced way of life
and the reasonableness of beverages and foods which are processed has incited rising quantities of
Singaporeans to devour more sugar. This, thus, has prompted them putting on weight, and more
instances of noncommunicable illnesses, for example, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancerii.
As per an overview a year ago by Singapore's Health Promotion Board, Singaporeans on normal
expend 60 grams of sugar a day - higher than the 25 grams prescribed by the World Health
Organization. The greater part of this admission is from sugar-sweetened beveragesiii. The board said
drinking an extra 250 milliliters of sugar-sweetened refreshments consistently builds the danger of
diabetes by up to 26 per cent. A milestone ban in Singapore on promoting drinks with high sugar
content has at long last tended to one of the key purposes for the rising incidence rate of obesity in
childhood - the unregulated advertising of food itemsiv. By applying this ban to just the most
unfortunate items, the industry is given a solid impetus to re-evaluate. The drink fabricating
organizations are given the message to make just healthy food items with the end goal that they get
Sugar Tax Singapore Assessment 2022_2

an opportunity of publicizing their items and produce an income for them and the nationv. In any
case, decreasing their presentation to luring advertisements is not enough because those different
roads are utilized to pull in clients to sugary beverages, including retail and cheap food outlets.
It is alarming to realize that, in Mexico, 70% of children living in rustic networks have sodas
with breakfast. Be that as it may, this issue is not observed to be exclusive to the rural and provincial
territories; it influences most by far of this nation where more soda drinks are expended than
anyplace else on the planet. The downsides of high utilization of soda drinks, sugar-sweetened
drinks, and vitality rich nourishments are not restricted to the effectively significant worry over the
morbidity related with these propensities, yet in addition to their effect on family units and national
economiesvi. It has been determined that 10% of family earnings in Mexico are spent on these items
and that the expense of clinic care for health complications of diabetes and hypertension came to
MXN 68 000 million in 2008, an incredibly high and disturbing figure when one thinks about that
the whole spending plan of a province of Mexico for that year, e.g., Jalisco, was MXN 79 000
million. Considering these conditions, different CSOs recommended that the Federal Government of
Mexico should require a 20% tax on sugar-sweetened drinks. Children who routinely devour sugar-
sweetened refreshments between suppers were 2.4 times bound to be overweight as contrasted and
youngsters who did not expend such drinks. A connection between intake of soft-drink and the
metabolic disorder has been found in Mexico. Insights show that people who drink at least two
sugar-sweetened refreshments per day are at a twofold danger of building up the metabolic disorder,
a sickness related to expanded triglycerides and diminished high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
levels. Besides, a positive relationship has been affirmed between the admission of sugar-sweetened
refreshments and the rate of hypertension.
Among the endeavours embraced in Mexico, in 2010, the Government—through the Ministry
of Health—advanced the National Agreement for Healthy Nutrition: A Strategy to Reduce
Sugar Tax Singapore Assessment 2022_3

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