
Visitor Attraction Management in the UK


Added on  2020-02-05

12 Pages3805 Words47 Views
Languages and Culture
Visitor Attraction Management in the UK_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1Overlap of visitor attraction sites ...............................................................................................11.2 Importance of visitor attraction sites.....................................................................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................32.1 Evaluation of needs and motivation of different visitor types..............................................32.2 Impact of tourism on visitor attraction..................................................................................42.3 Impact of tourism theories on management of visitor attraction..........................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................63.1 Process and political issues in development of the visitor attraction....................................6TASK 4............................................................................................................................................74.1 Different visitor management strategies...............................................................................74.2 Evaluation of management techniques in sustainability.......................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9Illustration IndexIllustration 1: Windermere...............................................................................................................2
Visitor Attraction Management in the UK_2

Visitor Attraction Management in the UK_3

INTRODUCTIONThe Visitor attractions are those places which includes various natural and man madelocations that are potential to draw attention of different tourists and local visitors as well. Thesesites form an essential factor in increasing the tourism at a particular place and also helps inmotivating the travellers in selecting a specifies destination of the tourism. The tourism is asignificant factor that help in development of a country by contributing in enhancing the GDP ofnation (Ritchie, Chien and Sharifpour, 2017). The present report has been made with a focus onvarious visitor attraction sites of UK. Accordingly, the report will contain discussion over theimportance of these sites. Besides this, the there will be a focus on various issues and procedureswhich are followed for the development of visitor attraction sites. TASK 1Overlap of visitor attraction sites The visitor attraction sites involve a number of places that can be classified under naturalplaces, man- made buildings, religious places, theme parks etc. Many of such places are thosewhich are based on sites that have the potential of attracting tourists for visiting the placebecause of its beauty, while on other hand, for some of the visitors, they have the importance forcultural purpose. In London, there are many examples of such type of locations that overlaps theattraction purposes. It is essential that all such places of the attractions form majority party whichis able to attract the travellers for visiting purposes. In London, there are various places whichhave a major importance in relation to its cultural, heritage and natural sceneries (Salazar andSquire, 2015). As per this, they have a special importance in providing the economical, socialand political advantages to the country. Besides this, the government and many other agencieswho are responsible for the development of such sectors play an important role in thedevelopment of such sites so that they can have the large number of people for visiting the placesof tourism in country. For clarifying the overlap that comes in the visitor attraction places, it canbe understood with the illustration of a famous place in London. The Windermere, in England is a largest natural lake which is surrounded by the naturalbeauties of mountains and rivers. This place is very famous for different activities that take placein this area. This site has the potential of attracting a large number of visitors and touristsbecause of its natural beauty and the places of adventure near it (Sirgy and Uysal, 2016). In its1
Visitor Attraction Management in the UK_4

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