
Australia and the World


Added on  2022-12-20

6 Pages1323 Words3 Views
Political Science
Australia and the World
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Name of the University
Author Note
Australia and the World_1

Week 2
Tony Abbott’s speech on Australia being nothing but “bush” in the year 1788
Tony Abbott, who is referred to as the “self-appointed Prime Minister of the country
is known to have stated to the business leaders at an international business breakfast meeting
that the country “Australia”, as they know it now, was nothing but bush when it was
discovered in the year 1788.
The Prime Minister then continues his speech of lifting the disadvantages of the
Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islander people so that they don’t face any problem in the
country but at the same time, also does not mention about the oldest culture that had
continued in the country. However, he ignored the Aboriginal community living in the
country even before the white people who came there. From the Prime Minister’s speech, the
audience might have the opinion that Mr. Abbott might be ignoring the needs and the
demands of the natives in the country (Allam, 2019).
The author concluded his statement by expressing his astonishment at how such a
land covered with bushes developed into one of the well-known cities of the world. His
statements give the ideas to the audience that he is more concerned with the development of
the white people than that of the native people of the country.
Week 4
Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s speech on Australia Debate Day
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison had made an important announcement
regarding the Australia Day by stating that the Australians had the right to celebrate the
Australia Day in the country. However, at the same time, The Prime Minister had also
focused on the need for organizing a day for the indigenous people of the country so that they
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would be able to celebrate a day that is dedicated only to the indigenous people of the country
(Zappavigna, 2019).
The main issue which led to the indigenous people being unhappy in this matter is
because of the fact that the white skinned people were able to celebrate their own day while
the indigenous and the native people of Australia did not have a day for them to celebrate
themselves. Therefore, the Prime Minister Scott Morrison felt it was necessary to dedicate a
day to these indigenous people of the country to allow them to celebrate their origins
(Zappavigna, 2019).
Thus, the discussion by the Prime Minister of the country can be seen as a deliberate
means to keep both the Australians as well as the indigenous people of the country happy
with each other. That is exactly what the speech given by Prime Minister Morrison talks
about in the article itself.
Week 5
Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Kids going back to the schools
Climate Problems have been a major issue in the country of Australia. It is as a result
of such climatic change occurrences throughout the world. It is because of so much natural
disasters in the world that Australia had been suffering from problems of climate change. It is
because of many disasters in the country that the school students decided to make strike in
their schools to force the Government to bring about changes related to the climate of the
As stated by Bedo (2019), Scott Morrison, when he is being questioned about in this
issue in the Parliament of Australia, he states that the issue presented by the climate in the
country is true but the fact remains that the kids should not be bunking their classes or
declaring strikes in their schools. Morrison is right on this matter he felt that the students
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