
Tourism and Sustainable Development


Added on  2020-06-06

13 Pages3652 Words122 Views
Tourism and Sustainable Development_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1LO 1.................................................................................................................................................11.1 development in travel and tourism sector.........................................................................11.2 structure of travel and tourism..........................................................................................2LO 2.................................................................................................................................................42.1 function of government and government sponsored bodies and international agency ontravel and tourism...................................................................................................................42.2 influence of local and national economic policy..............................................................42.3 implications of political change on travel and tourism....................................................4LO 3 ................................................................................................................................................53.1 factors affecting demand of tourism.................................................................................53.2 effects of supply to change demand.................................................................................6LO 4 ................................................................................................................................................64.1 positive and negative impact on economic, environmental and social factors.................64.2 strategies to minimise the negative impact and maximising the positive impact.............8CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
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INTRODUCTIONThe business of attracting the customers or visitors for accommodating and entertainingby the various activities availed by the traveller is tourism. The movement or travelling of thepeople for the purpose of meeting, events, family trips etc. between two more countries by automobile, train, bus, boat, air plane etc. is known as travel. Here the organisation taken is TUIgroup which the largest leisure travel and tourism company in the world (Zhang and Gao, 2016).In the present report the development in this sector, structure, functions of the governmentsponsored bodies, implication of the factors and effects of supply and demand will be discussed.Sources : (Travel and tourism, 2017)LO 11.1 Explain key historical developments in the travel and tourism sector The basic cause and consequence of the economic development of the country globally istravel and tourism sector which help to raise the gross revenue and the foreign exchangeearnings. In United Kingdom, London is the most popular place for the tourist to be visited as ithas many impressive destinations with rich and vibrant culture. The grand tours which werefacilitated by the British government between the late 16th and early 19th centuries gave rise to thenew boundaries of tourism, horizon of travel and tourism. During the industrial revolution period1Illustration 1: Travel and Tourism
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the demand of tourism raised rapidly and the introduction of the new packages for the travelservices in 1841, paid holiday benefits to the middle class and strain of modern life createddemands for the rest and recreation. The contemporary world considered London as the city withleading tourism with the trade component included in it (Hudson and Thal, 2013). The merger ofEnglish tourism councils and the British tourist authority as to visit Britain has conducted theprograms of preserving, maintaining and promoting eminent historic places. London has alwaysmade an extensive use of new technology and science for the industry to grow and help thegovernment to increase the economy of the nation. The increasing competition will force theindustry to use the database in a sophisticated manner for the purpose of marketing and thedevelopment with the awareness of cultural and environmental context.1.2 Explain the structure of the travel and tourism sectorHospitality : the main area inthe travel and tourism sector ishospitality as it reflects thebasic services of the hotels(Kumar and Hussain, 2014.).Every hotel tries to provide theoptimum level of hospitality soas the TUI group. It helps toretain as well as to make thenew customers to visit theplace again.Accommodation : the differentform of accommodationTour operation : theorganisation puts all thecomponents together to givethe best services to theircustomers such as transportfacilities, finance services,accommodation as well asancillary services according tothe packages selected by thecustomers. Ancillary services : the traveland tourism industry providessome services and functions tosupport their customers and tomake them comfortable whiletravelling. The servicesinclude financial services,insurances, marketingTravel agents : these are thepeople who make the workeasier and faster for thecustomers in the organisation.The agents provide thecomplete information aboutthe package, places, hotels andother services to the visitors tomake their trip easier (Scottand et.al., 2016.).Transportation : the industryalso deals in the trade activitieswhich is a crucial element inthe industry for the people orthe visitors visiting from2
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