
Australian History


Added on  2023-04-23

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Australian History
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Australian History_1

Answer 1)
There were aspects in relation to Australian history from the year 1788 to that of 1901
that brought out the fact that those who were in power wanted to make it a country for the
white man. There was gold rush legacy that took place in 1850 that brought out the fact that
the powerful people in Australia wanted to create the conditions that would be suitable for the
flourishing of the white man. The mining of quartz required large amount of investment that
proved to be favourable for the prosperity of the white man. The miners who resisted became
the working class employees. There was the occurrence of anti-chinese racism when the
government imposed restrictions on that of Chinese immigration (Simmonds, Rees and Clark
2017). The democracy in Australia was constrained by that of plural voting and it gave birth
to an unequal society that proved to be prosperous for the white people. In the year 1901, the
prosperity in Australia was on the basis of export industries that was highly productive.
Housing along with infrastructure acted as the key driver of the domestic economy of
Australia that acted to the benefit of those people who were powerful.
Answer 2)
The significance of Whitlam government lies in the fact that it recognised the aspect
of Communist China. The Labour government of Whitlam supported the element of equal
pay for the women that helped in bringing about changes in the Australian society.
Importance of the Whitlam government lies in the fact that it increased the expenditure on
that of health, education along with arts. Whitlam was instrumental in introducing Medibank
that was a health insurance system within Australia. Gough William brought about
opportunities that can help in serving all the students of Australia. Importance of the Whitlam
government lies in the fact that he wanted to remove poverty from the face of Australia which
can bring about a change in the society (MacKenzie 2017). The Whitlam government
Australian History_2

established The States Grants Act 1973 along with Schools Commission Act 1973 that helped
in the creation of new system pertaining to fairer funding. The Whitlam government was
famous for the abolition of the university fees that took place in the year 1974. There were
many prominent personalities of Australia who was able to achieve success owing to the
contributions of Whitlam. Gough Whitlam was able to give Australia new destiny because he
had a new approach towards indigenous owners in Australia.
Answer 3)
Jennifer Robinson has the opinion that American Bill of Rights can act as a model
within Australia. She feels that this kind of a bill in Australia would be able to guarantee the
civil rights along with liberties of the individuals living in Australia. According to Jennifer
Robinson, a bill built on the model of that of American Bill of Rights can help in setting rules
pertaining to process of the law and it reserves the powers that are not delegated to Federal
Government to people (Rossum 2018). A bill like that of American Bill of Rights can help in
respecting the basic rights of the individual citizens and it would be able to afford protection
to the indigenous people living in Australia. There are people belonging to indigenous
communities in Australia and a bill was required that can prove to be instrumental in
protecting them from the other community of people living in Australia. A bill built on the
model of that of American Bill of Rights can help in providing protection to the people of
Australia against any kind of unreasonable searches that can harass the Australians. It shall
forbid taking of the life or liberty without any kind of due process of the law and the taking of
the private property for that of public use (Ravenscroft 2016).
Answer 4)
There are various kinds of interpretations in regard to domestic violence crisis within
Australia. There exist a large number of women in Australia who lose their life to that of
Australian History_3

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