
Employee Relations and Conflict Resolution


Added on  2020-02-12

17 Pages4994 Words243 Views
Carmen Ioana ChiceaHNDB 12357Nikolaidis KonstantinosEMPLOYEE RELATIONS
Employee Relations and Conflict Resolution_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................1TASK 1: REFLECTIVE ESSAY...............................................................................................................1TASK 2..............................................................................................................................................32.1 Procedure to be followed by NHS employer for dealing with the different conflictsituation.......................................................................................................................................32.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of procedures followed so far from both parties in thisconflict situation..........................................................................................................................5TASK 3..............................................................................................................................................53.1 The role of negotiation in collective bargaining as in the above conflict..............................53.2 Assessment of the impact of the negotiation strategies adopted by both parties...............6TASK 4..............................................................................................................................................74.1 Influences of the EU on industrial democracy in the UK.......................................................74.2 Comparison of the methods used to gain employee participation and involvement in thedecision making process in organizations...................................................................................74.3 Assess the impact human resource management approach has had on employeerelations.......................................................................................................................................8CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................10
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INTRODUCTIONEmployee and employer relationship is the major concern at the workplaces, whichmakes remarkable impacts over the businesses. Employee relation is fundamentallyrelationship between the higher authorities and the subordinates within the organisationalframework. The organisation identifies the requirements of the employees and initiates tomaintain healthy interactions with them as it lays a direct impact over the performances aswell. The present report is being carried out with the intention to address various aspects ofemployee relations at the workplace. It would evaluate the implication of unitary and pluralisticframework within the organisation and would focus on diversified aspect of employee relationmanagement. It would be assessing the impacts of changes on trade unionism on the employeerelation. The report would also evaluate the key feature of employee relations in a conflictingsituation specifically. Furthermore, the role of negotiating in the collective bargaining in any ofthe conflicting situations would be evaluating in the report. It would even assess the effects ofnegotiation strategies being adopted by the conflicting parties effectively. Additionally, thereport would evaluate the EU influences on the industrial democracy in UK effectively. It wouldbe even assessing the impacts on the employee relations of human resource managementapproach effectively. 1
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TASK 1: REFLECTIVE ESSAY1.1Conflicts in the general terms are the disagreements over any of the specific situation and leadstowards the enlarged issues.It are being the most widespread situation being faced at theworkplaces. These conflicts are generally occurred due to the various disagreements or otherreasons within a group of people or between the individuals. In context to the conflicts, thereare various perspectives being found within the organisational framework. Among those,unitary and pluralistic frame of references are the most common aspect of the perspective overthe conflicts. The pluralistic frames of references state that there are different interests of theemployees and the managers over a single factor. The pluralistic perspective largely focuses onthe evaluation of the bargaining contracts and involves the collective bargaining conflicts aswell (Clarke.et.al, 2015). It has been found that the unitary and pluralistic perspectives towardsthe conflicts mainly include different manners and are inclined towards the resolution of theconflicts effectively. On the contrary, to this, the perspective of unitary frames mainly involves the mannersof thinking, assuming, practices, attitudes and the values, which are focused with themanagerial and organisational framework within the business. It is being a harmonious systemwhich permits the employees and the management of the organisation to exchange the similargoals, objectives, interest, etc. and perform their responsibilities towards the achievement ofthe shared goals. The unitary framework of perspective claims to have loyalty of the employeesamong each other (Levinson, 2013). Per my learning, the major focus of unitary perspective ofconflicts is on the evaluation of the workplace so that to find out the root cause of the conflictand analyse the situation as well. Along with this, the unitary perspective frame is focused onthe individual engagement of the workforce in various areas such as conflict negotiations,leadership, responsibilities, etc. while the Pluralistic framework indicates the engagement ofthe stakeholders in those fields of organisation. 2
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