2 Tariff is a tax or duty payable to the government for any kinds of import from the other countries of the world. This makes the products from the source country costlier than the products from the domestic market. This tool is mainly used by the government to protect the domestic sellers. Australia imposes tariff on textiles products exported from Bangladesh. Therefore, the welfare in the economy of Bangladesh reduces. This is due to the fact that, exporting products from the economy of Bangladesh becomes costlier due to the imposition of tariff. Therefore, excess supply of textiles appears in the market of Bangladesh leading to a welfare loss (Alston, 2019). Apart from that the economy of Bangladesh may also experience a reductionintheaggregatedemandthatinturncanleadtoeconomicdownturnin Bangladesh. The domestic demand for textiles will not be able to absorb all the surplus of the market leading to huge increase in the inventory. Therefore, it is recommended to Australia to eliminate the tariff on the textile products exported from Bangladesh. It is recommended not only for the interest of the Bangladeshi economy but also for the interest of the Australian economy as well (Ukkusuriet al.2016). The imposition of tariff would also reduce the overall price of textiles in Australia leading to a shrink in the demand and hence reduction in the size of the industry in Australia. The cost of production can also rise in Australia due to the imposition of tariff. Therefore, it will be mutually beneficial if Australia eliminates the tariff on the textile products exported from Bangladesh.
3 Reference Alston, M. (2019). Gender, Politics, and Water in Australia and Bangladesh.People and Climate Change: Vulnerability, Adaptation, and Social Justice, 165. Ukkusuri,S.V.,Mesa-Arango,R.,Narayanan,B.,Sadri,A.M.,&Qian,X. (2016).Evolution of the Commonwealth Trade Network: Hubs, Criticality and Global Value Chains(No. 2016/07). International Trade Working Paper, 331-334.